



# load a font from a file
use PDF::Font::Loader :&load-font;
use PDF::Content::FontObj;
my PDF::Content::FontObj $deja;
$deja = PDF::Font::Loader.load-font: :file<t/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf>;
-- or --
$deja = load-font( :file<t/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf> );
# find/load the best matching system font
# *** requires FontConfig ***
use PDF::Font::Loader :load-font, :find-font;
$deja = load-font( :family<DejaVu>, :slant<italic> );
my Str $file = find-font( :family<DejaVu>, :slant<italic> );
my PDF::Content::FontObj $deja-vu = load-font: :$file;
# use the font to add text to a PDF
use PDF::Lite;
my PDF::Lite $pdf .= new;
$pdf.add-page.text: {
   .font = $deja, 12;
   .text-position = [10, 600];
   .say: 'Hello, world';
$pdf.save-as: "/tmp/example.pdf";


This module provides font loading and handling for PDF::Lite, PDF::API6 and other PDF modules.



A class level method to load a font from a font file, or pattern creating a new PDF::Font::Loader::FontObj object.

multi method load-font(Str:D :$file, Bool :$subset, :$enc, :$dict);

Loads a font from a given font file as a PDF::Font::Loader::FontObj object.

multi method load-font(Bool :$subset, :$enc, :$lang, :$core-font, *%patt);

Finds the best matching font using the `find-font` method on a pattern and loads it. If `:core-font` is True and the pattern matches a core-font, it is loaded as a PDF::Content::Font::CoreFont object.


  • :$file

    Font file to load. Currently supported formats are:

  • OpenType (.otf)

  • TrueType (.ttf)

  • Postscript (.pfb, or .pfa)

  • CFF (.cff)

  • TrueType Collections (*.ttc) and OpenType Collections (*.otc) are also accepted, but must be subsetted, if they are being embedded.

  • :$subset

    Subset the font for compaction. The font is reduced to the set of characters that have actually been encoded. This can greatly reduce the output size when the font is embedded in a PDF file.

    This feature currently works on OpenType, TrueType and CFF fonts and requires installation of the HarfBuzz::Subset module.

  • :$enc

    Selects the encoding mode: common modes are `win`, `mac` and `identity-h`.

  • `mac` Macintosh platform single byte encoding

  • `win` Windows platform single byte encoding

  • `identity-h` a two byte encoding mode

  • `win` is used as the default encoding for fonts with no more than 255 glyphs. `identity-h` is used otherwise.

    It is recommended that you use a single byte encoding such as `:enc<mac>` or `:enc<win>` when it known that no more that 255 distinct characters will actually be used from the font within the PDF.

  • :$dict

    Associated font dictionary.

  • :$core-font

    Prefer to load simple Type1 objects as PDF::Content::Font::CoreFont, rather than PDF::Font::Loader::FontObj (both perform the PDF::Content::FontObj role).

PDF::Font::Loader.load-font(Str :$family, Str :$weight, Str :$stretch, Str :$slant, Bool :$core-font, Bool :$subset, Str :$enc, Str :$lang);

my $vera = PDF::Font::Loader.load-font: :family<vera>;
 my $deja = PDF::Font::Loader.load-font: :family<Deja>, :weight<bold>, :stretch<condensed> :slant<italic>);

Finds and loads the best-matching system font via FontConfig.

Note: This method requires the Raku FontConfig module to be installed, unless the `:core-font` option is used, to load only PDF core fonts.


  • :$family

    Family name of an installed system font to load.

  • :$weight

    Font weight, one of: thin, extralight, light, book, regular, medium, semibold, bold, extrabold, black or a number in the range 100 .. 900.

  • :$stretch

    Font stretch, one of: normal, ultracondensed, extracondensed, condensed, or expanded

  • :$slant

    Font slant, one of: normal, oblique, or italic

  • :$core-font

    Bypass FontConfig and load matching PDF::Content::Font::CoreFont objects, rather than PDF::Font::Loader::FontObj objects (both perform the PDF::Content::FontObj role).

  • :$lang

    A RFC-3066-style language tag. FontConfig will select only fonts whose character set matches the preferred lang. See also I18N::LangTags.

  • *%props

    Any additional options are parsed as FontConfig properties.


use PDF::Font::Loader
    :Weight  # thin|extralight|light|book|regular|medium|semibold|bold|extrabold|black|100..900
    :Stretch # normal|[ultra|extra]?[condensed|expanded]
    :Slant   # normal|oblique|italic
find-font(Str :$family,     # e.g. :family<vera>
          Weight  :$weight,
          Stretch :$stretch,
          Slant   :$slant,
          Str     :$lang,   # e.g. :lang<jp>
          Bool    :$all,
          UInt    :$best,
          Bool    :$serif,  # serif(True) or sans-serif(False) fonts

This method requires the optional FontConfig Raku module to be installed.

Locates, font-files after sorting system fonts using the pattern. Normally the best matching font-file is returned, or multiple font files can be returned using the `:best($n)` or `:all` options.

my $file = PDF::Font::Loader.find-font: :family<Deja>, :weight<bold>, :width<condensed>, :slant<italic>, :lang<en>;
say $file;  # /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansCondensed-BoldOblique.ttf
my $font = PDF::Font::Loader.load-font: :$file;

The `:all` option returns a sequence of all fonts, ordered by best to worst matching. This method may be useful, if you wish to apply your own selection critera.

The `:best($n)` is similar to `:all`, but returns at most the `$n` best matching fonts.

Any additional options are treated as a FontConfig pattern attributes. For example `:spacing<mono>` will select monospace fonts.

use PDF::Font::Loader;
use Font::FreeType;
use Font::FreeType::Face;
my Font::FreeType $ft .= new;
my $series = PDF::Font::Loader.find-font(:best(10), :!serif, :weight<bold>,);
my Str @best = $series.Array;
# prefer a font with kerning
my Str $best-font = @best.first: -> $file {
    my Font::FreeType::Face $face = $ft.face: $file;
# fall-back to best matching font without kerning
$best-font //= @best.head;

note "best font: " ~ $best-font;

PDF::Font::Loader v0.7.5

Font loading and embedding for the PDF tool-chain


  • David Warring





Test Dependencies


  • PDF::Font::Loader
  • PDF::Font::Loader::Dict
  • PDF::Font::Loader::Enc
  • PDF::Font::Loader::Enc::CMap
  • PDF::Font::Loader::Enc::Glyphic
  • PDF::Font::Loader::Enc::Identity16
  • PDF::Font::Loader::Enc::Type1
  • PDF::Font::Loader::Enc::Unicode
  • PDF::Font::Loader::FontObj
  • PDF::Font::Loader::FontObj::CID
  • PDF::Font::Loader::Glyph
  • PDF::Font::Loader::Type1::Stream

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.