WhereList - Simpler where
constraints for items of lists
use WhereList;
subset StrArray of Array where all-items Str, *.chars ā„ 3, *.contains: any <o a e>;
say [<foo bar meow>] ~~ StrArray; # OUTPUT: Ā«Trueā¤Ā»
say ['dddrrrrrrrrr'] ~~ StrArray; # OUTPUT: Ā«Falseā¤Ā»
say [<ha ha ha ha >] ~~ StrArray; # OUTPUT: Ā«Falseā¤Ā»
say [<ooh come onn>] ~~ StrArray; # OUTPUT: Ā«Trueā¤Ā»
class Foo {
has @.bar where all-items any Str|Nil|Int:D, * === Any
sub foo (
@meows where all-items(/meow/), # <-- use parens to avoid gobbling of params that follow
@barks where all-items(/woof/) = ['woof'], # <-- or to add defaults
) {
Type-constraining elements of list parameters, attributes, and subsets can be done with `where` clauses, however, they can quickly get overly complex when you want to constraint using multiple requirements. This module addresses that problem!
sub all-items(+@matchers)
See SYNOPSIS for sample use.
Takes a list of matchers (anything that can be fed to
.grep. Returns a
Callable that a where
can use to check whether all items in a list match all of these matchers.
Matchers will be checked in the order provided, short-circuiting as soon as
a matcher fails. If an exception occurs during matching, it will be turned
into a Failure, gracefully failing
the type check.
Notes and tips
An empty list always matches the type constraint.
There's no thunking involved. where all-items .so
is an error, as .so
will be called on the list itself, not each of the elements and its return
value will be used as a matcher. Use
WhateverCode instead:
where all-items *.so
Don't forget to add parens around the args when more params follow this
routine (see sub
example in SYNOPSIS).
Don't drink bleach.
Zoffix Znet
Copyright 2015 - 2016 Zoffix Znet
Copyright 2017 - 2022 Raku Community
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.