
Upgrading from V1.x to V2.x

If you never used Clu (TooLoo's old name) you can ignore these.

For my lovely early adopters. My apologies, and a promise that future major version bumps will be handled as automatically as possible. V2 now has a toolooe what version you're running, and thus should be able to handle upgrades automatically.

What's changed & How to deal

What's changed

  • New database tables.

  • New database columns.

  • New things in the TOML

  • New name

  • Database is now stored under XDG_DATA_HOME

How to deal

  • tweak your TOML as noted below.

  • run the new add-many command to

TOML Changes


I've added short_description. It's what description used to be. Now description is optional, and when present, expected to be a more detailed thing.

Quick fix: Run this in the root directory above all your tooloo description files. It'll change description to short_description in all your files.

find . -name '*.meta.toml' -exec perl -pi -e 's/^description *= */short_description=/' '{}' \;

Then, when you have time, go in and add longer description entries.

TOML File names

The default is now <command>.toml However, TooLoo really doesn't care what you call it, or where it lives, so long as it ends with .toml and has the expected format.

If you want to rename yours you can run something like this (bash). Note that if you've got them in version control you might want to change the mv to git mv, or whatever's appropriate.

for f in $(find . -name "*.meta.toml"); do 
	mv $f $(echo $f | sed -e "s/\.meta//"); 


They're a thing now.

Your TOML files can intooloode a tags=["foo", "bar"] line. Tags are intoolooded in the full text search with stemming, so no need to worry if you tagged it "app" or "apps".

Completely optional, go ahead and add them when you have time.

Database Changes

It's moved, and it's got a bunch of new stuff. Best solution is to just delete yours. It should be at ~/.config/tooloo/database.db

It'll be regenerated at $XDG_DATA_HOME/tooloo/database.db If XDG_DATA_HOME isn't set it'll usually default to ~/.local.

Once you've updated your TOML files (see above) you run the fancy new mass ingestion command to repopulate your db.

tooloo add-many <starting_directory>

TooLoo v2.0.0

TooLoo helps you document & find your utility scripts


  • masukomi





Test Dependencies


  • TooLoo::Asciicaster
  • TooLoo::Cheat
  • TooLoo::Command
  • TooLoo::Exporter
  • TooLoo::Ingester
  • TooLoo::Metadata
  • TooLoo::Resourcer
  • TooLoo::Server
  • TooLoo::Templatizer
  • TooLoo::TerminalUtilities

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