

Terminal::Capabilities - Container for terminal capabilities, with useful defaults


use Terminal::Capabilities;

# Create a terminal capabilities object with default settings based on the most
# commonly well-supported capabilities, as determined by submissions to the
# Terminal::Tests project.
my Terminal::Capabilities $caps .= new;

# Examine individual capabilities
say $caps.symbol-set;   # ASCII by default, as it is the most compatible
say $caps.vt100-boxes;  # False by default, because ASCII does not require it
say $caps.color8bit;    # True  by default, since most terminals support it

# Override default symbol set
my $symbol-set = Terminal::Capabilities::SymbolSet::Uni1;
my $caps       =$symbol-set);

# Symbol set affects default for other features
say $caps.vt100-boxes;  # True, because WGL4 and all larger sets require it

# Determine best available symbol set supported by terminal out of a list
say $< ASCII WGL4 MES2 Uni7 >);  # MES2, best <= Uni1

# Select from a list of options keyed by required symbol set
my %arrows = ASCII  => « < > »,
             Latin1 => < « » >,
             WGL4   => < ◄ ► >,
             Uni1   => < ◀ ▶ >,
             Uni7   => < ⯇ ⯈ >;
say $;  # ◀ ▶ , the Uni1 option

# Map a possibly mis-cased string to a SymbolSet enumerant (for processing
# user symbol set config requests)
my $symbol-set = symbol-set('cp1252');  # Terminal::Capabilities::SymbolSet::CP1252


Terminal::Capabilities is a relatively simple module that collects information about the capabilities of modern terminals (it assumes at least the ASCII character set, and ANSI/DEC VT style control sequence emulation).

This module does NOT do any auto-detection, merely serving as a standard for collecting capabilities detected or configured through other means. That said, there are reasonable defaults for each of the capability flags based on the collected submissions to the Terminal::Tests project. The default values represent the capabilities that are universally supported (or nearly so -- there are a few truly deeply broken terminals for which nearly nothing works properly which are considered out of scope for the defaults).

One quirk of this method of determining defaults is that 8-bit color is more uniformly supported by modern terminals than various color and style attributes that were "standardized" decades earlier. Thus color8bit is by default True, while colorbright and italic are by default False.


Geoffrey Broadwell <[email protected]>


Copyright 2023 Geoffrey Broadwell

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.

Terminal::Capabilities v0.0.1

Container for terminal capabilities, with useful defaults


  • Geoffrey Broadwell




Test Dependencies


  • Terminal::Capabilities


The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.