
Text plots.

Raku Text::Plot

This repository has a Raku package for textual (terminal) plots.

Here is the list of functions:

  • text-list-plot

  • text-plot

  • text-bar-chart

Currently only text-list-plot is implemented.

It would be nice to also have the functions:

  • text-density-plot

  • text-box-plot

But that would require dependency on a certain statistical package. (I think it is best to keep this package simple.)


From zef-ecosystem:

zef install Text::Plot

From GitHub:

zef install https://github.com/antononcube/Raku-Text-Plot.git

Usage examples

Simple plot with y-values only:

use Text::Plot;
say text-list-plot((^30)>>.sqrt);
# ++---------+---------+--------+---------+---------+--------+      
# |                                                     * * *|      
# +                                             * * * *      +  5.00
# |                                     * * * *              |      
# +                             * * * *                      +  4.00
# |                        * * *                             |      
# +                  * * *                                   +  3.00
# |              * *                                         |      
# |          * *                                             |      
# +      * *                                                 +  2.00
# |    *                                                     |      
# +  *                                                       +  1.00
# |                                                          |      
# +*                                                         +  0.00
# ++---------+---------+--------+---------+---------+--------+      
#  0.00      5.00      10.00    15.00     20.00     25.00

Plot using both x- and y-values, and with specified axes labels, plot width, height, and title:

my @xs = (0, 0.1 ... 5);
say text-list-plot(@xs,  @xs>>.sin, xLabel => 'x-points', yLabel => 'value', width => 100, height => 30, title => 'SINE PLOT');
# SINE PLOT                                             
# ++------------------+-------------------+------------------+-------------------+------------------++        
# +                         * * * * * *                                                              +  1.00  
# |                     * *             * *                                                          |        
# |                   *                     *                                                        |        
# |                 *                         * *                                                    |        
# |                *                              *                                                  |        
# |              *                                  *                                                |        
# |            *                                                                                     |        
# +          *                                       *                                               +  0.50  
# |        *                                           *                                             |        
# |                                                      *                                           |        
# |      *                                                 *                                         |        
# |    *                                                                                             |       v
# |  *                                                       *                                       |       a
# +*                                                           *                                     +  0.00 l
# |                                                              *                                   |       u
# |                                                                                                  |       e
# |                                                                *                                 |        
# |                                                                  *                               |        
# |                                                                    *                             |        
# |                                                                      *                           |        
# +                                                                                                  + -0.50  
# |                                                                        *                         |        
# |                                                                          *                       |        
# |                                                                            *                     |        
# |                                                                              *                   |        
# |                                                                                **                |        
# |                                                                                   * *           *|        
# +                                                                                       * * * * *  + -1.00  
# ++------------------+-------------------+------------------+-------------------+------------------++        
#  0.00               1.00                2.00               3.00                4.00               5.00    
#                                               x-points

Smallish plot with custom point character spec:

my @xs = (0, 0.05 ... 10);
say text-list-plot(@xs, -1 <<*>> @xs>>.sqrt, point-char => '·', xLabel => 'some range', yLabel => 'sqrt', width => 40, height => 12);
# ++------+-------+------+-------+------++        
# +·                                     +  0.00  
# +··                                    + -0.50  
# | ···                                  |        
# +   ····                               + -1.00 s
# +      ····                            + -1.50 q
# |         ······                       |       r
# +              ······                  + -2.00 t
# +                   ········           + -2.50  
# |                          ········    |        
# +                                 ·····+ -3.00  
# ++------+-------+------+-------+------++        
#  0.00   2.00    4.00   6.00    8.00   10.00   
#                some range

Implementation notes

  • The package functions and their signatures design are easy to come up with, but it is very helpful to have a "good example" to follow.

    • I consider the R-package "txtplot", [BB1], to be such good example.

    • There at least three Python packages for text plots, but only tried them out once. None was as complete and "nice" as the R-package "txtplot".

  • The points and ticks are rescaled with a version of the Mathematica-function Rescale.

  • The axes ticks are computed with a version of the R-function pretty.


  • Plotting a list of two-element lists.

  • Make the axes ticks to be on the left.

    • It was just much easier to put them on the right.

    • BTW, this is probably a bug -- the width of "total plot" is larger than the specified.

  • Optional placement tick values.

  • Plot title.

    • I am not sure is it needed.

  • text-plot

    • Easy to implement inlined with text-plot, but it might give a simpler interface.

  • text-bar-chart

  • CLI design and implementation

  • Multi-lines plot support.


[BB1] Bjoern Bornkamp, txtplot R package, (CRAN), (2020), GitHub/bbnkmp.

Text::Plot v0.0.1

Text plots.


  • Anton Antonov




Test Dependencies


  • Text::Plot

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.