role PositionalBindFailover

Failover for binding to a Positional
role PositionalBindFailover { ... }

This role provides an interface by which an object can be coerced into a Positional when binding to Positional parameters.

For example, Seq type is not Positional, but you can still write the following, because it does PositionalBindFailover role:

sub fifths(@a) {        # @a is constraint to Positional
    my $seq := gather {     # a Seq, which is not Positional
        take $_ for 1..*;
    say fifths($seq);       # OUTPUT: «5␤»

The invocation of fifths in the example above would ordinarily give a type error, because $seq is of type Seq, which doesn't do the Positional interface that the @-sigil implies.

But the signature binder recognizes that Seq does the PositionalBindFailover role, and calls its cache method to coerce it to a List, which does the Positional role.

The same happens with custom classes that do the role; they simply need to provide an iterator method that produces an Iterator:

class Foo does PositionalBindFailover {
        method iterator {
            class :: does Iterator {
                method pull-one {
                    return 42 unless $++;
sub first-five (@a) { @a[^5].say }
    first-five; # OUTPUT: # OUTPUT: «(42 Nil Nil Nil Nil)␤»


method cache

method cache(PositionalBindFailover:D: --> List:D)

Returns a List based on the iterator method, and caches it. Subsequent calls to cache always return the same List object.

method list

multi method list(::?CLASS:D:)

Returns a List based on the iterator method without caching it.

method iterator

method iterator(PositionalBindFailover:D:) { ... }

This method stub ensure that a class implementing role PositionalBindFailover provides an iterator method.

See Also

role Associative

Object that supports looking up values by key

role Baggy

Collection of distinct weighted objects

role Blob

Immutable buffer for binary data ('Binary Large OBject')

role Buf

Mutable buffer for binary data

role Iterable

Interface for container objects that can be iterated over

role Iterator

Generic API for producing a sequence of values

role Mixy

Collection of distinct objects with Real weights

role Positional

Object that supports looking up values by index

role QuantHash

Object hashes with a limitation on the type of values

role Sequence

Common methods of sequences

role Setty

Collection of distinct objects

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