A simple imperative web framework. Similar to Opium (OCaml) and Express (JavaScript). Humming-Bird aims to provide a simple, straight-forward HTTP Application server. Humming-Bird is not designed to be exposed to the world-wide web without a reverse proxy, I recommend NGiNX. This is why TLS is not implemented.
Exported subroutines
get, post, put, patch, delete
get('/home', -> $request, $response {
$response.html('<h1>Hello World</h1>');
post('/users', -> $request, $response {
my $text = sprintf("Hello: %s", $request.body);
$response.write($text); # Content type defaults to text/plain
delete ...
put ...
patch ...
head ...
Register an HTTP route, and a Block
that takes a Request and a Response.
It is expected that the route handler returns a valid Response
, in this case .html
the response object for easy chaining. There is no built in body parsers, so you'll have to
convert bodies with another library, JSON::Fast is a good option for JSON!
# Add middleware to a few routes
&get.assuming('/', -> $request, $response {
&get.assuming('/other', -> $request, $response {
], [ &m_logger, &my_middleware ]);
Group registers multiple routes functionally via partial application. This allows you to
group as many different routes together and feed them a List
of middleware in the last parameter.
Group takes a List
of route functions partially applied to their route and callback, then a List
of middleware to apply to the routes.
Start the server, after you've declared your routes. It will listen in a given port.
Returns a read-only version of the currently stored routes.
Simply an ENUM that contains the major HTTP methods allowed by Humming-Bird.