class X::Redeclaration

Compilation error due to declaring an already declared symbol
class X::Redeclaration does X::Comp { }

Thrown when a symbol (variable, routine, type, parameter, ...) is redeclared. Note that redeclarations are generally fine in an inner scope, but if the redeclaration appears in the same scope as the original declaration, it usually indicates an error and is treated as one.


my $x; my $x;

dies with

Redeclaration of symbol $x

It works with routines too:

sub f() { }
sub f() { }

dies with

Redeclaration of routine f

But those are fine

my $x;
sub f() {
    my $x;          # not a redeclaration,
                    # because it's in an inner scope
    sub f() { };    # same


method symbol

Returns the name of the symbol that was redeclared.

method what

Returns the kind of symbol that was redeclared. Usually symbol, but can also be routine, type etc.

method postfix

Returns a string that is attached to the end of the error message. It usually explains the particular problem in more detail, or suggests way to fix the problem.

See Also

class Backtrace

Snapshot of the dynamic call stack

class Backtrace::Frame

Single frame of a Backtrace

role CX::Done

Done control exception

role CX::Emit

Emit control exception

role CX::Last

Last control exception

role CX::Next

Next control exception

role CX::Proceed

Proceed control exception

role CX::Redo

Redo control exception

role CX::Return

Return control exception

role CX::Succeed

Succeed control exception

role CX::Take

Take control exception

role CX::Warn

Control exception warning

class Exception

Anomalous event capable of interrupting normal control-flow

class Failure

Delayed exception

class X::AdHoc

Error with a custom message

class X::Anon::Augment

Compilation error due to augmenting an anonymous package

class X::Anon::Multi

Compilation error due to declaring an anonymous multi

class X::Assignment::RO

Exception thrown when trying to assign to something read-only

class X::Attribute::NoPackage

Compilation error due to declaring an attribute outside of a package

class X::Attribute::Package

Compilation error due to declaring an attribute in an ineligible package

class X::Attribute::Required

Compilation error due to not declaring an attribute with the is required trait

class X::Attribute::Undeclared

Compilation error due to an undeclared attribute

class X::Augment::NoSuchType

Compilation error due to augmenting a non-existing type

class X::Bind

Error due to binding to something that is not a variable or container

class X::Bind::NativeType

Compilation error due to binding to a natively typed variable

class X::Bind::Slice

Error due to binding to a slice

class X::Caller::NotDynamic

Error while trying to access a non dynamic variable through CALLER

class X::Cannot::Empty

Error due to inappropriate usage of an empty collection

class X::Cannot::Lazy

Error due to inappropriate usage of a lazy list

class X::Channel::ReceiveOnClosed

Error due to calling receive on a closed channel

class X::Channel::SendOnClosed

Error due to calling send on a closed channel

class X::Composition::NotComposable

Compilation error due to composing an ineligible type

class X::Constructor::Positional

Error due to passing positional arguments to a default constructor

role X::Control

Role for control exceptions

class X::ControlFlow

Error due to calling a loop control command in an ineligible scope

class X::ControlFlow::Return

Error due to calling return outside a routine

class X::DateTime::TimezoneClash

Error due to using both time zone offset and :timezone

class X::Declaration::Scope

Compilation error due to a declaration with an ineligible scope

class X::Declaration::Scope::Multi

Compilation error due to declaring a multi with an ineligible scope

class X::Does::TypeObject

Error due to mixing into a type object

class X::Dynamic::NotFound

Runtime error thrown when a dynamic variable does not exist

class X::Eval::NoSuchLang

Error due to specifying an unknown language for EVAL

class X::Export::NameClash

Compilation error due to exporting the same symbol twice

class X::Inheritance::NotComposed

Error due to inheriting from a type that's not composed yet

class X::Inheritance::Unsupported

Compilation error due to inheriting from an ineligible type

class X::IO::BinaryMode

Error while invoking methods on a handle in binary mode.

class X::IO::Chdir

Error while trying to change the working directory

class X::IO::Chmod

Error while trying to change file permissions

class X::IO::Chown

Error while trying to change file ownership

class X::IO::Copy

Error while trying to copy a file

class X::IO::Cwd

Error while trying to determine the current working directory

class X::IO::Dir

Error while trying to get a directory's contents

class X::IO::DoesNotExist

Error while doing file tests on a non existing path

class X::IO::Link

Error while trying to create a link

class X::IO::Mkdir

Error while trying to create a directory

class X::IO::Move

Error while trying to move a file

class X::IO::Rename

Error while trying to rename a file or directory

class X::IO::Rmdir

Error while trying to remove a directory

class X::IO::Symlink

Error while trying to create a symbolic link

class X::IO::Unlink

Error while trying to remove a file

class X::Method::InvalidQualifier

Error due to calling a qualified method from an ineligible class

class X::Method::NotFound

Error due to calling a method that isn't there

class X::Method::Private::Permission

Compilation error due to calling a private method without permission

class X::Method::Private::Unqualified

Compilation error due to an unqualified private method call

class X::Mixin::NotComposable

Error due to using an ineligible type as a mixin

class X::NoDispatcher

Error due to calling a dispatch command in an ineligible scope

class X::Numeric::CannotConvert

Error while trying to coerce a number to another type

class X::Numeric::DivideByZero

Error while trying to divide by zero

class X::Numeric::Real

Error while trying to coerce a number to a Real type

class X::NYI

Error due to use of an unimplemented feature

class X::Obsolete

Compilation error due to use of obsolete syntax

class X::OutOfRange

Error due to indexing outside of an allowed range

class X::Package::Stubbed

Compilation error due to a stubbed package that is never defined

class X::Parameter::Default

Compilation error due to an unallowed default value in a signature

class X::Parameter::MultipleTypeConstraints

Compilation error due to a parameter with multiple type constraints

class X::Parameter::Placeholder

Compilation error due to an unallowed placeholder in a signature

class X::Parameter::Twigil

Compilation error due to an unallowed twigil in a signature

class X::Parameter::WrongOrder

Compilation error due to passing parameters in the wrong order

class X::Phaser::Multiple

Compilation error due to multiple phasers of the same type

class X::Phaser::PrePost

Error due to a false return value of a PRE/POST phaser

class X::Placeholder::Block

Compilation error due to a placeholder in an ineligible block

class X::Placeholder::Mainline

Compilation error due to a placeholder in the mainline

class X::Proc::Async::AlreadyStarted

Error due to calling start on an already started Proc::Async object

class X::Proc::Async::BindOrUse

Error due to trying to bind a handle that is also used

class X::Proc::Async::CharsOrBytes

Error due to tapping the same Proc::Async stream for both text and binary reading

class X::Proc::Async::MustBeStarted

Error due to interacting with a Proc::Async stream before spawning its process

class X::Proc::Async::OpenForWriting

Error due to writing to a read-only Proc::Async object

class X::Proc::Async::TapBeforeSpawn

Error due to tapping a Proc::Async stream after spawning its process

class X::Proc::Unsuccessful

Exception thrown if a Proc object is sunk after the process it ran exited unsuccessfully

class X::Promise::CauseOnlyValidOnBroken

Error due to asking why an unbroken promise has been broken.

class X::Promise::Vowed

Error due to directly trying to keep/break a vowed promise.

class X::Role::Initialization

Error due to passing an initialization value to an ineligible role

class X::Scheduler::CueInNaNSeconds

Error caused by passing NaN to Scheduler.cue as :at, :in, or :every

class X::Seq::Consumed

Error due to trying to reuse a consumed sequence

class X::Sequence::Deduction

Error due to constructing a sequence from ineligible input

class X::Signature::NameClash

Compilation error due to two named parameters with the same name

class X::Signature::Placeholder

Compilation error due to placeholders in a block with a signature

class X::Str::Match::x

Invalid argument type for :x argument to Str matching methods

class X::Str::Numeric

Error while trying to coerce a string to a number

class X::StubCode

Runtime error due to execution of stub code

class X::Syntax::Augment::WithoutMonkeyTyping

Compilation error due to augmenting a type without the MONKEY-TYPING pragma

class X::Syntax::Comment::Embedded

Compilation error due to a malformed inline comment

class X::Syntax::Confused

Compilation error due to unrecognized syntax

class X::Syntax::InfixInTermPosition

Compilation error due to an infix in term position

class X::Syntax::Malformed

Compilation error due to a malformed construct (usually a declarator)

class X::Syntax::Missing

Compilation error due to a missing piece of syntax

class X::Syntax::NegatedPair

Compilation error due to passing an argument to a negated colonpair

class X::Syntax::NoSelf

Compilation error due to implicitly using a self that is not there

class X::Syntax::Number::RadixOutOfRange

Compilation error due to an unallowed radix in a number literal

class X::Syntax::P5

Compilation error due to use of Perl-only syntax

class X::Syntax::Perl5Var

Compilation error due to use of Perl-only default variables

class X::Syntax::Regex::Adverb

Compilation error due to an unrecognized regex adverb

class X::Syntax::Regex::SolitaryQuantifier

Compilation error due to a regex quantifier without preceding atom

class X::Syntax::Reserved

Compilation error due to use of syntax reserved for future use

class X::Syntax::Self::WithoutObject

Compilation error due to invoking self in an ineligible scope

class X::Syntax::Signature::InvocantMarker

Compilation error due to a misplaced invocant marker in a signature

class X::Syntax::Term::MissingInitializer

Compilation error due to declaring a term without initialization

class X::Syntax::UnlessElse

Compilation error due to an unless clause followed by else

class X::Syntax::Variable::Match

Compilation error due to declaring a match variable

class X::Syntax::Variable::Numeric

Compilation error due to declaring a numeric symbol

class X::Syntax::Variable::Twigil

Compilation error due to an unallowed twigil in a declaration

class X::Temporal::InvalidFormat

Error due to using an invalid format when creating a DateTime or Date

class X::TypeCheck

Error due to a failed type check

class X::TypeCheck::Assignment

Error due to a failed type check during assignment

class X::TypeCheck::Binding

Error due to a failed type check during binding

class X::TypeCheck::Return

Error due to a failed typecheck during return

class X::TypeCheck::Splice

Compilation error due to a macro trying to splice a non-AST value

class X::Undeclared

Compilation error due to an undeclared symbol

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.