The PDF::Content::Ops role implements methods and mnemonics for the full operator table, as defined in specification [PDF 1.7 Appendix A]:
* Operator * | *Mnemonic* | *Operands* | *Description* |
b | CloseFillStroke | β | Close, fill, and stroke path using nonzero winding number rule |
B | FillStroke | β | Fill and stroke path using nonzero winding number rule |
b* | CloseEOFillStroke | β | Close, fill, and stroke path using even-odd rule |
B* | EOFillStroke | β | Fill and stroke path using even-odd rule |
BDC | BeginMarkedContentDict | tag properties | (PDF 1.2) Begin marked-content sequence with property list |
BI | BeginImage | β | Begin inline image object |
BMC | BeginMarkedContent | tag | (PDF 1.2) Begin marked-content sequence |
BT | BeginText | β | Begin text object |
BX | BeginExtended | β | (PDF 1.1) Begin compatibility section |
c | CurveTo | x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 | Append curved segment to path (two control points) |
cm | ConcatMatrix | a b c d e f | Concatenate matrix to current transformation matrix |
CS | SetStrokeColorSpace | name | (PDF 1.1) Set color space for stroking operations |
cs | SetFillColorSpace | name | (PDF 1.1) Set color space for nonstroking operations |
d | SetDashPattern | dashArray dashPhase | Set line dash pattern |
d0 | SetCharWidth | wx wy | Set glyph width in Type 3 font |
d1 | SetCharWidthBBox | wx wy llx lly urx ury | Set glyph width and bounding box in Type 3 font |
Do | XObject | name | Invoke named XObject |
DP | MarkPointDict | tag properties | (PDF 1.2) Define marked-content point with property list |
EI | EndImage | β | End inline image object |
EMC | EndMarkedContent | β | (PDF 1.2) End marked-content sequence |
ET | EndText | β | End text object |
EX | EndExtended | β | (PDF 1.1) End compatibility section |
f | Fill | β | Fill path using nonzero winding number rule |
F | FillObsolete | β | Fill path using nonzero winding number rule (obsolete) |
f* | EOFill | β | Fill path using even-odd rule |
G | SetStrokeGray | gray | Set gray level for stroking operations |
g | SetFillGray | gray | Set gray level for nonstroking operations |
gs | SetGraphicsState | dictName | (PDF 1.2) Set parameters from graphics state parameter dictionary |
h | ClosePath | β | Close subpath |
i | SetFlatness | flatness | Set flatness tolerance |
ID | ImageData | β | Begin inline image data |
j | SetLineJoin | lineJoin| Set line join style |
J | SetLineCap | lineCap | Set line cap style |
K | SetStrokeCMYK | c m y k | Set CMYK color for stroking operations |
k | SetFillCMYK | c m y k | Set CMYK color for nonstroking operations |
l | LineTo | x y | Append straight line segment to path |
m | MoveTo | x y | Begin new subpath |
M | SetMiterLimit | miterLimit | Set miter limit |
MP | MarkPoint | tag | (PDF 1.2) Define marked-content point |
n | EndPath | β | End path without filling or stroking |
q | Save | β | Save graphics state |
Q | Restore | β | Restore graphics state |
re | Rectangle | x y width height | Append rectangle to path |
RG | SetStrokeRGB | r g b | Set RGB color for stroking operations |
rg | SetFillRGB | r g b | Set RGB color for nonstroking operations |
ri | SetRenderingIntent | intent | Set color rendering intent |
s | CloseStroke | β | Close and stroke path |
S | Stroke | β | Stroke path |
SC | SetStrokeColor | c1 β¦ cn | (PDF 1.1) Set color for stroking operations |
sc | SetFillColor | c1 β¦ cn | (PDF 1.1) Set color for nonstroking operations |
SCN | SetStrokeColorN | c1 β¦ cn [name] | (PDF 1.2) Set color for stroking operations (ICCBased and special color spaces) |
scn | SetFillColorN | c1 β¦ cn [name] | (PDF 1.2) Set color for nonstroking operations (ICCBased and special color spaces) |
sh | ShFill | name | (PDF 1.3) Paint area defined by shading pattern |
T* | TextNextLine | β | Move to start of next text line |
Tc | SetCharSpacing| charSpace | Set character spacing |
Td | TextMove | tx ty | Move text position |
TD | TextMoveSet | tx ty | Move text position and set leading |
Tf | SetFont | font size | Set text font and size |
Tj | ShowText | string | Show text |
TJ | ShowSpaceText | array | Show text, allowing individual glyph positioning |
TL | SetTextLeading | leading | Set text leading |
Tm | SetTextMatrix | a b c d e f | Set text matrix and text line matrix |
Tr | SetTextRender | render | Set text rendering mode |
Ts | SetTextRise | rise | Set text rise |
Tw | SetWordSpacing | wordSpace | Set word spacing |
Tz | SetHorizScaling | scale | Set horizontal text scaling |
v | CurveToInitial | x2 y2 x3 y3 | Append curved segment to path (initial point replicated) |
w | SetLineWidth | lineWidth | Set line width |
W | Clip | β | Set clipping path using nonzero winding number rule |
W* | EOClip | β | Set clipping path using even-odd rule |
y | CurveToFinal | x1 y1 x3 y3 | Append curved segment to path (final point replicated) |
' | MoveShowText | string | Move to next line and show text |
" | MoveSetShowText | aw ac string | Set word and character spacing, move to next line, and show text |