

Oyatul - Abstract representation of filesystem layout


This runs the tests identified by 'purpose' test which can be in any location in the layout with the library directory identified by the purpose 'lib' :

use Oyatul;

my $description = q:to/LAY/;
   "type" : "layout",
   "children" : [
         "name" : "t",
         "purpose" : "tests",
         "type" : "directory",
         "children" : [
               "type" : "file",
               "purpose" : "test",
               "template" : true
         "type" : "directory",
         "purpose" : "lib",
         "name" : "lib",
         "children" : []

# the :real adverb causes instance nodes to be inserted
# for any templates if they exist.
my $layout = Oyatul::Layout.from-json($description, root => $*CWD.Str, :real);

# get the directory that stands in for 'lib'
my $lib = $layout.nodes-for-purpose('lib').first.path;

# get all the instances for 'test' excluding the template
for $layout.nodes-for-purpose('test', :real) -> $test {
    run($*EXECUTABLE, '-I', $lib, $test.path);


This provides a method of describing a filesystem layout in an abstract manner.

It can be used in the deployment of applications which might need the creation of a directory tree for data or configuration, or for applications which may need to locate files and directory that it needs but can allow the user to define their own .

The file layout descriptions can be stored as JSON or they can be built programmatically (thus allowing other forms of storage.)

The description can define directories and files in an aribitrary tree structure, each can optionally define a 'purpose' which can be used to locate a node irrespective of its location in the tree and name, a node object can also be given a role with the 'does' key which can give the node additional behaviours (e.g. create a file of a specific format, create an object based on a file or directory etc.) Template nodes can be defined which can stand in for real files or directories which can be discovered at run-time.

This is based on a design that I used in a large application that relied heavily on file storage for its data, but is somewhat more simplified and abstracted as well as preferring JSON over the original XML for the storage of the layout description. The features are designed to allow Sofa to load a CouchDB design document from an arbitrary (possibly user defined) file hierarchy unlike couchapp which requires a fixed directory structure. However hopefully it will be useful in other applications.

class Oyatul::Layout

class Oyatul::Layout does Oyatul::Parent

This is the top level description of the layout.

method new

method new(Oyatul::Layout:U: -> Oyatul::Layout);

This is the constructor for the class, typically one would prefer one of the generate or from-json, but this may be used if one is creating a layout programmatically from some other form of configuration.

method generate

method generate (Oyatul::Layout: Str :$root = '.' --> Oyatul::Layout)
    method generate (Oyatul::Layout: IO::Path:D :$root!)

This will create a new Oyatul::Layout based on the directory structure found in $root (which defaults to the current directory,) it will by default skip any files or directories who's name begins with '.'

method from-json

method from-json (Oyatul::Layout:U: IO::Path :$path!, |c is raw --> Oyatul::Layout)
    method from-json (Oyatul::Layout:U: Str :$path!, |c is raw --> Oyatul::Layout)
    method from-json (Oyatul::Layout:U: Str $json, Str :$root = '.', Bool :$real --> Oyatul::Layout)

This returns a new Oyatul::Layout based on the JSON that can be passed as a string, or (with path) as the path to a file containing JSON. If root is supplied this will be the path where the layout is anchored (this defaults to the current directory.) If the :real adverb is supplied any templates found in the layout will have File or Directory instances created for the files or directories that are in the position of the template.

The format of the JSON is described below.

method from-hash

method from-hash (Oyatul::Layout: %h, :$root)

This returns a new Oyatul::Layout based on a Hash containing data of the same format as the JSON.

method to-json

method to-json (Oyatul::Layout:)

This returns a JSON string that describes the layout, it can be round-tripped through from-json, but is primarily intended to get a layout discovered by generate which may be edited to suit the application.

method path-parts

method path-parts (Oyatul::Layout:)

This returns a list containing the value of root, it will be used to create the paths of the child nodes.

method create

method create (Oyatul::Layout: Str :$root --> Bool)

This causes all the 'real' (i.e. non-template) nodes in the layout to be created starting at the top-level by calling the create methods in turn. It returns a Bool to indicate whether all the creations were successfull.

method IO

method IO (Oyatul::Layout: --> IO::Path)

This returns an IO::Path object for the root of the layout.

class Oyatul::File

class Oyatul::File does Oyatul::Node

This represents a 'file' leaf-node in the layout.

method to-hash

method to-hash (Oyatul::File:D:)

Returns a representation of the File object as a Hash, which will be used by its parent to get its Hash and eventually that for the whole layout.

method from-hash

method from-hash (Oyatul::File: %h, Oyatul::Parent:D :$parent)

Creates a new Oyatul::File object from the supplied Hash, if it is to be inserted into a layout then parent should be supplied (this will be done by a Oyatul::Parent when it is creating its children from a hash using this method.)

method create

method create (Oyatul::File: --> Bool)

This will attempt to create an empty file with the name of this File in the appropriate location, returning a Bool to indicate whether this was successful, if something other than an empty file is to be created then this can be over-ridden from a role specified in the does key in the layout.

method delete

method delete (Oyatul::File: --> Bool)

This will attempt to delete the physical file that this File object represents in the layout, returning a Bool indicating success.

method accepts-path

method accepts-path (Oyatul::File: IO::Path:D $path --> Bool)

This returns a Bool to indicate whether the supplied IO::Path represents a file, it will be called by realise-template with the IO::Path object representing a directory entry to determine whether it is suitable match for the template. If some more detailed check is required this can be over-ridden in a role specified by the does key for the template.

class Oyatul::Directory

class Oyatul::Directory does Oyatul::Node does Oyatul::Parent

This represents a directory node in the layout, it can have file or directory children.

method generate

method generate (Oyatul::Directory: IO::Path:D :$root!, Oyatul::Parent :$parent!)

This will return a new Oyatul::Directory with the name of the basename of the supplied root and with all the child nodes populated iteratively from those found in the filesystem, parent should be either a Oyatul::Layout or another Oyatul::Directory. This will typically be called via the Oyatul::Layout generate method.

method from-hash

method from-hash (Oyatul::Directory:U: %h, Oyatul::Parent:D :$parent)

This creates a new Oyatul::Directory based on the supplied Hash. If it is to be inserted into a layout then parent should be supplied, this will be done when it is being called via the Oyatul::Layout from-hash.

method create

method create (Oyatul::Directory: --> Bool)

This will attempt to create the filesystem structure this directory represents by creating itself (with mkdir) and iteratively calling create on all of the children. It returns a Bool indicating whether all creation was successful.

method accepts-path

method accepts-path (Oyatul::Directory: IO::Path:D $path --> Bool)

This returns a Bool to indicate whether the supplied IO::Path represents a directory, it will be called by realise-template with the IO::Path object representing a directory entry to determine whether it is suitable match for the template. If some more detailed check is required this can be over-ridden in a role specified by the does key for the template.

role Oyatul::Parent

This is a role for classes that can contain child objects, typically Oyatul::Layout and Oyatul::Directory.

attribute @.children

has Oyatul::Node @.children

This is the collection of the child nodes of this object.

method all-children

method all-children (Oyatul::Parent: Bool :$real)

This returns a list of all the child objects of the object. If this is a Layout object then it will be *all* the nodesi.

method template-for-purpose

method template-for-purpose (Oyatul::Parent: Str $purpose --> Oyatul::Template)

This returns the Oyatul::Template that has the specified purpose if one exists.

If more than one template exists for the same purpose then only the first found will be returned, this implies that having more than one should be avoided.

method nodes-for-purpose

method nodes-for-purpose (Oyatul::Parent: Str $purpose, Bool :$real)

This returns a list of all the Oyatul::Node objects that have the specified purpose. If the real adverb is supplied only the non-template nodes are returned.

method gather-children

method gather-children (Oyatul::Parent: IO::Path:D $root)

This is used by the generate method to discover the nodes in the directory tree, returning a list of Oyatul::Node objects which will be created by calling generate on them for each file or directory in $root

method child-by-name

method child-by-name (Oyatul::Parent: Str $name --> Oyatul::Node)

Returns the Oyatul::Node (a Oyatul::File or Oyatul::Directory) that has the specified name.

method delete

method delete (Oyatul::Parent: --> Bool)

This will attempt to delete the entire tree starting at this node, by calling delete on each node depth-first. It returns a Bool indicating whether all the deletions were successful. Care should be taken when using this on an existing structure which may be shared with another application as whilst it will only attempt to delete those nodes described by the layout, it will attempt to delete the root if this is a Layout object.

method realise-templates

method realise-templates (Oyatul::Parent:)

This will attempt to create 'real' Oyatul::Node objects for all nodes that are found in the place of a template in the layout, that is if the template is a file and a file is found in the enclosing directory then a Oyatul::File with the name of the file will be created and inserted into the layout instance.

This returns a list of all the instances that were created.

role Oyatul::Template

role Oyatul::Template[Mu:U $real-type]

This role is applied to a node in the layout which has a True value for the template key, it is a placeholder for any number of named real nodes that may not be known until an instance of the layout is applied to the filesystem.

The role is parameterised with the real (original type) of the node (i.e. Oyatul::File or Oyatul::Directory) which will be used to instantiate the 'real' object with make-real.

method create

method create ($?CLASS:)

A Template cannot actually exist so this is a stub that returns true without doing anything.

method delete

method delete ($?CLASS:)

A Template cannot actually exist so this is a stub that returns true without doing anything.

method make-real

method make-real ($?CLASS: Str $name)

This is called on the template object by gather-instances with the name of each matching node that is found. It returns a 'real' Oyatul::Node (that is one without the Template role,) that has been inserted into the layout (i.e added to the children of the parent of the Template and parent populated appropriately.

method gather-instances

method gather-instances ($?CLASS:)

This will be called by realise-templates for each template in the tree. For each filesystem node in the same location as the template for which accepts-path returns true, make-real will be called with the name of the node. This returns a list of the 'real' instances that were created.

method is-template

method is-template ($?CLASS:)

This returns True for any object that does this role.

role Oyatul::Node

This is role for items in the Layout, (i.e. File, Directory)

attribute name

has Str $.name;

This is the basename of the filesystem node in layout, it is required for all objects that are not templates.

attribute parent

has Oyatul::Parent $.parent;

This is the parent object of the node. This will typically be populated by the parent object itself when the object is being added to the layout.

attribute purpose

has Str $.purpose

This is the 'purpose' as defined by the same named key in the layout description. It is an arbitrary string that will be matched by the nodes-for-purpose method of Oyatul::Parent.

method IO

method IO (Oyatul::Node: --> IO::Path)

Returns the IO::Path object representing the path in the layout.

method path

method path (Oyatul::Node: --> Str)

Returns the full path of the node in the layout, it will be anchored at the root of the layout instance.

method path-parts

method path-parts (Oyatul::Node:)

This returns a list of the individual parts of the path of the node, the first element will be the root of the layout.

method is-template

method is-template (Oyatul::Node: --> Bool)

This will return a Bool indicating if this Node is infact a Template (that is it does the Oyatul::Template role,)

method create

method create ($?CLASS: --> Bool)

This is an "abstract" method that must be defined by the composing class.

method delete

method delete ($?CLASS: --> Bool)

This is an "abstract" method that must be defined by the composing class.

method accepts-path

method accepts-path ($?CLASS: IO::Path:D $ --> Bool)

This is an "abstract" method that must be defined by the composing class.


The layout description will typically be stored as a JSON formatted file, but could be stored in any format that can be de-serialised to a similarly structured Hash. Alternatively the description could be stored in any medium and the layout objects created individually based on the data.

The top level item should be a Hash (or JSON Object,) with the key type with the value 'layout', and children which will be an Array of Objects describing the child nodes.




This is mandatory and must be either file or directory (except at the top level where it must be layout.) If any other value is found in traversing the description an exception will be thrown.

If the type is file it will result in a Oyatul::File, if directory then Oyatul::Directory.


This is an optional key, that can be an arbitrary string, that will be matched by nodes-for-purpose.


This is mandatory for nodes of type 'directory' or 'layout' type and must be an Array of node objects (or an empty Array,) that represent the child objects.


This is optional and if present will be the short name of a role that will be required (if it isn't already loaded,) and mixed in to the Oyatul::Node that is instantiated from the description. If it cannot be loaded or the name doesn't specify a composable type then an exception will be thrown.

The role can supply behaviour that is specific to the application or over-ride the methods of Oyatul::Node (e.g. a create that will populate a data file in a certain way.)


This is an optional boolean that indicates whether the node is a template or not, if it is true then the role Oyatul::Template will be applied to the node object when it is being added to the layout.

Oyatul v0.0.8

Abstract representation of a filesystem layout


  • Jonathan Stowe





Test Dependencies


  • Oyatul

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.