

RedX::HashedPassword - store and use hashed passwords in the database


use Red;
use RedX::HashedPassword;

model User {
    has Int $.id        is serial;
    has Str $.username  is column;
    has Str $.password  is password handles <check-password>;


User.^create( username => 'user', password => 'password'); # password is saved as a hash


my User $user = User.^rs.first( *.username eq 'user' );

$user.check-password('password');  # True


This provides a mechanism for Red to store a password as a cryptographic hash in the database, such that someone who gains access to the database cannot see the plain text password that may have been entered by a user.

The primary interface provided is the is password trait that should be applied to the column attribute in your model definition that you want to store the hashed password in, this takes care of hashing the password before it is stored in the database, on retrieval ("inflation") it also applies a role that provides a method check-password that checks a provided plaintext password against the stored hash. You can make this appear to be a method of your (for example,) User model by applying the handles <check-password> trait to your column attribute.

The hashing algorithm used will be the best one provided by Crypt::AnyPasswordHash which has two implications, firstly the default provider is Crypt::Libcrypt if no other supported hashing module is installed, this will attempt to use the mechanism suggested by the libcrypt but if this can't be determined, it will fall back to SHA-512 which seems to be the best commonly provided algorithm, except on MacOS where the libcrypt only appears to support the "heritage" DES algorithm - which has been considered insecure for most of this century, so you probably don't want to use this in production on MacOS for the timebeing without installing one of the other modules supported by Crypt::AnyPasswordHash. The second implication is that, if you are going to access the hashed password from multiple hosts, you should ensure that you have the same hashing module installed on all the hosts in order that they can all verify the same methods.

RedX::HashedPassword v0.0.7

A facility to allow the Red ORM to store and use hashed passwords in the database


  • Jonathan Stowe





Test Dependencies


  • RedX::HashedPassword


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