
A nice utility for managing your dist environments. With this utility you can enable and disable certain module repositories without affecting the system wide repositories. Each repo is self contained and can easily be reset/updated without affecting the system's modules.


$ zef install Envy


If you want to fill up your terminal with message, all of these commands will also take --debug, --info, --silent, --loglevel=<Int> flags. --silent is only effective in commands where output is not required, config and version below both ignore this flag.

zef install ...

To install modules to your named repo, you should use:

$ zef install --to='Envy#<name>' [<modules> ...]

The to= flag will let zef know which repository you'd like the module installed with.

[-e|--enable = False] init [<names> ...]

Allows you to initialize multiple repos for general use and the -e flag provides a shortcut for enabling all of the provided repos.


Displays the repos that are managed by envy. A +<name> indicates the repo is enabled and a - prefix indicates a disabled repo. Typical output:

~ envy ls
==> + a1
==> + a2
==> + a3
==> + b1
==> - dev
==> - my-project
==> - test

enable [<names> ...]

Enables the given repos system wide.

disable [<names> ...]

Disables the given repos system wide.

destroy [<names> ...]

Disables and then removes that repository from the file system.


Displays the given config without any other marks so it can be piped to a formatter if desired.


Displays the currently running version of envy.

help [<command>]

Command is optional, displays help for the given command or for envy in general.


By default no named repos are initialized or used. When you use Envy this way, it uses the $*TMPDIR as a repository. This is effectively a no-op unless you go through the hassle of initializing and installing modules to that directory.

envy v0.0.1

Dist environment manager for raku!


  • Tony O'Dell




Test Dependencies


  • Envy
  • Envy::CLI
  • Envy::Config
  • Envy::Util::CRC32
  • Envy::Util::Dir
  • Envy::Util::Log
  • Envy::Util::Ls

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.