Raku port of Perl's Hash::Util module 0.23
use Hash::Util <
lock_hash unlock_hash lock_hash_recurse unlock_hash_recurse
lock_keys lock_keys_plus unlock_keys
lock_value unlock_value
hash_locked hash_unlocked
hidden_keys legal_keys all_keys
my %hash = foo => 42, bar => 23;
# Ways to restrict a hash
lock_keys(%hash, @keyset);
lock_keys_plus(%hash, @additional_keys);
# Ways to inspect the properties of a restricted hash
my @legal = legal_keys(%hash);
my @hidden = hidden_keys(%hash);
my $is_locked = hash_locked(%hash);
# Remove restrictions on the hash
# Lock individual values in a hash
lock_value( %hash, 'foo');
unlock_value(%hash, 'foo');
# Ways to change the restrictions on both keys and values
lock_hash (%hash);
This module tries to mimic the behaviour of Perl's Hash::Util
as closely as possible in the Raku Programming Language.
Hash::Util contains a set of functions that support restricted hashes. It introduces the ability to restrict a hash to a certain set of keys. No keys outside of this set can be added. It also introduces the ability to lock an individual key so it cannot be deleted and the ability to ensure that an individual value cannot be changed.
By default Hash::Util does not export anything.
If you want to use this module for the sole purpose of only once locking
a hash into an immutable state (calling only lock_hash
once on a hash),
then it is much better to turn your hash into a Map
upon initialization
by adding the is Map
my %hash is Map = foo => 42, bar => 23;
This will have exactly the same effect as:
my %hash = foo => 42, bar => 23;
but won't need to load the Hash::Util
module and will be much better
performant because it won't need any additional run-time checks, because
is the immutable version of Hash
in Raku.
Functions that pertain to the unique implementation of Perl hashes, have not been ported. These include:
hash_seed hash_value hv_store bucket_stats
bucket_info bucket_array hash_traversal_mask
Also field hashes (the tools to create inside-out objects) have not been ported is these were deemed rather useless in the Raku environment where everything is a true object. This pertains to the functions:
fieldhash fieldhashes
Since the concept of references does not exist as such in Raku, it didn't make sense to separately port the "_ref" versions of the subroutines. They are however available as aliases to the non "_ref" versions::
lock_hashref unlock_hashref lock_hashref_recurse unlock_hashref_recurse
lock_ref_keys lock_ref_keys_plus unlock_ref_keys
lock_ref_value unlock_ref_value
hashref_locked hashref_unlocked
lock_keys HASH, [KEYS]
lock_keys(%hash, @keys);
Restricts the given %hash's set of keys to @keys. If @keys is not
given it restricts it to its current keyset. No more keys can be
added. :delete
and :exists
will still work, but will not alter
the set of allowed keys. Returns the hash it worked on.
unlock_keys HASH
Removes the restriction on the %hash's keyset.
Note that if any of the values of the hash have been locked they will not be unlocked after this sub executes. Returns the hash it worked on.
lock_keys_plus HASH, KEYS
Similar to lock_keys
, with the difference being that the optional key list
specifies keys that may or may not be already in the hash. Essentially this is
an easier way to say
lock_value HASH, KEY
lock_value(%hash, $key);
Locks the value for an individual key of a hash. The value of a locked key cannot be changed. Unless %hash has already been locked the key/value could be deleted regardless of this setting. Returns the hash on which it operated.
unlock_value HASH, KEY
unlock_value(%hash, $key);
Unlocks the value for an individual key of a hash. Returns the hash on which it operated.
lock_hash HASH
Locks an entire hash, making all keys and values read-only. No value can be
changed, no keys can be added or deleted. Returns the hash it operated on.
If you only want to lock a hash only once after it has been initialized, it's
better to make it a Map
my %hash is Map = foo => 42, bar => 23;
This will have the same effect as lock_hash
, but will be much more
performant as no extra overhead is needed for checking access at runtime.
unlock_hash HASH
Does the opposite of lock_hash
. All keys and values are made writable.
All values can be changed and keys can be added and deleted. Returns the
hash it operated on.
lock_hash_recurse HASH
Locks an entire hash and any hashes it references recursively, making all keys and values read-only. No value can be changed, no keys can be added or deleted. Returns the hash it originally operated on.
This method only recurses into hashes that are referenced by another hash. Thus a Hash of Hashes (HoH) will all be restricted, but a Hash of Arrays of Hashes (HoAoH) will only have the top hash restricted.
unlock_hash_recurse HASH
Does the opposite of lock_hash_recurse(). All keys and values are made writable. All values can be changed and keys can be added and deleted. Returns the hash it originally operated on.
Identical recursion restrictions apply as to lock_hash_recurse
hash_locked HASH
say "Hash is locked!" if hash_locked(%hash);
Returns true if the hash and/or its keys are locked.
hash_unlocked HASH
say "Hash is unlocked!" if hash_unlocked(%hash);
Returns true if the hash and/or its keys are not locked.
legal_keys HASH
my @legal = legal_keys(%hash);
Returns the list of the keys that are legal in a restricted hash. In the
case of an unrestricted hash this is identical to calling %hash.keys
hidden_keys HASH
my @hidden = hidden_keys(%hash);
Returns the list of the keys that are legal in a restricted hash but do not
have a value associated to them. Thus if 'foo' is a "hidden" key of the
%hash it will return False for both defined
and :exists
In the case of an unrestricted hash this will return an empty list.
Populates the arrays @visible with the all the keys that would pass
an exists
tests, and populates @hidden with the remaining legal
keys that have not been utilized. Returns the hash it operated on.
Elizabeth Mattijsen <[email protected]>
Source can be located at: https://github.com/lizmat/Hash-Util . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome.
Copyright 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Elizabeth Mattijsen
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.
Re-imagined from the Perl version as part of the CPAN Butterfly Plan. Perl version originally developed by the Perl 5 Porters, subsequently maintained by Steve Hay.