

Test::Async::Hub - the core of Test::Async framework


if test-suite.random {
        say "The current suite is in random mode"


Consumes Test::Async::Aggregator, Test::Async::JobMgr

See Test::Async::Manual for general purpose of this class.

Command Execution

All events whose class derives from Event::Command are handled in a special manner. Class name of such event is used to form a method name. Corresponding method is then invoked with a Capture passed in event's attribute $.args. For example, to mark all remaining tests as skipped, event Event::Cmd::SkipRemaining is used. Based on the class, method cmd-skipremaining is invoked with a single positional string argument in $.args containing the skip message if the event has been created without an error.

Method send-command is recommended to emit command messages.

See method set-todo or sync-events for an example of using this interface.



If defined then it's the suite which invoked the current one.


Message associated with this suite. Only makes sense for children.


The code block associated with the suite. Undefined for the top one.


A Promise instance which is fulfilled when done-testing is executed.


The number of tests planned for this suite. Undefined if no plans were made.


If suite is planned for skipping then this is the message as for skip-remaining tool:

subtest "Conditional test" => {
        plan |($condition ?? :skip-all('makes no sens because ...') !! Empty);
        pass "dummy test";

Otherwise undefined.

NOTE! Any examples of code in this documentation are based on the default Test::Async::Base bundle.


If suite is planned for TODO then this is the message as for any of todo test tools.


A number of remaining TODO tests:

todo "To be done yet...", 3;
    pass  "test 1";
    # -> test-suite.TODO-count == 2 at this point
    flunk "test 2";
    pass  "test 3";

Could be set to Inf meaning all remaining tests are to be TODO-marked.


How deep are we from the top suite? I.e. a child of a child of the top suite will have nesting 2.


A string, recommended prefix to be used for indenting messages produced by the suite.


An instance of CallFrame. If defined then it's where the last test tool has been invoked.


Similar to test-tool above but it's where the suite itself was invoked.


If defined then this is the context in which the last test tool has been invoked.


A flag. If True then this suite will have its tool-caller and caller-ctx attributes set to the same values, as in parent's suite object. subtest implementation by Test::Async::Base uses this to implement :hidden mode of operation.

This attribute is propagated to child suites instantiated using create-suite method.


True if the suite itself or any of its parents is invoked asynchronously.


Indicates if the whole suite has been marked as TODO. This makes difference between:

todo "Later...";
    subtest "new feature" => { ... }


subtest "new feature" => { todo-remaining "Later..."; ... }

Also True if todo parameter of plan is set to a message, which is virtually the same as prefixing the subtest with todo.


True if suite is invoking children suites asynchronously.


True if suite is invoking children suites in a random order.


The counter of test tool invocations.


The counter of failed test tools.


An array of message lines produced by the suite and its child suites if it is an asynchronous child. I.e. if is-async is True. The messages are submitted for reporting when the suite run ends and its result is reported.


Maximus number of concurrently running jobs allowed. Note that a job is anything invoked using start-job method of Test::Async::JobMgr.


The current stage of suite lifecycle. See TestStage enum in Test::Async::Utils.



Creates a new instance of constructed Test::Async::Suite class. See Test::Async::Manual.


Returns a singleton ā€“ the top suite object.


Returns True if the top suite singleton has been instantiated already.

set-stage(TestStage:D $stage - TestStage)>

Transition suite state to stage $stage. Throws X::StageTransition (Test::Async::X) if the transition is not possible. If transitions from TSInitializing to TSInProgress then the method also starts the event loop thread.

Returns the pre-transition stage.

set-tool-caller(CallFrame:D $caller)

Sets tool-caller attribute.


Sets caller-ctx attribute. $ctx could be a Stash or a PseudoStash.

multi event(Event:D)

The ultimate handler of event objects. A bundle wishing to react to events must define a multi-candidate of this method:

test-bundle MyBundle {
        multi method event(Event::Telemetry:D $ev) {


Setup suite parameters based on a plan profile hash. If called when suite stage is not TSInitializing then throws X::PlanTooLate.

The keys supported by profile are:

  • tests - planned number of tests.

  • skip-all - a string with a skip message. If set all tests are skipped as if skip-remaining is used.

  • todo - a string with a TODO message. If set all tests and suite itself are marked as TODO.

  • parallel ā€“ invoke children suites asynchronously.

  • random ā€“ invoke children suites randomly.

  • test-jobs - set the maximum number of concurrent jobs allowed. See $.test-jobs.

  • job-timeout - set the timeout awaiting for jobs to complete. See $.job-timeout.

multi plan(UInt:D $tests, *%profile)

multi plan(*%profile)

One of the only two test tools provided by the core itself. See method setup-from-plan for the profile keys allowed.

When plan is invoked with positional integer parameter, this is equivalent to setting tests plan profile key. In either case, if tests are planned the method reports it by emitting `Event::Plan`.

If plan profile contains unknown keys then diagnostic event with a warning is emitted for each unknwon key.


Just invokes finish method.

create-suite(suiteType = self.WHAT, *%c)

Creates a child suite. %c is used to pass parameters to the suite constructor method.

invoke-suite($suite, :$async = False, :$instant = False, Capture:D :$args=\())

Invokes a suite as a new job. The invocation method chosen depending on the suite parallel and random attributes and this method parameters. The parameters take precedence over the attributes:

  • $instant - start job instantly, ignore the value of random.

  • $async - start job asynchronously always. If random is in effect then job is postponed but then would start asynchronously anyway, not matter of parallel.

  • $args ā€“ a Capture which will be used to call $suite's code.

The method returns job Promise of the invoked suite.


Execute the suite here and now. Internal implementation detail.

throw(X::Base:U \exType, *%c)

Throws a Type::Async::X exception. %c is used as exception constructor profile to which hub named parameter is added.


Results in quick suite shutdown via bypassing all remaining suite code and invoking method dismiss.

send-command(Event::Command:U \evType, |c)

Sends a command message event. The c capture is passed with the event object and is used as parameters of the command handling method.

multi send-test(Event::Test:U \evType, Str:D $message, TestResult:D $test-result, *%c -- Bool)>

Creates an event of type evType and emits it. This is the method to be used for emitting Event::Test.

The method:

  • counts tests, including total runs and failures

  • marks a test as TODO (see take-TODO method)

  • sets test number

  • sets event's caller attribute

send-plan(UInt:D $planned, :$on-start)

Emits Event::Plan event. If $on-start is True and suite is the topmost one with skip-all passed in plan profile ā€“ in other words, if topmost suite is planned for skipping; ā€“ then instead of emitting the event by standard means, hands it over directly to report-event method and instantly exits the program with 0 exit code.

normalize-message(+@message -- Seq)>

Takes a free-form message possible passed in in many chunks, splits it into lines and appends a new line to each individual line. This is the normal form of a message. Test::Async::Reporter::TAP expects children suite messages to come in normalized form.

NOTE. This form is chosen as normal because TAP is a line-based protocol for which a line must end with a newline.


This method takes a message, normalizes it, and then choses which output channel it is to be directed to:

= if suite is not the topmost one and it its $.is-async is True then message is collected in @.messages to be later passed to the parent suite with a test event. = otherwise the message is passed to method-to-console method.

multi proclaim(Test::Async::Result:D $result, Str:D $message)

multi proclaim(Bool $cond, Str:D $message, $event-profile)

This is the main method to emit a test event depending on test outcome passed in $cond or $result.cond. The method sets event origin to the invoking object, sets event's object @.messages and $.nesting. $event-profile is what the user wants to supply to Event::Test constructor.


Returns the next available test number. This is the number one sees next to test outcome status:

ok 2 - message
       +--- this is it!

take-TODO(-- Str)>

If suit has a TODO in effect, i.e. $.is-TODO is True or $!TODO-count is greater than 0, then this method will return the current $.TODO-message. The $.TODO-count will be reduced if necessary.

set-todo(Str:D $message, Int:D $count)

Emits Event::Cmd::SetTODO.


It's almost no-op method call with a side effect of making sure that all events emitted prior to this method call are processed. The method works by emitting Event::Cmd::SyncEvents with a Promise::Vow parameter and awaits until cmd-syncevents command handler keeps the vow. Because events are queued, this ensures that by the moment when the vow is kept all earlier events in the queue were pulled and handled.


This method implements two tasks:

  • first, it pulls postponed jobs and invokes them in a random order

  • next it calls await-all-jobs to make sure all jobs have completed

  • if await-all-jobs doesn't finish in 30 seconds X::AwaitTimeout is thrown

finish(:$now = False)

This is the finalizing method. When suite ends, it invokes this method to take care of postponed jobs, report a plan if not reported at suite start (i.e. number of planned tests wasn't set), and emits Event::DoneTesting and Event::Terminate.

While performing these steps the method transition from TSFinishing stage, to TSFinished, and then calls method dismiss.

With :now the method ignores any postponed job and proceeds as if none were started. This is a kind of an emergency hatch for cases where we have good reasons to suspect a stuck job.


Transition suite to TSDismissed stage and emits Event::Terminate. After that it awaits for the event to be handled by the event loop.

measure-telemetry(&code, Capture:D \c = \())

This method is for the future implementation and doesn't really do anything useful now.

tool-factory(-- Seq)>

Produces a sequence of '&tool-name' = &tool-code> pairs suitable for use with sub EXPORT. Internal implementation detail.

locate-tool-caller(Int:D $pre-skip)

Finds the context in which the current test tool is invoked. Sets tool-caller and caller-ctx attributes.

temp-file(Str:D $base-name, $data -- Str:D)>

Quickly create a temporary file and populate it with $data. Returns absolute file name. Throws X::FileCreate/X::FileClose in case of errors.


Test::Async::Aggregator, Test::Async::Decl, Test::Async::Event, Test::Async::JobMgr, Test::Async::Result, Test::Async::TestTool, Test::Async::Utils, Test::Async::X


Vadim Belman <[email protected]>


!=== Suite #" ~ $.id ~ " '" ~ $.message ~ "', ", $.suite-caller.gist, ":\n" ~ ($ex ~~ Test::Async::X::Base ?? ("thrown by suite #" ~ $ ~ " '" ~ $ex.suite.message ~ "', " ~ $ex.suite.suite-caller.gist ~ "\n").indent(2) !! "") ~ ($comment ?? ($comment ~ "\n").indent(2) !! "") ~ ("[" ~ $ex.^name ~ "] " ~ $ex.message ~ "\n" ~ $ex.backtrace).indent(4) }

Test::Async v0.0.16

Thread-safe testing framework


  • Vadim Belman




Test Dependencies


  • Test::Async
  • Test::Async::Aggregator
  • Test::Async::Base
  • Test::Async::Decl
  • Test::Async::Event
  • Test::Async::Hub
  • Test::Async::Job
  • Test::Async::JobMgr
  • Test::Async::Metamodel::BundleClassHOW
  • Test::Async::Metamodel::BundleHOW
  • Test::Async::Metamodel::HubHOW
  • Test::Async::Metamodel::ReporterHOW
  • Test::Async::Reporter
  • Test::Async::Reporter::TAP
  • Test::Async::Result
  • Test::Async::TestTool
  • Test::Async::Utils
  • Test::Async::When
  • Test::Async::X

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