PDF::Combiner - Provides routines and a program to combine and title PDF documents


use PDF::Combiner;
combine-pdfs config=our-israel-tour.txt

Installation requirements

PDF::Combiner requires the system binary program, ps2pdf, in order to compress PDF files. To install it on a Debian system, execute:

sudo apt-get install ps2pdf

To compress any PDF execute:

ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook large.pdf smaller.pdf # 150 dpi
ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer large.pdf smaller.pdf # 300 dpi

A 78 Mb combined PDF compressed to the following sizes:

  • with '-dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook': 2.9 Mb

  • with '-dPDFSETTINGS=/printer': 15 Mb

I could not see any differences in one printed page, but your results may vary. Choose output file compresion on the command line. You may also set it in your project configuration file.


PDF::Combiner is a simple but useful tool to combine PDF documents into a single PDF document.

In the example above, our-israel-tour.txt is a simple formatted text file containing several types of lines. See the example project config files in directory /example-project for usable examples of the input file.

Note the PDF files are expected to be in the same directory as the project file. If that is a problem for your use case, please file an issue.

config file

The configuration (or project) file is a typical text file with data in single-line format for most options or in blocks of text. Its suffix is not specified, but the example files have extensions of .txt (the author's preference). Options are entered in a format taken from Rakudoc: =option-name value.... or =begin option-name...=end option-name..

Blank lines are ignored (except in text blocks) and comments on a line begin at the first # character and continue to the end of the line.

Note comments in a text block resulting in a blank line will result in that blank line being retained in the block.


  • =begin title...=end title

    The lines between the begin/end options are used to populate a cover with the first line being the title and the following lines shown below it after some blank lines.

    Note no cover is produced without this text block, nor is any cover produced if all lines are blank.

  • =numbers value?

    The 'value' is optional. Without it, the result is True if the option alone is present. If the option is not present, the result is False. If the 'value' is present, it is evaluated for truthiness.

    A true value currently produces page numbers on each page (except any cover which is number one but not shown); format: 'Page N of M'.

  • =two-sided value?

    The 'value' is optional. Without it, the result is True if the option alone is present. If the option is not present, the result is False. If the 'value' is present, it is evaluated for truthiness.

  • =back value?

    The 'value' is optional. Without it, the result is True if the option alone is present. If the option is not present, the result is False. If the 'value' is present, it is evaluated for truthiness.

  • =outfile value!

    The option and 'value' are required.

    'value' is the file name of the new document which should have no spaces and have a suffix of .pdf.

  • =paper value!

    The option is not required. But if it is used, then 'value' is required.

    'value' defines the paper size. Current choices are 'Letter' or 'A4'. If the option is not used, the default size is 'Letter'.

  • =zip value!

    The option is not required. But if it is used, then 'value' is required.

    'value' defines the compression level for the output file. It must be either '150' or '300' (dots per inch). It is very useful for PDFs generated from scans. The '150' DPI approximates the density of an ebook while '300' DPI approximates the output from a printer.

Possible additional options

  • =begin introduction...=end introduction


Thanks to prolific Raku module distribution author David Warring for his wonderful PDF project ( and especially for his example of how to combine PDF files into one.


Tom Browder <[email protected]>


Ā© 2022-2023 Tom Browder

This library is free software; you may redistribute it or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.

PDF::Combiner v0.0.1

Provides routines and a program to combine and title PDF documents


  • Tom Browder





Test Dependencies


  • PDF::Combiner
  • PDF::Combiner::Subs

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.