

Rakudo::Options - Rakudo Command Line Options


use Rakudo::Options;

say "running with --ll-exception" if $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.ll-exception;

say "running as a one liner" if $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.e;

Rakudo::Options.new(program => "script").run;

if $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.run-with-environment-variable(
  (MVM_SPESH_LOG => "log")
) -> $proc {
    say "Produced spesh log in '{"log".IO.absolute}'";


Rakudo::Options is a multi-faceted tool, intended for Rakudo tool builders. It provides an API to the command line functions of the currently running Rakudo process for introspection in a dynamic variable $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.

It also allows you to create an adhoc object that allows you to tweak values of the currently running Rakudo process to run (again).


Loading the Rakudo::Options module, creates the $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS dynamic variable, which contains the settings of the currently running Rakudo process (as a Rakudo::Options object).


The following named arguments can be supplied to a call to .new to override what the currently running Rakudo process already provides:

  • e

The Raku code that should be considered to have been specified with -e.

  • encoding

The string of the --encoding flag to be considered specified.

  • executable

String indicating the executable with which the process is supposed to be running.

  • includes

The List of The names of the directories that should be considered to have been specified with -I.

  • ll-exception

Whether the --ll-exception flag is considered to be specified. Expected to be a truthy / falsey value.

  • modules

The List of names of the modules that should be considered loaded with -M.

  • n

Whether the -n flag is considered to be specified. Expected to be a truthy / falsey value.

  • optimize

The string of the --optimize flag to be considered specified.

  • p

Whether the -p flag is considered to be specified. Expected to be a truthy / falsey value.

  • profile

Whether the --profile flag is to be specifiied. Can be given as a Bool, or as a string (indicating the type of profile requested).

  • program

A string with the name of the script that is supposed to be running.

  • stagestats

Whether the --stagestats flag is considered to be specified. Expected to be a truthy / falsey value.

  • target

The string of the --target flag to be considered specified.


Please note that all accessors return Empty if they were not considered to be specified. This allows the accessors to also be used as booleans.

Also note that all of the examples use the $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS dynamic variable, but that any ad-hoc created Rakudo::Options can also be used.

Also note that each of these attributes (with the exception of e, includes and modules can be uses "as is" as parameter to the run function, or as a parameter to the creation of a Proc::Async object.


The code that was considered to be specified with -e. If you want to transparently run a script, or the -e code, you should use the .program accessor.

say "running as a one-liner" if $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS;


The command line parameter of the non-UTF8 encoding with which source-files are considered to be encoded.

if $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.encoding -> $encoding {
    say "Specified '$encoding' for source files";


The string of the executable that is considered to be specified.

say "Running with the $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.executable() executable";


A List of command line parameters of -I specifications, to be considered to have been specified.

    say "Arguments: @I";


A List of strings of the -I specifications to have considered to have been given.

if $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.includes -> @includes {
    say "Specified: @includes";


The command line parameter that indicates whether exceptions should throw the extended stack trace or not.

say "Will show extended stack trace" if $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.ll-exception;


A List of command line parameters of -M specifications, to be considered to have been specified.

    say "Arguments: @M";


A List of strings of the -M specifications to have considered to have been given.

if $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.modules -> @modules {
    say "Specified: @modules";


The command line parameter that indicates the program should be run for each line of input.

say "Executing with -n" if $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.n;


The command line parameter that indicates the program should be run for each line of input, and that $_ should be printed after each line of input.

say "Executing with -p" if $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.p;


The command line parameter that indicates the optimization level.

say "Running with $_" with $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.optimize;


The command line parameter that indicates the program to be executed. Is either a string (in which case it is the name of the script to run) or a List consisting of -e and the code to executed.

say "Running $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.program";


The command line parameter that indicates whether a profile should be made, and what type.

say "Creating a profile with $_" with $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.profile;


The command line parameter that indicates whether stage statistics should be shown while compiling.

say "Showed stage statistics while compiling" if $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.stagestats;


The command line parameter indicating the target of the compilation.

say "Compiling for target $_" with $*RAKUDO-OPTIONS.target;


Elizabeth Mattijsen <[email protected]>


Copyright 2021 Elizabeth Mattijsen

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.

Rakudo::Options v0.0.1

Rakudo Command Line Options


  • Elizabeth Mattijsen




Test Dependencies


  • Rakudo::Options


The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.