Add app access restrictions
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.add-app-access-restrictions( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Positional :$apps!
Add status check contexts
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.add-status-check-contexts( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Positional :$contexts!
Add team access restrictions
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.add-team-access-restrictions( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Positional :$teams!
Add user access restrictions
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.add-user-access-restrictions( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Positional :$users!
Create commit signature protection
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.create-commit-signature-protection( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Delete access restrictions
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.delete-access-restrictions( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Delete admin branch protection
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.delete-admin-branch-protection( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Delete branch protection
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.delete-branch-protection( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Delete commit signature protection
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.delete-commit-signature-protection( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Delete pull request review protection
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.delete-pull-request-review-protection( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Get access restrictions
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.get-access-restrictions( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Get admin branch protection
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.get-admin-branch-protection( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Get all status check contexts
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.get-all-status-check-contexts( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Get apps with access to the protected branch
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.get-apps-with-access-to-protected-branch( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Get a branch
See repos/get-branch
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.get-branch( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Get branch protection
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.get-branch-protection( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Get commit signature protection
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.get-commit-signature-protection( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Get pull request review protection
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.get-pull-request-review-protection( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Get status checks protection
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.get-status-checks-protection( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Get teams with access to the protected branch
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.get-teams-with-access-to-protected-branch( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Get users with access to the protected branch
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.get-users-with-access-to-protected-branch( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
List branches
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.list-branches( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Bool :$protected
, Int(Str) :$per-page
, Int(Str) :$page
Remove app access restrictions
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.remove-app-access-restrictions( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Positional :$apps!
Remove status check contexts
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.remove-status-check-contexts( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Positional :$contexts!
Remove status check protection
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.remove-status-check-protection( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Remove team access restrictions
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.remove-team-access-restrictions( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Positional :$teams!
Remove user access restrictions
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.remove-user-access-restrictions( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Positional :$users!
Rename a branch
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.rename-branch( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Str :$new-name!
Set admin branch protection
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.set-admin-branch-protection( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
Set app access restrictions
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.set-app-access-restrictions( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Positional :$apps!
Set status check contexts
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.set-status-check-contexts( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Positional :$contexts!
Set team access restrictions
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.set-team-access-restrictions( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Positional :$teams!
Set user access restrictions
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.set-user-access-restrictions( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Positional :$users!
Update branch protection
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.update-branch-protection( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Bool :$allow-deletions
, Bool :$required-linear-history
, Bool :$enforce-admins!
, Bool :$allow-force-pushes
, Associative :$restrictions!
, Associative :$required-status-checks!
, Associative :$required-pull-request-reviews!
Update pull request review protection
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.update-pull-request-review-protection( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Bool :$dismiss-stale-reviews
, Associative :$dismissal-restrictions
, Bool :$require-code-owner-reviews
, Int(Str) :$required-approving-review-count
Update status check protection
WebService::GitHub::Repos::Branches.update-status-check-protection( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str $branch
, Positional :$contexts
, Bool :$strict