Net::Whois - Raku interface to the Whois service
use Net::Whois;
my Net::Whois $w .= new;
my %h = $w.query: $who, $using;
for %h.kv -> $k, $v { say "$k => $v[*]" }
Net::Whois is an interface to the Whois service
This is a very simple module that does what I just happened to need.
The constructor takes no arguments.
multi method query(Str:D $who where { $_ ~~ IP | Domain or die 'Not a valid IP or domain name' }, Str:D $server, Bool :$raw! --> List)
multi method query(Str:D $who where { $_ ~~ IP | Domain or die 'Not a valid IP or domain name' }, Str:D $server, Bool :$multiple --> Hash)
multi method query(Str:D $who where { $_ ~~ IP | Domain or die 'Not a valid IP or domain name' }, *@servers, Bool :$multiple, Bool :$raw --> Hash)
The first form of the method looks for the $who domain, using the chosen $server and returns a List of values. If the :$raw flag is used then the result is returned verbatim.
The second form returns a Hash of the whois fields. The whois output may consist of several sections; if the :$multiple flag is used the values of the same-named field are concatenated into the same value string.
The third form takes a list of servers to query. It returns a Hash whose keys are the name of the server and the values are the hashes returned by the second form of the method, or the lists returned by the first form of the method if the :$raw flag has been used.
To install it using zef (a module management tool):
$ zef install Net::Whois
Fernando Santagata <[email protected]>
Copyright 2023 Fernando Santagata
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.