role Setty

Collection of distinct objects
role Setty does QuantHash { }

A role for collections which make sure that each element can only appear once. See Set and SetHash.


method new-from-pairs

method new-from-pairs(*@pairs --> Setty:D)

Constructs a Setty object from a list of Pair objects given as positional arguments:

say 'butter' => 0.22, 'salt' => 0, 'sugar' => 0.02;
    # OUTPUT: «Set(butter sugar)␤»

Note: be sure you aren't accidentally passing the Pairs as positional arguments; the quotes around the keys in the above example are significant.

method grab

method grab($count = 1)

Removes and returns $count elements chosen at random (without repetition) from the set.

If * is passed as $count, or $count is greater than or equal to the size of the set, then all its elements are removed and returned in random order.

Only works on mutable sets; When used on an immutable set, it results in an exception.

method grabpairs

method grabpairs($count = 1)

Removes $count elements chosen at random (without repetition) from the set, and returns a list of Pair objects whose keys are the grabbed elements and whose values are True.

If * is passed as $count, or $count is greater than or equal to the size of the set, then all its elements are removed and returned as Pairs in the aforementioned way in random order.

Only works on mutable sets; When used on an immutable set, it results in an exception.

method pick

multi method pick($count = 1)

Returns $count elements chosen at random (without repetition) from the set.

If * is passed as $count, or $count is greater than or equal to the size of the set, then all its elements are returned in random order (shuffled).

method pickpairs

multi method pickpairs(Setty:D: --> Pair:D)
    multi method pickpairs(Setty:D: $count --> Seq:D)

Returns a Pair or a Seq of Pairs depending on the candidate of the method being invoked. Each Pair returned has an element of the invocant as its key and True as its value. In contrast to grabpairs, the elements are 'picked' without replacement.

If * is passed as $count, or $count is greater than or equal to the number of elements of the invocant, then all element/True Pairs from the invocant are returned in a random sequence; i.e. they are returned shuffled;

Note that each pickpairs invocation maintains its own private state and has no effect on subsequent pickpairs invocations.

my $numbers = set (4, 2, 3);
    say $numbers.pickpairs;                           # OUTPUT: «4 => True␤»
    say $numbers.pickpairs(1);                        # OUTPUT: «(3 => True)␤»
    say $numbers.pickpairs(*);                        # OUTPUT: «(2 => True 4 => True 3 => True)␤»

method roll

multi method roll($count = 1)

Returns a lazy list of $count elements, each randomly selected from the set. Each random choice is made independently, like a separate die roll where each die face is a set element.

If * is passed as $count, the list is infinite.

method antipairs

multi method antipairs(Setty:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns all elements in the set and True as a Seq of Pairs, where the element itself is the value, i.e. the opposite of method pairs.

my $s =, 2, 3, 1);
    say $s.antipairs.sort;                            # OUTPUT: «(True => 1 True => 2 True => 3)␤»

method keys

multi method keys(Setty:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns a Seq of all elements of the set.

my $s =, 2, 3);
    say $s.keys;                                      # OUTPUT: «(3 1 2)␤»

method values

multi method values(Setty:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns a Seq containing as many True values as the set has elements.

my $s =, 2, 3);
    say $s.values;                                    # OUTPUT: «(True True True)␤»

method kv

multi method kv(Setty:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns a Seq of the set's elements and True values interleaved.

my $s =, 2, 3);
    say $s.kv;                                        # OUTPUT: «(3 True 1 True 2 True)␤»

method elems

method elems(Setty:D: --> Int)

The number of elements of the set.

method total

method total(Setty:D: --> Int)

The total of all the values of the QuantHash object. For a Setty object, this is just the number of elements.

method minpairs

multi method minpairs(Setty:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns the value of self.pairs (as all Pairs have minimum values). See also Any.minpairs

method maxpairs

multi method maxpairs(Setty:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns the value of self.pairs (as all Pairs have maximum values). See also Any.maxpairs

method default

method default(--> False)

Returns the default value of the invocant, i.e. the value which is returned when trying to access an element in the Setty object which has not been previously initialized or when accessing an element which has explicitly been set to Nil or False.

my $s1 =, 2, 3);
    say $s1{2};                                           # OUTPUT: «True␤»
    $s1{2} = Nil;
    say $s1{2};                                           # OUTPUT: «False␤»
    # access non initialized element
    say $s1{4};                                           # OUTPUT: «False␤»

method ACCEPTS

method ACCEPTS($other)

Returns True if $other and self contain all the same elements, and no others.

method Bag

method Bag(Setty:D: --> Bag:D)

Returns a Bag containing the elements of the invocant.

my Bag $b =, 2, 3).Bag;
    say $b;                                           # OUTPUT: «Bag(3 1 2)␤»

The quantity of the elements in this created bag will be set to one:

say (1,2,3).Bag{1};                              # OUTPUT: «1␤»

method BagHash

method BagHash(Setty:D: --> BagHash:D)

Returns a BagHash containing the elements of the invocant.

my BagHash $b =, 2, 3).BagHash;
    say $b;                                           # OUTPUT: «BagHash(1 2 3)␤»

method Bool

multi method Bool(Setty:D: --> Bool:D)

Returns True if the invocant contains at least one element.

my $s1 =, 2, 3);
    say $s1.Bool;                                     # OUTPUT: «True␤»
my $s2 = $s1 ∩, 5);                     # set intersection operator
    say $s2.Bool;                                     # OUTPUT: «False␤»

method Mix

method Mix(Setty:D: --> Mix:D)

Returns a Mix containing the elements of the invocant.

my Mix $b =, 2, 3).Mix;
    say $b;                                           # OUTPUT: «Mix(3 1 2)␤»

The elements of the returned Mix will have weights equal to 1:

say (1,2,3).Mix{3};                               # OUTPUT: «1␤»

method MixHash

method MixHash(Setty:D: --> MixHash:D)

Returns a MixHash containing the elements of the invocant.

my MixHash $b =, 2, 3).MixHash;
    say $b;                                           # OUTPUT: «MixHash(1 2 3)␤»

See Also

Sets, Bags, and Mixes

See Also

role Associative

Object that supports looking up values by key

role Baggy

Collection of distinct weighted objects

role Blob

Immutable buffer for binary data ('Binary Large OBject')

role Buf

Mutable buffer for binary data

role Iterable

Interface for container objects that can be iterated over

role Iterator

Generic API for producing a sequence of values

role Mixy

Collection of distinct objects with Real weights

role Positional

Object that supports looking up values by index

role PositionalBindFailover

Failover for binding to a Positional

role QuantHash

Object hashes with a limitation on the type of values

role Sequence

Common methods of sequences

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