WWW::PaLM provides access to the PaLM (Pathways Language Model).

WWW::PaLM Raku package

Raku package for connecting with PaLM (Pathways Language Model).

The design and implementation of the package closes follows that of "WWW::OpenAI", [AAp1];


From Zef ecosystem:

zef install WWW::PaLM

From GitHub:

zef install https://github.com/antononcube/Raku-WWW-PaLM

Usage examples

Show models:

use WWW::PaLM;

# (models/chat-bison-001 models/text-bison-001 models/embedding-gecko-001)

Show text generation:

.say for palm-generate-text('what is the population in Brazil?', format => 'values', n => 3);
# The population in Brazil is 213,317,650.
# The population of Brazil is 212,609,039.
# The population of Brazil is 211,018,526.

Show message generation:

.say for palm-generate-message('Who wrote the book "Dune"?');
# {candidates => [{author => 1, content => Frank Herbert wrote the book "Dune". It was first published in 1965 and is considered a classic of science fiction literature. The book tells the story of Paul Atreides, a young man who is thrust into a war for control of the desert planet Arrakis. Dune has been adapted into several films and television series, and its popularity has only grown in recent years.}], messages => [{author => 0, content => Who wrote the book "Dune"?}]}

Show text embeddings:

my @vecs = palm-embed-text(["say something nice!",
                            "shout something bad!",
                            "wher is the best coffee made?"],
        format => 'values');

.say for @vecs;
# [0.0011238843 -0.040586308 -0.013174802 0.015497498 0.04383781 0.012527679 0.017876161 0.031339817 -0.0042566974 -0.024129443 -0.023050068 -0.015625203 0.03501345 -0.006033779 -0.011984176 -0.033368077 -0.040653296 0.022117265 -0.02034076 -0.040752005 -0.12748374 0.029760985 0.00084632 -0.017502416 -0.03893842 -0.07151896 0.0609997 -0.0046266303 -0.044301335 -0.022592714 0.023920823 0.0020489343 -0.0048049283 -0.038431767 0.007275116 0.018562535 0.017131427 -0.00043720857 0.02810143 0.053296003 0.031831037 -0.067091785 0.015640317 -0.0036152988 -0.04691379 -0.044070054 -0.022364588 -0.0083763655 -0.0490714 -0.007302964 0.006516001 -0.004685413 0.03979989 -0.014196505 0.01065721 -0.0073698894 -0.036348466 -0.008763353 -0.01892632 -0.054501593 0.032021806 -0.007242739 0.0220439 -0.07687204 -0.0740849 0.01748987 -0.027381063 -0.015533608 -0.013165218 -0.04867313 0.041797243 0.017989235 -0.00982055 0.03691631 0.010164966 -0.03985747 0.024958102 0.015761184 0.02152081 -0.06986678 -0.012039569 0.00056548475 -0.030969337 -0.07435745 -0.028182292 0.012739926 0.042157806 0.023305222 -0.03230193 -0.0033747193 -0.061240233 0.021881713 0.009969781 -0.010255637 -0.0049942187 -0.034989387 0.020215971 -0.020086009 0.0010875552 0.017283859 ...]
# [0.008541122 -0.024862545 5.7058678e-05 0.0038867046 0.067829944 0.021747978 -0.029083902 -0.004656434 -0.012782786 -0.018360043 -0.019952606 0.007747536 -0.0056520714 -0.038842484 0.0144888265 -0.028959233 -0.034373183 0.0086536445 0.0030540912 0.005582053 -0.123638585 0.04185863 0.009929637 0.017287828 -0.018644271 -0.08450658 -0.014902289 -0.05526195 -0.020689102 -0.0024103096 0.019860586 0.024158986 -0.05455204 -0.01493725 0.0006892038 0.00323405 -0.0006728824 -0.010576684 -0.014293131 0.038979508 0.01347389 -0.050580844 0.004814549 -0.031785876 -0.017129553 -0.013408159 -0.019374503 0.008474182 0.0013470884 -0.01079351 -0.011820318 0.002939847 0.019571697 0.030853825 0.013096097 -0.015389974 -0.017276747 -0.0005738943 -0.029613884 -0.035326067 0.002852012 0.016189976 0.025315559 -0.07327017 -0.039907347 0.03896169 -0.050800353 -0.039951827 0.0016103057 -0.06276334 0.03115886 0.011537878 -0.034277618 0.015627442 0.020582594 -0.040219635 0.011975396 0.037462063 0.06526648 -0.068473086 -0.014561573 0.005528434 -0.0057561444 -0.0419415 -0.007748433 0.012975432 0.01270717 0.046910107 -0.038431607 -0.0022757803 -0.08964604 0.020557715 0.017819826 0.0076504718 -0.053408835 0.012460911 -0.021491397 -0.02011912 -0.011796679 0.007281153 ...]
# [-0.04053886 -0.028188298 0.0223612 0.04598037 0.018368412 -0.04011965 0.042926013 0.021050882 -0.0094422195 -0.01832212 0.019964134 -0.0013347232 0.04966835 0.048276108 -0.005766044 -0.02433299 -0.040598087 -0.065635845 0.02209697 0.06312037 -0.085269 -0.012106354 0.0056219148 0.0030168872 -0.07658486 -0.048572473 -0.04269039 0.026315054 -0.006883465 -0.010089017 0.009539455 -0.030142343 -0.058066234 -0.03262922 -0.0018920723 0.062120162 -0.008042096 0.04948106 -0.00028861413 0.026026316 0.04703804 -0.012234463 0.058435097 -0.05434934 -0.049611546 -0.020385403 -0.05354296 0.07173936 0.014864944 -0.016838027 -0.024500856 0.008486 -0.0027952811 0.016175343 0.019633992 -0.0010128785 -0.03879283 -0.0091371685 0.041809056 -0.024545915 -0.009020674 0.018044515 0.025408195 -0.07722929 -0.04280286 -0.0077904514 -0.0014599559 -0.045557976 -0.009131333 -0.038542382 0.0069833044 0.043738525 -0.011051313 -0.010426432 -0.05466805 0.013140538 0.0069446876 -0.035760716 0.04011649 -0.066007614 -0.035028048 -0.03821088 -0.031489357 -0.06864613 0.0075672227 -0.0032299925 0.007995906 0.0020973664 -0.02571021 0.070727535 -0.09410694 -0.011029921 -0.010794598 -0.022694781 -0.041388575 0.038010556 -0.006979773 -0.034256544 -0.015818557 -0.0064860974 ...]

Command Line Interface

Maker suite access

The package provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) script:

palm-prompt --help
# Usage:
#   palm-prompt <text> [--path=<Str>] [-n[=UInt]] [--max-tokens|--max-output-tokens[=UInt]] [-t|--temperature[=Real]] [-m|--model=<Str>] [-a|--auth-key=<Str>] [--timeout[=UInt]] [--format=<Str>] [--method=<Str>] -- Text processing using the OpenAI API.
#   palm-prompt [<words> ...] [--path=<Str>] [-n[=UInt]] [--max-tokens|--max-output-tokens[=UInt]] [-m|--model=<Str>] [-t|--temperature[=Real]] [-a|--auth-key=<Str>] [--timeout[=UInt]] [--format=<Str>] [--method=<Str>] -- Command given as a sequence of words.
#     <text>                                     Text to be processed or audio file name.
#     --path=<Str>                               Path, one of 'generateText', 'generateMessage', 'embedText', or 'models'. [default: 'generateText']
#     -n[=UInt]                                  Number of completions or generations. [default: 1]
#     --max-tokens|--max-output-tokens[=UInt]    The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion. [default: 100]
#     -t|--temperature[=Real]                    Temperature. [default: 0.7]
#     -m|--model=<Str>                           Model. [default: 'Whatever']
#     -a|--auth-key=<Str>                        Authorization key (to use PaLM API.) [default: 'Whatever']
#     --timeout[=UInt]                           Timeout. [default: 10]
#     --format=<Str>                             Format of the result; one of "json" or "hash". [default: 'json']
#     --method=<Str>                             Method for the HTTP POST query; one of "tiny" or "curl". [default: 'tiny']

Remark: When the authorization key argument "auth-key" is specified set to "Whatever" then palm-prompt attempts to use the env variable PALM_API_KEY.

Mermaid diagram

The following flowchart corresponds to the steps in the package function palm-prompt:


  • Implement moderations.

  • Comparison with "WWW::OpenAI", [AAp1].

  • Hook-up finding textual answers implemented in "WWW::OpenAI", [AAp1].


Packages, platforms

[AAp1] Anton Antonov, WWW::OpenAI Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp2] Anton Antonov, Lingua::Translation::DeepL Raku package, (2022), GitHub/antononcube.

[OAI1] OpenAI Platform, OpenAI platform.

[ZG1] Zoubin Ghahramani, "Introducing PaLM 2", (2023), Google Official Blog on AI.

WWW::PaLM v0.1.0

WWW::PaLM provides access to the PaLM (Pathways Language Model).


  • Anton Antonov





Test Dependencies


  • WWW::PaLM
  • WWW::PaLM::EmbedText
  • WWW::PaLM::GenerateMessage
  • WWW::PaLM::GenerateText
  • WWW::PaLM::Models
  • WWW::PaLM::Request

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.