

A raku-lang client for Shodan, a search engine for Internet-connected devices. This client provides an interface for the Shodan REST API.


method host

method host(
    Str :$ip!,
    Bool :$history = Bool::False,
    Bool :$minify = Bool::False
) returns Hash

Returns all services that have been found on the given host IP.

method host-count

method host-count(
    Str :$query!,
    Str :$facets = ""
) returns Hash

Returns the total number of results that matched the query and any facet info.

method host-search

method host-search(
    Str :$query!,
    Str :$facets = "",
    Int :$page where { ... } = 1,
    Bool :$minify = Bool::True
) returns Hash

Search Shodan using the same query syntax as the website and use facets to get summary information for different properties.

method host-search-facets

method host-search-facets() returns Array

Returns a list of facets that can be used to get a breakdown of the top values for a property.

method host-search-filters

method host-search-filters() returns Array

Returns a list of all filters that can be used when searching.

method search-tokens

method search-tokens(
    Str :$query!
) returns Hash

This method lets you determine which filters are being used by the query string and what parameters were provided to the filters.

method ports

method ports() returns Array

Returns a list all ports that Shodan is crawling on the Internet.

method protocols

method protocols() returns Hash

Returns a list all protocols that can be used when performing on-demand Internet scans.

method scan

method scan(
    Str :$ips!,
    Array :$service
) returns Hash

Request Shodan to crawl an IP/ netblock. This method uses API scan credits.

method scan-internet

method scan-internet(
    Int :$port! where { ... },
    Str :$protocol!
) returns Hash

Request Shodan to crawl the Internet for a specific port. This requires an enterprise data license.

method scans

method scans() returns Hash

Returns list of all the created scans.

method scan-status

method scan-status(
    Str :$id!
) returns Hash

Check the progress of a previously submitted scan request.

method alert-create

method alert-create(
    Str :$name!,
    Hash :$filters!,
    Int :$expires where { ... }
) returns Hash

Creates a network alert for a defined IP/ netblock which can be used to subscribe to changes/ events that are discovered within that range.

method alert-info

method alert-info(
    Str :$id!
) returns Hash

Returns the information about a specific network alert.

method alert-delete

method alert-delete(
    Str :$id!
) returns Hash

Remove the specified network alert.

method alert-update

method alert-update(
    Str :$id!,
    Hash :$filters!
) returns Hash

Permits edit a network alert with a new list of IPs/ networks to keep track of.

method alerts

method alerts() returns Array

Returns a listing of all the network alerts that are currently active on the account.

method alert-triggers

method alert-triggers() returns Array

Get notifications when the specified trigger is met.

method alert-trigger-create

method alert-trigger-create(
    Str :$id!,
    Str :$trigger!
) returns Hash

Get notifications when the specified trigger is met.

method alert-trigger-delete

method alert-trigger-delete(
    Str :$id!,
    Str :$trigger!
) returns Hash

Stop getting notifications for the specified trigger.

method alert-trigger-service-ignore

method alert-trigger-service-ignore(
    Str :$id!,
    Str :$trigger!,
    Str :$service!
) returns Hash

Ignore the specified service when it is matched for the trigger.

method alert-trigger-service-notify

method alert-trigger-service-notify(
    Str :$id!,
    Str :$trigger!,
    Str :$service!
) returns Hash

Start getting notifications again for the specified trigger.

method alert-notifier-create

method alert-notifier-create(
    Str :$id!,
    Str :$notifier-id!
) returns Hash

Add the specified notifier to the network alert. Notifications are only sent if triggers have also been enabled. For each created user, there is a default notifier which will sent via email.

method alert-notifier-delete

method alert-notifier-delete(
    Str :$id!,
    Str :$notifier-id!
) returns Hash

Remove the notification service from the alert. Notifications are only sent if triggers have also been enabled.

method notifiers

method notifiers() returns Hash

Get a list of all the notifiers that the user has created.

method notifier-providers

method notifier-providers() returns Hash

Get a list of all the notification providers that are available and the parameters to submit when creating them.

method notifier-create

method notifier-create(
    Str :$provider!,
    Str :$description!,
    Hash :$args!
) returns Mu

Use this method to create a new notification service endpoint that Shodan services can send notifications through.

method notifier-delete

method notifier-delete(
    Str :$id!
) returns Hash

Remove the notification service created for the user.

method notifier

method notifier(
    Str :$id!
) returns Hash

Use this method to create a new notification service endpoint that Shodan services can send notifications through.

method notifier-update

method notifier-update(
    Str :$id!,
    Hash :$args!
) returns Hash

Use this method to update the parameters of a notifier.

method queries

method queries(
    Int :$page where { ... } = 1,
    Str :$sort = "timestamp",
    Str :$order = "desc"
) returns Hash

Use this method to obtain a list of search queries that users have saved in Shodan.

method query-search

method query-search(
    Str :$query!,
    Int :$page where { ... } = 1
) returns Mu

Use this method to search the directory of search queries that users have saved in Shodan.

method query-tags

method query-tags(
    Int :$size where { ... } = 10
) returns Mu

Use this method to obtain a list of popular tags for the saved search queries in Shodan.

method data

method data() returns Array

Use this method to see a list of the datasets that are available for download.

method data-dataset

method data-dataset(
    Str :$dataset!
) returns Array

Get a list of files that are available for download from the provided dataset.

method org

method org() returns Hash

Get information about your organization such as the list of its members, upgrades, authorized domains and more.

method org-member-create

method org-member-create(
    Str :$user!,
    Bool :$notify = Bool::False
) returns Hash

Add a Shodan user to the organization and upgrade them.

method org-member-delete

method org-member-delete(
    Str :$user!
) returns Hash

Remove and downgrade the provided member from the organization.

method account-profile

method account-profile() returns Hash

Returns information about the Shodan account linked to this API key.

method dns-domain

method dns-domain(
    Str :$domain!,
    Bool :$history = Bool::False,
    Str :$type = "",
    Int :$page where { ... } = 1
) returns Hash

Get all the subdomains and other DNS entries for the given domain. Uses 1 query credit per lookup.

method dns-resolve

method dns-resolve(
    Str :$hostnames!
) returns Hash

Look up the IP address for the provided list of hostnames.

method dns-reverse

method dns-reverse(
    Str :$ips!
) returns Hash

Look up the hostnames that have been defined for the given list of IP addresses.

method tools-http-headers

method tools-http-headers() returns Hash

Shows the HTTP headers that your client sends when connecting to a webserver.

method tools-myip

method tools-myip() returns Str

Get your current IP address as seen from the Internet.

method api-info

method api-info() returns Hash

Returns information about the API plan belonging to the given API key.


"Sarah Fuller", <"sarah at averna . id . au">


Copyright 2022 Sarah Fuller This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.

Shodan v0.0.2

A raku-lang API client for Shodan.


  • Sarah Fuller





Test Dependencies


  • Shodan
  • Shodan::API
  • Shodan::API::Exploit
  • Shodan::API::REST
  • Shodan::API::Stream
  • Shodan::HTTP

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.