Tinky::JSON - create a Tinky workflow from JSON


Given a JSON file like:

    "name" : "Test Workflow",
    "initial-state" : "new",
    "states" : [ "new", "open", "rejected", "in-progress", "stalled", "complete" ],
    "transitions" : [
            "name" : "open",
            "from" : "new",
            "to"   : "open"
            "name" : "reject",
            "from" : "new",
            "to"   : "rejected"
            "name" : "reject",
            "from" : "open",
            "to"   : "rejected"
            "name" : "reject",
            "from" : "stalled",
            "to"   : "rejected"
            "name" : "stall",
            "from" : "open",
            "to"   : "stalled"
            "name" : "stall",
            "from" : "in-progress",
            "to"   : "stalled"
            "name" : "unstall",
            "to"   : "in-progress",
            "from" : "stalled"
            "name" : "take",
            "from" : "open",
            "to"   : "in-progress"
            "name" : "complete",
            "from" : "open",
            "to"   : "complete"
            "name" : "complete",
            "from" : "open",
            "to"   : "complete"
            "name" : "complete",
            "from" : "in-progress",
            "to"   : "complete"

This is functionally the same as the example for Tinky but adjusted to use the state and transition names rather than the objects themselves.

use Tinky;
use Tinky::JSON;

my $json = $*PROGRAM.parent.child('ticket.json').slurp;

my $workflow = Tinky::JSON::Workflow.from-json($json);

class Ticket does Tinky::Object {
    has Str $.ticket-number = (^100000).pick.fmt("%08d");
    has Str $.owner;

# Each state has an 'enter-supply' and a 'leave-supply' which get the
# object which the state was applied to.

$workflow.enter-supply('rejected').act( -> $object { say "** sending rejected e-mail for Ticket '{ $object.ticket-number }' **" });

# The transition supply allows specific logic for the transition to be performed

$workflow.find-transition('in-progress', 'stalled').supply.act( -> $object { say "** rescheduling tickets for '{ $object.owner }' on ticket stall **"});

# The workflow aggregates the Supplies of the transitions and the states.
# This could be to a logging subsystem for instance.

$workflow.transition-supply.act(-> ($trans, $object) { say "Ticket '{ $object.ticket-number }' went from { $trans.from.name }' to '{ $trans.to.name }'" });

# The final-supply emits the state and the object when a state is reached where there are no
# further transitions available

$workflow.final-supply.act(-> ( $state, $object) { say "** updating performance stats with Ticket '{ $object.ticket-number }' entered State '{ $state.name }'" });

# Create an instance of the Tinky::Object.
# A 'state' can be supplied to initialise if, for example, the data was retrieved from a database
my $ticket-a = Ticket.new(owner => "Operator A");

# Applying the workflow will set the initial state if one is configured and will
# apply a role that provides the transition methods.
# The workflow object can be configured to check whether the object to which it
# is being applied is suitable and throw an exception if not.


# Exercise the transition methods.
# Other mechanisms are available for performing the transitions whuch may be more
# suitable if the next state is to be calculated.

# State new -> open

# State open -> in-progress

# Get the names of the states which are now available for the object
# [stalled complete]

# Directly assigning the state will be validated, an exception will
# be thrown if this is not a valid transition at the time
$ticket-a.state = $workflow.state('stalled');

# State stalled -> rejected
# This is a final state and no further transitions are available.


This is a sub-class of Tinky that provides the facility of defining and loading a state machine definition from a JSON file rather than creating all of the objects individually.

Convenience methods are provided to be able to reference states and transitions by name rather than using the objects directly so this may be useful for other applications too.

No additional methods have been added to the sub-classes of Tinky::State and Tinky::Transition that are used.


All of the changed or added methods are on the class Tinky::JSON::Workflow for the full documentation of all the available methods please see the Tinky.

method from-json

method from-json(Str $json) returns Tinky::JSON::Workflow

Given a JSON document (in the format shown in the SYNOPSIS,) it will return a new populated Tinky::JSON::Workflow.

method state

method state(Str $name) returns Tinky::JSON::State

Given the name of a state in the workflow this will return the Tinky::JSON::State with that name, this is useful to access the methods of the state where there isn't a helper provided.

If the name provided isn't that of a valid state then a Tinky::JSON::X::NoState exception will be thrown.

method transition

method transition(Str $name) returns List[Tinky::JSON::Transition]

Given the name of a transition in the workflow it will return a list of one or more Tinky::JSON::Transition objects. Transition names are not required to be unique by Tinky (though those sharing a name are suggested to have the same end target,) so you may get more than one with the same name. Similary, this does not throw an exception when the transition is not found.

If you want to find exactly one transition you may want to use find-transition instead which searches by the from and to states and is thus guaranteed to return a unique result.

method enter-supply

multi method enter-supply(Str $state) returns Supply

Given the name of a state in the workflow this will return the state's enter-supply. If the name is not that of a valid state then an Tinky::JSON::X::NoState exception will be thrown.

method leave-supply

multi method leave-supply(Str $state) returns Supply

Given the name of a state in the workflow this will return that state's leave-supply. If the name is not that of a valid state then an Tinky::JSON::X::NoState exception will be thrown.

method transitions-for-state

multi method transitions-for-state(Str $state) returns Array[Tinky::JSON::Transition]

Given the name of a state in the workflow this will return a list of all the transitions that are available to the state. Typically you are only interested in the target states so a common idiom might be something like

$workflow.transitions-for-state('current-state').map({ $_.to });

If the name supplied isn't that of a valid state in the workflow then an Tinky::JSON::X::NoState will be thrown.

method find-transition

multi method find-transition(Str $from, Str $to) returns Tinky::JSON::Transition

Given the names of a "from" state and a "to" state this will return the matching transtion if any. There should be only one transition with the matching definition in the workflow.

If either of the supplied state names are not those of a valid state in the workflow then an Tinky::JSON::X::NoState exception will be thrown.

Tinky::JSON v0.0.7

Describe Tinky Workflows in JSON


  • Jonathan Stowe





Test Dependencies


  • Tinky::JSON

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.