Valid Number
Steve Mynott
You want to check if a string is a valid number.
Most of the time you will not need to do this. Rather then testing for a scalar's numerical nature you can ensure that the variable contains a number by setting its type. Assigning a number to that variable will cause it to be coerced into an integer or a number.
Ensure that a variable is used to store a real number.
my Num $number;
Ensure that a variable is used to store an integer.
my Int $integer;
Sometimes you need to validate a string from some source corresponds to a real or an integer. In this situation compare it against the rule for integers or reals.
#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
sub type ( $string) {
print $string ~ ' is a ';
given $string {
when Int { say "Integer"; }
when Rat { say "Rational"; }
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