Inline::J - Use the J programming language inside Raku.


use Inline::J;

my \j =;

say j.eval('i. 6');
# 0 1 2 3 4 5

say my $n = j.noun('>: 2 4 $ i. 8');
# 1 2 3 4
# 5 6 7 8

say j.eval("{(1,2) »×» 10} + $n");
# 11 12 13 14
# 25 26 27 28

say my $a = $n.getm;
# [[1 2 3 4]
#  [5 6 7 8]]

say $a.^name => $a.shape;
# Array[Int] => [2 4]

say j.gets(‘2 5 $ 'HelloWorld'’);
# [[H e l l o]
#  [W o r l d]]


This module is under development and is currently classified as beta software. As such, the API is subject to change at any time, and there is likely to be bugs. The use of this module in Production is not recommended. With that out of the way...



The start using Inline::J, first create a new Inline::J object. To load the default J profile, pass a truthy value to the load-profile named argument. You should load-profile if you wish to use names defined in the Standard Library.

my \j =;
say j.eval(‘toupper 'hello, world!'’);

You can also use the load-profile method, which return self.

my \y =;

Note that each object is it's own separate interpreter.

j.eval('n =: 1');
y.eval('echo n');  # fail: value error




The do method accepts a single J expression and passes it to the J interpreter. Any non-Str values will be coerced to a Str.

If there are any errors, it will return a failure with the error message.

This method returns self, so that multiple expressions can be chained.'a =. i. 3').do('a =. 5 + a');  # ok'notaverb 1');                  # fail: value error


The getr method returns the output of the last expression passed to do, with the trailing newline chompd.'a').getr;
# 5 6 7


This is a convenience function that simply chains a do and getr call into one function

say j.eval('(+/ % #) 3 1 4 1 5 9');
# 3.83333


This calls the JFree C function to free the J interpreters memory. Ideally, this should not need to be run, as Inline::J objects call this method on DESTROY.

END { }


This method creates an Inline::J::Noun object that references a noun in J. The gist of this object is the J representation of this noun.

If a noun already exists, you can create an Inline::J::Noun simply by providing it's name.

my $a = j.noun(name => 'a');
say $a;
# 5 6 7

NOTE: The J noun will be erased and it's storage freed when the Raku variable is destroyed by the GC.

Alternatively, you can declare a new variable in J by also providing an expression

my $b = j.noun('10 20 30', name => 'b');
say $b;
# 10 20 30

This is essentially the same as doing j.eval(b =. 10 20 30), only now you have a Raku object that references the noun.

If you do not provide a name, a random name will be generated for you.

my $v = j.noun('42');
say $;
# ijn_d63a244e


An Inline::J::Noun (IJN) object references a noun in J. The gist of this object is the J representation of this noun.

NOTE: The J noun will be erased and it's storage freed when the Raku variable is destroyed by the GC.

EXPERIMENTAL: Currently, an IJN stringifies to it's name. This allows them to be interpolated into J expressions.

say j.eval("a + $b");
# 15 26 37

I'm not sure if this is a good idea yet, but it's fun. The alternative would be to explicitly interpolate it's name into expressions, eg.

say j.eval("a + {$}");

Which is not as much fun.

IJN objects hold a copy of the J interpreter that created them, which facilitates the following methods (which are evald by the J interpreter)

my $m = j.noun('2 3 4 $ i. 24');
say $m;
#  0  1  2  3
#  4  5  6  7
#  8  9 10 11
# 12 13 14 15
# 16 17 18 19
# 20 21 22 23

say $m.elems; # is coerced to Raku Int
# 2

say $m.shape; # is coerced to Raku Seq of Int
# (2 3 4)

say $m[1;0];  # EXPERIMENTAL: returns Str from j.eval
# 12 13 14 15


Similar to IJN's, an Inline::J::Verb (IJV) object references a verb defined in J. The object does Callable so that it acts like a Raku function.

LIMITATION: Currently IJV callables only accept IJN's, or Raku Real numbers. Real are just stringified and interpreted by J.

Callables accept 0, 1, or 2 arguments. When calling with 0 arguments, the J function is actually called with the empty string value.

my &f = j.verb('>:');

my $n = j.noun('i. 10');
my $i = j.noun(4);

say f($n);
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

say f($i, $n);
# 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

Verbs also get a random name (if none is provided)

my &t = j.verb('|:');
say &;
# ijv_c79ce86a

They can tell you their rank, and have a hard-coded arity/count of 1/2.

say &t.rank;
# _ 1 _

say &t.arity;
# 1

say &t.count;
# 2

LIMITATION: Currently only monadic and dyadic verbs are supported, (4!:0) will be checked to ensure a value of 3 (verb) type, otherwise an Exception is thrown

my &c =. j.verb(';.');  # dies: Not a verb

EXPERIMENTAL: Since IJV's are Raku objects, Raku operators could provide multi's specific for them. Once experiment I've added is a multi for &infix:<∘>, which will compose 2 IJVs in J using @: (At)

my $x = j.noun(<1 2 3>);
my $y = j.noun(<2 2 2>);

my &f = j.verb('+/');
my &g = j.verb('*:');
my &h = j.verb('-');

#| sum of squared differences
my &sum-sq-diff = &f ∘ &g ∘ &h;
say sum-sq-diff($x, $y);
# 2

This is useful because currently IJVs return the result of an eval - which is a string - and cannot be passed to another IJV.


WARNING: The code for handling data conversion is in a messy state and largely untested.

J to Raku

J scalars, lists, and matrices can be converted to Raku scalars and arrays. Currently this module strongly prefers creating shaped & typed Raku arrays.

Currently the only J datatypes supported are:

  • boolean : Bool

  • literal : Str

  • integer : Int

  • floating : Num

  • unicode4 : Str

unicode4 values are stored as UTF-16 in J, but normalised to UTF-8 when converted to Raku Current notable omissions are 'extended', 'rational', and 'complex' numbers, as well as 'boxed' arrays.


The Inline::J object provides the following method to get a J noun and convert it to a Raku

my $arr = j.getm($;
say $arr;
# [[[0 1 2 3]
#   [4 5 6 7]
#   [8 9 10 11]]
#  [[12 13 14 15]
#   [16 17 18 19]
#   [20 21 22 23]]]

Note however, that Inline::J::Noun objects also have a getm method available, so the above could also be expressed as:

my $arr = $m.getm;

As stated, the Raku array returns is shaped and typed.

say  $arr.^name => $arr.shape;
# Array[Int] => [2 3 4]

The only minor issue with getm is that it relies on the noun existing in J. This is probably fine on a small scale, but on a larger scale could cause an explosion of declared nouns in J if not handled properly.


Sometimes, you might want to create a Raku data structure from a J expression without declaring a noun. J provides a foreign function (3!:3) which displays an ASCII (hex) representation of the data, which Inline::J can parse.

say j.gets('2 5 $ i. 10');
# [[0 1 2 3 4]
#  [5 6 7 8 9]]

For (currently) no obvious reason, Inline::J::Noun objects also have a gets method, which bypasses the underlying JGetM C function, and parses the ASCII representation instead

say $a.gets;
# [5 6 7]

WARNING: This relies on string output from J. By default, J truncates to 256 columns and 222 rows. I have increased this arbitrarily by 2000 (to 2256 columns 2222 rows), but if you are trying to gets a value where the ASCII representation does not fit into this limitation, it will fail in strange ways. You can always increase the values with (9!:37), but trying to convert values so large is not recommended.

Raku to J

WARNING: Barely developed.

Currently on Raku shaped and typed Arrays can b converted to J arrays and matrices.

Currently the only Raku types supported are:

  • Bool : boolean

  • Str : literal (or unicode*)

  • Int : integer

  • Num : floating

* When converting an Array of Str to J, Inline::J will check if any codepoints are > 255, and if so, the Str's are encoded as UTF-16 before passing to J.


The Inline::J object provides the following method to set a J noun from a Raku data structure

my Bool @b[2;2] = [(True, False), (False, True)];
j.setm('b', @b);
say j.eval('b');
# 1 0
# 0 1

In addition to creating a noun in the J instance, the setm method also returns an IJN.

my $b = j.setm('b', @b);  # Eqv to `my $b = j.noun('b');`
say $b.^name;
# Inline::J::Noun

Existing IJN objects can also have their value over-written with the setm method

$m.setm(Array[Str].new(:shape(2;3), [<A B Ć>, <D E F>]));

say $m;

say $m.^name => $m.datatype;
# Inline::J::Noun => unicode


This module was developed on a x86-64 (little endian) system, and byte-data returned from J is assumed to be 64-bit little endian. Expect things to fail when running on 32-bit builds/systems, or systems that use big endian.

It should be possible to support 32-bit (and/or big endian) systems with a bit of effort, although I do not have a need for it, and will not be developing this support. Pull requests welcome.


The following items are pending further development

  • Support more values for setm

    • Add support for Scalars

    • Maybe allow non-shaped arrays (eg. infer shape recursive .elems?)

  • export helper subs

    • Ease passing of Raku data to J

Pull request welcome.


I'm not a C programmer, and I've barely used NativeCall in the past, so it's entirely possibly I'm doing things in a less-than-optimum way. If anyone is a NativeCall guru, I would appreciate and feedback on whether there are better ways I could be handling the data conversions. The header file for libj is here.

So far it's just been me playing around with this module, trying to work out what useful methods and functionality would be useful. I haven't had a good look at it, but a potential source to mine ideas from is Py'n'APL library.

In general, I'm open to feedback from fellow J+Raku users on settling on the API of this module.


  • What should an Inline::J::Verb return?

Theoretically, IJV's could accept Raku data. Should they return Raku data, or an IJN? Potentially it could depend on the type it accepts, eg. For functions who's RHS (y) argument is an IJN, then perhaps an IJN should be returns, and for functions who's y argument is Raku data, it could return Raku data.

In the first case, returning IJN's results in the creation of noun's in J unnecessarily. A potentially work around is a reserved noun that is reused for return values.

In the second case, returning Raku data may result in unnecessary overhead of data conversion when it may not be needed (or wanted) by the user.

  • How does this module handle threading and race conditions

Not at all, I imagine, and I would expect bugs and undefined behaviour. On a related note, the next version of J has support for thunks / deferred calculations, which I also have no ideas on how that could be integrated with Raku's "mostly lazy" evaluation.

  • Should I move these questions to Github Issues

Maybe... Probably.

Inline::J v0.0.1

Use the J programming language inside Raku


  • zef:elcarlo





Test Dependencies


  • Inline::J::Conversion
  • Inline::J::Datatype
  • Inline::J::Helper
  • Inline::J::Utils


The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.