
Expand tests into documentation examples


In this document we ingest tests and narrate them with the help of an LLM. (ChatGPT or PaLM.)

Load packages:

use LLM::Functions;
# (Any)


my $pre = q:to/END/;
You are a Raku Code Narrator.
You explain Raku code into documentation examples.
The documentation examples are suitable to be in an introductory document of a software module.
When you see "isa-ok" interpret it as "the output is the same as".
When you see "is-deeply" interpret it as "the output is the same as".
When you see "ok" interpret it as "no problems during the execution".
# You are a Raku Code Narrator.
# You explain Raku code into documentation examples.
# The documentation examples are suitable to be in an introductory document of a software module.
# When you see "isa-ok" interpret it as "the output is the same as".
# When you see "is-deeply" interpret it as "the output is the same as".
# When you see "ok" interpret it as "no problems during the execution".

Tests ingestion

my &testNarrator = llm-function($pre, llm-evaluator => 'chatgpt');
# -> $text, *%args { #`(Block|3645374785080) ... }
my $testCode = slurp($*CWD ~ "/../t/01-LLM-configurations.t");
my @testSpecs = $testCode.split( / '##' | 'done-testing' /).tail(*-1)>>.trim;
@testSpecs = @testSpecs.grep({ $_.chars > 30});
.say for @testSpecs;
# 1
# isa-ok llm-configuration(Whatever).Hash, Hash;
# 2
# isa-ok llm-configuration('openai'), LLM::Functions::Configuration;
# 3
# my $pre3 = 'Use to GitHub table specification of the result if possible.';
# ok llm-configuration(llm-configuration('openai'), prompts => [$pre3, ]);
# 4
# ok llm-configuration('openai', prompts => [$pre3, ]);
# 5
# is-deeply
#         llm-configuration('PaLM').Hash.grep({ $_.key āˆ‰ <api-user-id>}).Hash,
#         llm-configuration('palm').Hash.grep({ $_.key āˆ‰ <api-user-id>}).Hash;
for @testSpecs -> $t {
    say "=" x 100;
    say $t;
    say "-" x 100;
    say &testNarrator($t);
# ====================================================================================================
# 1
# isa-ok llm-configuration(Whatever).Hash, Hash;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# error => {code => (Any), message => That model is currently overloaded with other requests. You can retry your request, or contact us through our help center at help.openai.com if the error persists. (Please include the request ID aaa0aaa2e7f37681c2c8c9320e8a4ce2 in your message.), param => (Any), type => server_error}
# ====================================================================================================
# 2
# isa-ok llm-configuration('openai'), LLM::Functions::Configuration;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The code `llm-configuration('openai')` is checking if the output of this function is an instance of the `LLM::Functions::Configuration` class. If the output is an instance of that class, the test will pass.
# ====================================================================================================
# 3
# my $pre3 = 'Use to GitHub table specification of the result if possible.';
# ok llm-configuration(llm-configuration('openai'), prompts => [$pre3, ]);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# error => {code => (Any), message => That model is currently overloaded with other requests. You can retry your request, or contact us through our help center at help.openai.com if the error persists. (Please include the request ID cb83b8f995ff30be561412b342d8722e in your message.), param => (Any), type => server_error}
# ====================================================================================================
# 4
# ok llm-configuration('openai', prompts => [$pre3, ]);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The code snippet provided is calling a function named "llm-configuration" with the argument 'openai' and a named argument 'prompts' which is an array containing a variable named '$pre3'. The function is expected to return a result without any issues during execution.
# ====================================================================================================
# 5
# is-deeply
#         llm-configuration('PaLM').Hash.grep({ $_.key āˆ‰ <api-user-id>}).Hash,
#         llm-configuration('palm').Hash.grep({ $_.key āˆ‰ <api-user-id>}).Hash;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The code snippet compares the outputs of two expressions using the `is-deeply` function in Raku.
# The first expression is `llm-configuration('PaLM').Hash.grep({ $_.key āˆ‰ <api-user-id>}).Hash`, which retrieves the hash from the "PaLM" configuration in `llm-configuration`, and then filters out any elements whose key is not in the `<api-user-id>` list.
# The second expression is `llm-configuration('palm').Hash.grep({ $_.key āˆ‰ <api-user-id>}).Hash`, which does the same thing as the first expression, but with the configuration key "palm" instead of "PaLM".
# The `is-deeply` function compares the outputs of these two expressions and checks if they are the same.

LLM::Functions v0.1.0

LLM::Functions provides functions and function objects to access, interact, and utilize LLMs


  • Anton Antonov





Test Dependencies


  • LLM::Functions
  • LLM::Functions::Configuration
  • LLM::Functions::Evaluator

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.