
In brief

This repository is for a Raku (data) package facilitating the creation, storage, retrieval, and curation of LLM prompts.


From Zef' ecosystem:

zef install LLM::Prompts

From GitHub:

zef install

Usage examples

Load the packages "LLM::Prompts", [AAp1], and "LLM::Functions", [AAp2]:

use LLM::Prompts;
use LLM::Functions;
# (Any)

Show the record of the prompt named "FTFY":

.say for |llm-prompt-data<FTFY>;
# Description => Use Fixed That For You to quickly correct spelling and grammar mistakes
# Topics => (General Text Manipulation)
# Keywords => [Spell check Grammar Check Text Assistance]
# PositionalArguments => {$a => }
# Name => FTFY
# URL =>
# Arity => 1
# NamedArguments => []
# PromptText => -> $a='' {"Find and correct grammar and spelling mistakes in the following text.
# Response with the corrected text and nothing else.
# Provide no context for the corrections, only correct the text.
# $a"}
# Categories => (Function Prompts)
# ContributedBy => Wolfram Staff

Make an LLM function from the prompt named "FTFY":

my &f = llm-function(llm-prompt('FTFY'));
# -> **@args, *%args { #`(Block|5605119837632) ... }

Use the LLM function to correct the grammar of sentence:

&f('Where does he works now?')
# Where does he work now?


  • TODO Implementation

    • TODO Addition of user/local prompts

      • XDG data directory.

  • TODO Add more prompts

    • TODO Google's Bard example prompts

    • TODO OpenAI's ChatGPT example prompts

  • TODO Documentation

    • TODO Prompt format

    • TODO Querying (ingested) prompts

    • TODO On hijacking prompts

    • TODO Diagrams

      • Typical usage

      • Chatbook usage



[AA1] Anton Antonov, "Workflows with LLM functions", (2023), RakuForPrediction at WordPress.

[SW1] Stephen Wolfram, "The New World of LLM Functions: Integrating LLM Technology into the Wolfram Language", (2023), Stephen Wolfram Writings.

[SW2] Stephen Wolfram, "Prompts for Work & Play: Launching the Wolfram Prompt Repository", (2023), Stephen Wolfram Writings.

Packages, paclets, repositories

[AAp1] Anton Antonov, LLM::Prompts Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAp2] Anton Antonov, LLM::Functions Raku package, (2023), GitHub/antononcube.

[WRIr1] Wolfram Research, Inc., Wolfram Prompt Repository

LLM::Prompts v0.1.0

Facilitating the creation, storage, retrieval, and curation of LLM prompts.


  • Anton Antonov




Test Dependencies


  • LLM::Prompts

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.