
Change log

Prior to 2021-01-17

  • Module runs, passes all tests.

  • P2HTML passes all legacy tests

  • custom blocks

  • custom templates


  • resolved issue relating to name. Changed Pod::To::HTML to Pod::To::HTML2


  • added CHANGELOG.pod6 / CHANGELOD.md

  • Added functionality to Unused FormatCodes

    • Codes such as L and X have the form CodeLetter<some content | data ; more data>

    • The Pod::Block then provides some content as contents and then meta is a list of 'data', 'more data'

    • This syntax is applied to all non-standard format codes

  • added new test for formatting

  • refactored tests

    • removed meta file test to xt/ and so no need for Environment flag

    • moved several large testing modules from test-depends to depends

  • modified xt/100-html/150* to not run unless SHELL_TEST environment set

  • spun off Extractor to a different module 'raku-pod-extraction'

    • Changed all documentation references to Extractor

  • removal of Extractor removes dependence on GTK::Simple

    • resolves issue regarding GTK::Simple


  • change installation default from installing highlighter to not installing highlighter

  • added utility to install highlighter post installation


  • change META6.json to ensure module passes tests with prove6 -I.


  • improve css

    • change nav ids to _TOC/_Glossary to avoid name clash with possible block names TOC or Glossary

    • change tests of TOC and Glossary

    • error in footnote scss

  • change templates so that no nav divs appear when no component structures have content.


  • add $.templs-used to Template manager. records each time a template is used during rendering. The intention is to make the information available for debugging when dealing with multiple files.

  • test added to xt/030* for templates-used

  • extend to other named & header Pod::Blocks the ability to use another template if given as a config variable.


  • fix default Markdown template of metadata

  • fix default Markdown of =defn blocks

  • change Perl 6 => Raku in tests, except non-breaking space


  • fixed test-templates, which had suffered bit-rot

  • improved test-templates, so that it now gives more feedback on template contents that are not returned

  • fixed html templates that new test-template feed-back showed were erroneous.

  • fixed and updated RakuClosureTemplates.pod6

  • bump version


  • refactoring in emit-... function.


  • refactored to move all pod-file related variables out to a class that is reinstantiated

  • changed tests because an object not a hash is returned.

  • refactored to change rules for plugin and namespaces. Plugins can add their configs to their namespace

  • namespaces cannot be written to more than once.


  • bump version

  • PodFile gist written, started on ProcessedPod gist

  • fixed failing tests due to renderedtime and path changes

  • HTML2 templates improved and removed need for separate wrap-source function.

2021-02-09 v10

  • to get Cro, require rakudo-star:2020.01, but that doesn't like set op (==), so use different test in test-templates

2021-02-13 v11

  • added TOC functionality to Custom defined blocks

  • added documentation about TOC and also provision of plugin config data to ProcessedPod

2021-02-02-14 v12

  • fixed non-standard FC error when not specially templated, added test.

2021-02-20 v3-6-13

  • empty BagHash of templates-used correctly with default, not Nil.

2021-02-26 v3-6-14

  • Pod-File gist improved when templates-used is undefined.

  • test 060 improved.

2021-02-27 v3-6-15

  • resolved issue with passing legacy css tests

2021-02-27 v3-6-16

  • moved functionality of test-templates to pm6

  • added test functions templates-present, templates-match, extra-templates-match

  • rewrite / refactor Documentation files

2021-03-4 v3-6-17

  • correct HTML rendering of targets in local files. eg href="filen.html#internal-link"

  • change test accordingly

  • change type of templates-used in PodFile from BagHash to %, and adjust gist.

  • fixed persistent Templates-used error, not emptying.

2021-03-25 v3-6-18

  • add change of '::' token to '/' in links. This is (previously) undocumented behaviour of

2021-03-27 v3-6-19

  • improve handling of '::' in file part only.

  • improve test to cover new variations.

2021-03-28 v3-6-20

  • add link text to link registration for improved error tracing

2021-03-31 v3-6-21

  • add page-data key to be passed to template 'file-wrap'. This is config in first =pod line.

2021-04-02 v3-6-22

  • trim white space in head texts (occurs if head text is also indexed)

2022-02-11 v3-7-0

  • refactored the templating system

    • move-templating out of ProcessedPod

    • created an array of tests to identify the templating engine

    • made templating engines into classes, rather than roles

  • new error occurred where role supplied a BagHash and a new did not initialise it

    • added a method to the role to reinitialise it.

  • begun to add Cro Web templates as possible option

  • refactored the highlighting system

    • moved highlighting from templates

    • created possibility for alternate highlighting engine

    • made autodetection of template engine into a role

  • refactored Exceptions, putting all exceptions associated with ProcessedPod into one file

  • refactored path names, creating RenderPod folder, moved files to more intuitive places

  • renamed pm6 to rakumod

  • renamed sanity tests to make order more logical, testing base roles/classes first

2022-02-11 v3-7-1

  • Add github badge to front of a Markdown file.

  • Add TEST_OFFLINE environment flag so that tests can be run offline.

2022-02-20 v3-7-2

  • changes to way badge path is calculated, from META6.json & .github directory

  • simplified CI setup

  • modification to templates

2022-03-28 v3-7-3

  • Add a check to detect templater that looks for _templater in the template hash and if it exists, then it must contain the name of the templater class.

  • add test file to verify the auto-detect and _templater key.

  • Add _templater key to HTML and MarkDown renderers

  • Change behaviour of css-text. It now over-rides the css template, not the css-text template.

  • The test suite sometimes fails at or after xt/100-html/015-css-addition.t The tests individually pass.

  • added :type to Pod::To::HTML that indicates which templating system to use, the default is 'closure' because crotmp causes random test failures.

22-06-13 v3-7-4

  • default engine set to 'rakuclosure' because crotmp fails many tests because it does not permit double html injection.

  • correction to CWTR::Hash stops failure in test suite.

Raku::Pod::Render v3.7.6

A generic Pod6 Renderer with custom Pod::Blocks, FormatCodes for one or more files using templates, provides HTML and MarkDown.


  • Richard Hainsworth





Test Dependencies


  • ExtractPod
  • InstallAtomHighlighter
  • Pod::To::HTML2
  • Pod::To::HTML2::Mustache
  • Pod::To::MarkDown
  • ProcessedPod
  • RenderPod::Exceptions
  • RenderPod::Highlighting
  • RenderPod::Templating
  • RenderPod::Test-Templates
  • raku-pod-render-install-highlighter
  • test-templates

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.