Pastebin::Gist - Raku interface to
use Pastebin::Gist;
my $p =
token => '3f2b4ca292960fafc63fb6798f148e3b47ea9fff',
my $paste_url = $p.paste("<foo>bar</foo>");
my $paste_url = $p.paste(
'file1.p6' => { content => "Paste content 1" },
'meow.css' => { content => "Paste content 2" },
:desc("Foo Bar"),
$p.delete: $paste_url; # delete a gist
This module allows the user to create and paste to GitHub Gists as well as retrieve them.
# Assuming PASTEBIN_GIST_TOKEN env var has the token:
my $p =;
# Set token via an argument:
my $p =
token => 'ghp_4ca292960fafc63fb6798f148e3b47ea9fff',
Creates new C<Pastebin::Gist> object. Accepts the following settings:
token => 'ghp_4ca292960fafc63fb6798f148e3b47ea9fff'
To use this module you need to
create a GitHub token. Only the gist
permission is needed.
You can avoid providing the token
argument by setting the
environmental variable to the value of your token.
Local User Testing
In order to test the module with your token, use the installed executable 'test-pastebin-gist' to insure all works before using this module in other programs.
my $paste_url = $p.paste('Paste content');
my $paste_url = $p.paste('Paste content', filename => 'foo.raku');
my $paste_url = $p.paste(
'file1.raku' => { content => "Paste content 1" },
'meow.css' => { content => "Paste content 2" },
:desc('Optional summary'),
Returns URL to the created paste (e.g. On failure, throws
`Pastebin::Gist::X` exception whose `$.message` method has reason for error.
First positional argument can either be a string of content to paste or
a hashref where keys are filenames and values are hashrefs with
values key content
set to content of files to paste. Using a hashref
allows you to make a gist with multiple files. All other arguments
are optional and are as follows:
desc => 'Optional summary',
Optional. Provides the description (summary) of the gist. By default not specified.
public => True,
Optional. Takes True
or False
values. If set to True
, your
gist will be visible in search results and recent gists page.
Defaults to: False
filename => "Foo.raku"
Optional. Applies only when the first positional argument to
/paste is a string. Specifies the filename to use for your gist
(affects syntax highlighting). Defaults to: nopaste.txt
Note: GitHub's API docs have this blurb in them:
Don't name your files "gistfile" with a numerical suffix.
This is the format of the automatic naming scheme that
Gist uses internally.
It tells you not to use files gistfile3
or gistfile33.txt
. Behaviour
when using this types of values for filename
is not defined.
my ( $files, $desc )
= $p.fetch('');
my ( $files, $desc ) = $p.fetch('5590bc07b8d5bd8fd98d');
say "Title: $desc";
for $files.keys {
say "File: $_\nContent:\n$files{$_}";
Returns a two-item list: files in the gist and gist's title.
Takes one mandatory argument: a full URL or just the
ID number of the gist you want to retrieve. The $files
is a hashref,
where keys are file names and values are the file's contents.
On failure, throws
`Pastebin::Gist::X` exception whose `$.message` method has reason for error.
$p.delete: '';
$p.delete: '5590bc07b8d5bd8fd98d';
Returns `True`. Deletes an existing gist referenced by either the ID or the full URL to it. On failure, throws `Pastebin::Gist::X` exception whose `$.message` method has reason for error.
Zoffix Znet
Copyright 2015 - 2018 Zoffix Znet
Copyright 2019 - 2022 Raku Community
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.