use LibXML::Writer::Buffer; # String or buffer output
my LibXML::Writer::Buffer:D $writer .= new;
$writer.startDocument( :enc<UTF-8> , :version<1.0>, :standalone);
$writer.writeAttribute('id', 'abc123');
$writer.writeText('Hello world!');
say $writer.Str;
# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
# <Test id="abc123">Hello world!</Test>
# write an AST fragment
$writer .= new;
$writer.write: "Test" => [:id<abc123>, 'Hello world!'];
say $writer.Str;
# <Test id="abc123">Hello world!</Test>
This module binds to the libxml2 Writer interface. It can be used to construct full XML documents or XML fragments.
It offers:
an alternative to the W3C DOM for constructing XML documents
the ability to stream to files, buffers or strings without the need to create an intermediate XML document
The API is documented in LibXML::Writer
This module has several output classes:
LibXML::Writer::Buffer - String or buffer output
LibXML::Writer::Document - Construction of LibXML Documents
LibXML::Writer::Node - Construction of Document Sub-trees or Fragments
LibXML::Writer::PushParser - Construction of LibXML documents via LibXML::PushParser
LibXML::Writer::File - Direct file output