Mi6::Helper - An aid for converting Raku modules to use App::Mi6


use Mi6::Helper

$ mi6-helper new=Foo::Bar provides=Bar-description.txt


Note this is API 2 and its approach has changed significantly since the author has had much more experience using App::Mi6. For example, accidentally using mi6 test in a non-mi6 module's base directory will corrupt an existing file!

CAUTION: Before using this tool on a real module repository, the user should ensure all contents have been comitted with Git to enable recovery from any unwanted changes.

This module installs a Raku executable named mi6-helper which is designed for two major modes of operation:

  • new

    Creates a new module using mi6 and then changes some of the contents to satisfy the 'docs' option and, optionally, substitute 'blah...' with the user's short description.


    Inspects an existing Git repository of a Raku module to help convert it to one that uses the App::Mi6 module with the Zef repository. Essentially all it does is add or mofify the following files:

  • Changes

  • dist.ini


  • See more details below.

Modified files for mode new

Files with replaced, modified, or added lines:

  • dist.ini (in the base directory)

    This file, if found existing, will cause an abort. No changes can be made to an existing file. You may use the force option at your own risk.

    The default file does NOT create any Markdown files from any source unless you use the docs option. In those cases a docs/README.rakudoc file is created and this file is modified appropriately.

New directory and file:

  • (in the base directory)

    This file, if it exists, is copied to a file named for safety. The original file is not modified by this program.

  • Changes (in the base directory)

    If a Changes file happens to exist, it will be copied to a Changes.original file and the original will be overwritten with one in the correct format.

  • docs/README.rakudoc (in the base/docs directory)

    If such a file exists, it will be left unchanged.

The default changes to the dist.ini file are those the author likes, but a future update will allow the user to customize those actions in his or her own $HOME/.mi6helper-ini file.

The contents of the two files are shown below.

Changes file

dist.ini file (benign version for non-mi6 repositories)

dist.ini file (version for newly created mi6 repositories)


sub get-mod-name
  - determine the base module name
    - check any dist.ini file
    - check the META6.json file
    - throw if not found or there are conflicts


Tom Browder <[email protected]>


The very useful Raku modules used herein:

  • App::Mi6 by github:skaji

  • File::Find by github:tadzik

  • JSON::Fast by github:timo

  • Config::INI by gitbub:tadzik


Copyright &#x00A9; 2020-2022 Tom Browder

This library is free software; you may redistribute it or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.

Mi6::Helper v0.5.0

An aid for converting Raku modules to use App::Mi6


  • Tom Browder






  • Mi6::Helper

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.