
[Raku LibXML Project] / [LibXSLT Module] / Stylesheet




The main API is on the stylesheet, though it is fairly minimal.

One of the main advantages of LibXSLT is that you have a generic stylesheet object which you call the transform() method passing in a document to transform. This allows you to have multiple transformations happen with one stylesheet without requiring a reparse.

  • transform(:$doc, %params)

    my $results = $stylesheet.transform(:$doc, foo => "'bar'");
    print $results.Xslt.Str;

    Transforms the passed in LibXML::Document object, and returns a new LibXML::Document. Extra hash entries are used as parameters. Be sure to keep in mind the caveat with regard to quotes explained in the section on /"Parameters" below.

  • transform(file => filename, |%params)

    my $results = $stylesheet.transform(file => $filename, bar => "'baz'");

    Note the string parameter caveat, detailed in the section on /"Parameters" below.

  • .Xslt()

    my LibXSLT::Document::Xslt $results = .Xslt()
        given $stylesheet.transform($doc, foo => "'bar'");

    Applies a role to serialize the LibXML::Document object using the desired output format (specified in the xsl:output tag in the stylesheet).

  • output-method()

    Returns the value of the method attribute from xsl:output (usually xml, html or text). If this attribute is unspecified, the default value is initially undefined. If the transform method is used to produce an HTML document, as per the XSLT spec, the default value will change to html. To override this behavior completely, supply an xsl:output element in the stylesheet source document.

  • media-type()

    Returns the value of the media-type attribute from xsl:output. If this attribute is unspecified, the default media type is initially undefined. This default changes to text/html under the same conditions as output-method.

  • input-callbacks($icb)

    Enable the callbacks in $icb only for this stylesheet. $icb should be a LibXML::InputCallback object. This will call init_callbacks and cleanup_callbacks automatically during transformation.

Transform Parameters

Unlike the Perl 5 module, this Raku module automatically formats keys and parameters for xpath.

If you wish to emulate the Perl 5 behavour and/or format arguments yourself, pass :raw to the transform() method. You can use xpath-to-string() function to do the formatting:

use LibXSLT::Stylesheet :&xpath-to-string;
my %params = xpath-to-string(param => "string");
$stylesheet.transform($doc, :raw, |%params);

The utility function does the right thing with respect to strings in XPath, including when you have quotes already embedded within your string.

LibXSLT v0.1.2

Interface to the GNOME libxslt library


  • David Warring





Test Dependencies


  • LibXSLT
  • LibXSLT::Config
  • LibXSLT::Document
  • LibXSLT::Enums
  • LibXSLT::ExtensionContext
  • LibXSLT::Raw
  • LibXSLT::Raw::Defs
  • LibXSLT::Security
  • LibXSLT::Stylesheet
  • LibXSLT::TransformContext

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