Create an issue
See issues/create
WebService::GitHub::Issues.create( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Positional :$assignees
, Positional :$labels
, :$milestone
, Str :$assignee
, Str :$body
, :$title!
Get an issue
See issues/get
WebService::GitHub::Issues.get( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Int(Str) $issue-number
List issues assigned to the authenticated user
See issues/list
WebService::GitHub::Issues.list( WebService::GitHub::Issues::ListFilter :$filter
, WebService::GitHub::Issues::ListState :$state
, Str :$labels
, WebService::GitHub::Issues::ListSort :$sort
, WebService::GitHub::Issues::ListDirection :$direction
, Str :$since
, Bool :$collab
, Bool :$orgs
, Bool :$owned
, Bool :$pulls
, Int(Str) :$per-page
, Int(Str) :$page
List user account issues assigned to the authenticated user
WebService::GitHub::Issues.list-for-authenticated-user( WebService::GitHub::Issues::ListForAuthenticatedUserFilter :$filter
, WebService::GitHub::Issues::ListForAuthenticatedUserState :$state
, Str :$labels
, WebService::GitHub::Issues::ListForAuthenticatedUserSort :$sort
, WebService::GitHub::Issues::ListForAuthenticatedUserDirection :$direction
, Str :$since
, Int(Str) :$per-page
, Int(Str) :$page
List organization issues assigned to the authenticated user
WebService::GitHub::Issues.list-for-org( Str $org
, WebService::GitHub::Issues::ListForOrgFilter :$filter
, WebService::GitHub::Issues::ListForOrgState :$state
, Str :$labels
, WebService::GitHub::Issues::ListForOrgSort :$sort
, WebService::GitHub::Issues::ListForOrgDirection :$direction
, Str :$since
, Int(Str) :$per-page
, Int(Str) :$page
List repository issues
WebService::GitHub::Issues.list-for-repo( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Str :$milestone
, WebService::GitHub::Issues::ListForRepoState :$state
, Str :$assignee
, Str :$creator
, Str :$mentioned
, Str :$labels
, WebService::GitHub::Issues::ListForRepoSort :$sort
, WebService::GitHub::Issues::ListForRepoDirection :$direction
, Str :$since
, Int(Str) :$per-page
, Int(Str) :$page
Lock an issue
See issues/lock
WebService::GitHub::Issues.lock( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Int(Str) $issue-number
, WebService::GitHub::Issues::LockLockReason :$lock-reason
Unlock an issue
See issues/unlock
WebService::GitHub::Issues.unlock( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Int(Str) $issue-number
Update an issue
See issues/update
WebService::GitHub::Issues.update( Str $owner
, Str $repo
, Int(Str) $issue-number
, Str :$assignee
, Str :$body
, :$title
, WebService::GitHub::Issues::UpdateState :$state
, Positional :$assignees
, Positional :$labels
, :$milestone