WriteOnceHash - be a Hash in which each key can only be set once
use WriteOnceHash;
# bind to predefined class
my %woh is WriteOnceHash;
%woh<a> = 5; # ok
%woh<a> = 1; # throws
when X::Hash::WriteOnce {
say "Sorry, already set {.key} before";
# mix in role on anything that does Associative
my %owoh{Any} does WriteOnce;
This module makes an WriteOnceHash
class available that can be used
instead of the normal Hash
. The only difference with a normal
is, is that if an attempt is made to set the value of a key that
has already been set before, an exception is thrown rather than just
overwriting the key in the Hash
Also binding to non-existing keys in the hash, and then assigning to the
obtained container, will only work once. Iterating over values of the
hash will only yield values, not containers (as a normal Hash
Also exports a X::Hash::WriteOnce
error class that will be thrown
if an attempt is made to set a key again.
The underlying WriteOnce
role is also exported that can be used on
objects that perform the Associative
role that are not Hash
as object hashes).
Elizabeth Mattijsen <[email protected]>
Source can be located at: https://github.com/lizmat/WriteOnceHash . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome.
Copyright 2018, 2020, 2021 Elizabeth Mattijsen
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.