IO::MiddleMan - hijack, capture, or mute writes to an IO::Handle



    my $mm = IO::MiddleMan.hijack: $*OUT;
    say "Can't see this yet!";
    $mm.mode = 'normal';
    say "Want to see what I said?";
    say "Well, fine. I said $mm";

    my $fh = 'some-file' :w;
    my $mm = IO::MiddleMan.capture: $fh;
    $fh.say: 'test', 42;
    say "We wrote $mm into some-file";

    IO::MiddleMan.mute: $*ERR;
    note "you'll never see this!";


This module allows you to inject yourself in the middle between an IO::Handle and things writing into it. You can completely hijack the data, merely capture it, or discard it entirely.



    say Currently captured things are " $ '';

    $ = () unless $ {/secrets/};
    say "Haven't seen any secrets yet. Restarted the capture";

An array that contains data captured by .hijack and .capture methods. Each operation on the filehandle add one element to .data; those operations are calls to .print, .print-nl, .say, and .put methods on the original filehandle. Note that .data added with .say/.put will have \n added to it already.


    my $mm = IO::MiddleMan.mute: $*OUT;
    say "This is muted";
    $mm.handle.say: "But this still works!";

The original IO::Handle. You can still successfully call data methods on it, and no captures will be done, regardless of what the IO::MiddleMan .mode is.


    my $mm = IO::MiddleMan.hijack: $*OUT;
    say "I'm hijacked!";
    $mm.mode = 'normal';
    say "Now things are back to normal";

Sets operational mode for the IO::MiddleMan. Valid modes are capture, hijack, mute, and normal. See methods of the corresponding name for the description of the behavior these modes enable.



    my $mm = IO::MiddleMan.capture: $*OUT;
    say "I'm watching you";

Creates and returns a new IO::MiddleMan object set to capture all the data sent to the IO::Handle given as the positional argument. Any writes to the original IO::Handle will proceed as normal, while also being stored in .data accessor.


    my $mm = IO::MiddleMan.hijack: $*OUT;
    say "Can't see this yet!";

Creates and returns a new IO::MiddleMan object set to hijack all the data sent to the IO::Handle given as the positional argument. Any writes to the original IO::Handle will NOT reach it and instead will be stored in .data accessor.


    my $mm = IO::MiddleMan.mute: $*OUT;
    say "You'll never see this!";

Creates and returns a new IO::MiddleMan object set to ignore all the data sent to the IO::Handle given as the positional argument.


    my $mm = IO::MiddleMan.normal: $*OUT;
    say "Things look perfectly normal";

Creates and returns a new IO::MiddleMan object set to send all the data sent to the IO::Handle given as the positional argument as it normally would and no capturing of it is to be done.


    say "Captured $mm";

This module overrides the .Str method to return all the captured data as a string.


The module currently only operates on non-binary data (i.e. write method is still native to IO::Handle). Patches are welcome.

The given filehandle must be a writable container and its contents will be changed to the IO::MiddleMan object, thus possibly complicating some operations.


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Zoffix Znet (


You can use and distribute this module under the terms of the The Artistic License 2.0. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution for complete details.

IO::MiddleMan v1.001004

hijack, capture, or mute writes to an IO::Handle


  • Zoffix Znet




Test Dependencies


  • IO::MiddleMan


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