Get an organization
See orgs/get
WebService::GitHub::Orgs.get( Str $org
Get the audit log for an organization
WebService::GitHub::Orgs.get-audit-log( Str $org
, Str :$phrase
, WebService::GitHub::Orgs::GetAuditLogInclude :$include
, Str :$after
, Str :$before
, WebService::GitHub::Orgs::GetAuditLogOrder :$order
, Int(Str) :$per-page
, Int(Str) :$page
List organizations
See orgs/list
WebService::GitHub::Orgs.list( Int(Str) :$since
, Int(Str) :$per-page
List app installations for an organization
WebService::GitHub::Orgs.list-app-installations( Str $org
, Int(Str) :$per-page
, Int(Str) :$page
List organizations for the authenticated user
WebService::GitHub::Orgs.list-for-authenticated-user( Int(Str) :$per-page
, Int(Str) :$page
List organizations for a user
WebService::GitHub::Orgs.list-for-user( Str $username
, Int(Str) :$per-page
, Int(Str) :$page
List SAML SSO authorizations for an organization
WebService::GitHub::Orgs.list-saml-sso-authorizations( Str $org
Remove a SAML SSO authorization for an organization
WebService::GitHub::Orgs.remove-saml-sso-authorization( Str $org
, Int(Str) $credential-id
Update an organization
See orgs/update
WebService::GitHub::Orgs.update( Str $org
, Bool :$members-can-create-public-pages
, Str :$name
, Bool :$members-can-create-private-repositories
, WebService::GitHub::Orgs::UpdateMembersAllowedRepositoryCreationType :$members-allowed-repository-creation-type
, Bool :$members-can-create-internal-repositories
, Str :$billing-email
, Bool :$has-organization-projects
, Str :$email
, Str :$location
, Bool :$members-can-create-pages
, Str :$twitter-username
, Bool :$has-repository-projects
, Bool :$members-can-create-private-pages
, Bool :$members-can-create-repositories
, Str :$description
, Bool :$members-can-create-public-repositories
, WebService::GitHub::Orgs::UpdateDefaultRepositoryPermission :$default-repository-permission
, Str :$company
, Str :$blog