
[Raku PDF Project] / [Font-FreeType Module] / Font::FreeType :: Raw


module Font::FreeType::Raw - bindings to the freetype library


# E.g. build an array of advance widths by glyph ID
use Font::FreeType::Face;
use Font::FreeType::Raw;
use Font::FreeType::Raw::Defs;

sub face-unicode-map(Font::FreeType::Face $face) {
    my uint16 @advance[$face.num-glyphs];
    my FT_Face  $struct = $face.raw;  # get the raw native face object
    my FT_UInt  $glyph-idx;
    my FT_ULong $char-code = $struct.FT_Get_First_Char( $glyph-idx);
    while $glyph-idx {
        # FT_Load_Glyph updates $struct.glyph, so is not thread safe
        $face.protect: {
            $struct.FT_Load_Glyph( $gid, FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE );
            @advance[$glyph-idx] = $struct.glyph.metrics.hori-advance;
        $char-code = $struct.FT_Get_Next_Char( $char-code, $glyph-idx);


This class contains structure definitions and bindings for the FreeType library.

Containing classes, by convention, have a raw() accessor, which can be used, if needed, to gain access to native objects from this class:

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Bitmap

A rendered bit-map

method FT_Bitmap_Init

method FT_Bitmap_Init() returns Mu

initialize a bitmap structure.

method clone

method clone(
    Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Library $library
) returns Mu

make a copy of the bitmap

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Bitmap_Size

This structure models the metrics of a bitmap strike (i.e., a set of glyphs for a given point size and resolution) in a bitmap font. It is used for the ‘available_sizes’ field of FT_Face.

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_CharMap

A handle to a character map (usually abbreviated to ‘charmap’). A charmap is used to translate character codes in a given encoding into glyph indexes

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_BBox

A structure used to hold an outline's bounding box, i.e., the coordinates of its extrema in the horizontal and vertical directions.

method Array

method Array() returns Mu

returns [x-min, y-min, x-max, y-max]

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Glyph_Metrics

A structure to model the metrics of a single glyph. The values are expressed in 26.6 fractional pixel format; if the flag FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE has been used while loading the glyph, values are expressed in font units instead.

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Vector

A simple structure used to store a 2D vector; coordinates x and y are of the FT_Pos type.

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Outline

A scalable glyph outline

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Size_Metrics

The size metrics structure gives the metrics of a size object.

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Size

FreeType root size class structure. A size object models a face object at a given size.

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Glyph

The root glyph structure contains a given glyph image plus its advance width in 16.16 fixed-point format.

method FT_Glyph_Get_CBox

method FT_Glyph_Get_CBox(
    uint32 $bbox-mode,
    Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_BBox $bbox
) returns Mu

Return a glyph's ‘control box’. The control box encloses all the outline's points, including BĂ©zier control points. Though it coincides with the exact bounding box for most glyphs, it can be slightly larger in some situations (like when rotating an outline that contains BĂ©zier outside arcs). Computing the control box is very fast, while getting the bounding box can take much more time as it needs to walk over all segments and arcs in the outline.

method FT_Done_Glyph

method FT_Done_Glyph() returns uint32

Destroy a given glyph.

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_BitmapGlyph

A handle to an object used to model a bitmap glyph image. This is a sub-class of FT_Glyph

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_OutlineGlyph

A structure used for bitmap glyph images. This is a sub-class of FT_Glyph

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_GlyphSlot

A handle to a given ‘glyph slot’. A slot is a container that can hold any of the glyphs contained in its parent face. In other words, each time you call FT_Load_Glyph or FT_Load_Char, the slot's content is erased by the new glyph data, i.e., the glyph's metrics, its image (bitmap or outline), and other control information.

method FT_Render_Glyph

method FT_Render_Glyph(
    int32 $render-mode
) returns uint32

Convert a given glyph image to a bitmap. It does so by inspecting the glyph image format, finding the relevant renderer, and invoking it.

method FT_Get_Glyph

method FT_Get_Glyph(
    NativeCall::Types::Pointer[Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Glyph] $glyph-p is rw
) returns uint32

A function used to extract a glyph image from a slot. Note that the created FT_Glyph object must be released with FT_Done_Glyph.

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_SfntName

The TrueType and OpenType specifications allow the inclusion of a special names table (‘name’) in font files. This table contains textual (and internationalized) information regarding the font, like family name, copyright, version, etc.

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Face

A handle to a typographic face object. A face object models a given typeface, in a given style. Note: A face object also owns a single FT_GlyphSlot object, as well as one or more FT_Size objects.

method FT_Has_PS_Glyph_Names

method FT_Has_PS_Glyph_Names() returns int32

Return true if a given face provides reliable PostScript glyph names.

method FT_Get_Postscript_Name

method FT_Get_Postscript_Name() returns Str

Retrieve the ASCII PostScript name of a given face, if available. This only works with PostScript, TrueType, and OpenType fonts.

method FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count

method FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count() returns uint32

Retrieve the number of name strings in the SFNT ‘name’ table.

method FT_Get_Sfnt_Name

method FT_Get_Sfnt_Name(
    uint32 $index,
    Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_SfntName $sfnt
) returns uint32

Retrieve a string of the SFNT ‘name’ table for a given index.

method FT_Get_Glyph_Name

method FT_Get_Glyph_Name(
    uint32 $glyph-index,
    Buf[uint8] $buffer,
    uint32 $buffer-max
) returns uint32

Retrieve the ASCII name of a given glyph in a face.

method FT_Get_Char_Index

method FT_Get_Char_Index(
    NativeCall::Types::ulong $charcode
) returns uint32

Return the glyph index of a given character code. This function uses the currently selected charmap to do the mapping.

method FT_Get_Name_Index

method FT_Get_Name_Index(
    Str $glyph-name
) returns uint32

Return the glyph index of a given glyph name.

method FT_Load_Glyph

method FT_Load_Glyph(
    uint32 $glyph-index,
    int32 $load-flags
) returns uint32

Load a glyph into the glyph slot of a face object.

method FT_Load_Char

method FT_Load_Char(
    NativeCall::Types::ulong $char-code,
    int32 $load-flags
) returns uint32

Load a glyph into the glyph slot of a face object, accessed by its character code.

method FT_Get_First_Char

method FT_Get_First_Char(
    uint32 $agindex is rw
) returns NativeCall::Types::ulong

Return the first character code in the current charmap of a given face, together with its corresponding glyph index.

method FT_Get_Next_Char

method FT_Get_Next_Char(
    NativeCall::Types::ulong $char-code,
    uint32 $agindex is rw
) returns NativeCall::Types::ulong

Return the next character code in the current charmap of a given face following the value ‘char_code’, as well as the corresponding glyph index.

method FT_Set_Char_Size

method FT_Set_Char_Size(
    NativeCall::Types::long $char-width,
    NativeCall::Types::long $char-height,
    uint32 $horz-resolution,
    uint32 $vert-resolution
) returns uint32

Call FT_Request_Size to request the nominal size (in points).

method FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes

method FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(
    uint32 $char-width,
    uint32 $char-height
) returns uint32

Call FT_Request_Size to request the nominal size (in pixels).

method FT_Get_Kerning

method FT_Get_Kerning(
    uint32 $left-glyph,
    uint32 $right-glyph,
    uint32 $kern-mode,
    Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Vector $kerning
) returns uint32

Return the kerning vector between two glyphs of the same face.

method FT_Get_Font_Format

method FT_Get_Font_Format() returns Str

Return a string describing the format of a given face. Possible values are ‘TrueType’, ‘Type 1’, ‘BDF’, ‘PCF’, ‘Type 42’, ‘CID Type 1’, ‘CFF’, ‘PFR’, and ‘Windows FNT’.

method FT_Get_Sfnt_Table

method FT_Get_Sfnt_Table(
    int32 $tag
) returns NativeCall::Types::Pointer

Return a pointer to a given SFNT table stored within a face.

method FT_Reference_Face

method FT_Reference_Face() returns uint32

A counter gets initialized to 1 at the time an FT_Face structure is created. This function increments the counter. FT_Done_Face then only destroys a face if the counter is 1, otherwise it simply decrements the counter.

method FT_Done_Face

method FT_Done_Face() returns uint32

Discard a given face object, as well as all of its child slots and sizes.

class Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Library

A handle to a FreeType library instance. Each ‘library’ is completely independent from the others; it is the ‘root’ of a set of objects like fonts, faces, sizes, etc. It also embeds a memory manager (see FT_Memory), as well as a scan-line converter object (see FT_Raster). In multi-threaded applications it is easiest to use one ‘FT_Library’ object per thread. In case this is too cumbersome, a single ‘FT_Library’ object across threads is possible also (since FreeType version 2.5.6), as long as a mutex lock is used around FT_New_Face and FT_Done_Face.

method FT_New_Face

method FT_New_Face(
    Str $file-path-name,
    NativeCall::Types::long $face-index,
    NativeCall::Types::Pointer[Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Face] $aface is rw
) returns uint32

Call FT_Open_Face to open a font by its pathname.

method FT_New_Memory_Face

method FT_New_Memory_Face(
    Blob[byte] $buffer,
    NativeCall::Types::long $buffer-size,
    NativeCall::Types::long $face-index,
    NativeCall::Types::Pointer[Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Face] $aface is rw
) returns uint32

Call FT_Open_Face to open a font that has been loaded into memory.

method FT_Bitmap_Convert

method FT_Bitmap_Convert(
    Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Bitmap $source,
    Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Bitmap $target,
    int32 $alignment
) returns uint32

Convert a bitmap object with depth 1bpp, 2bpp, 4bpp, 8bpp or 32bpp to a bitmap object with depth 8bpp, making the number of used bytes line (a.k.a. the ‘pitch’) a multiple of ‘alignment’.

method FT_Bitmap_Copy

method FT_Bitmap_Copy(
    Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Bitmap $source,
    Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Bitmap $target
) returns uint32

Copy a bitmap into another one.

method FT_Bitmap_Embolden

method FT_Bitmap_Embolden(
    Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Bitmap $bitmap,
    NativeCall::Types::long $x-strength,
    NativeCall::Types::long $y-strength
) returns uint32

Embolden a bitmap. The new bitmap will be about ‘x-strength’ pixels wider and ‘y-strength’ pixels higher. The left and bottom borders are kept unchanged.

method FT_Bitmap_Done

method FT_Bitmap_Done(
    Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Bitmap $bitmap
) returns uint32

Destroy a bitmap object initialized with FT_Bitmap_Init.

method FT_Outline_New

method FT_Outline_New(
    uint32 $num-points,
    int32 $num-contours,
    Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Outline $aoutline
) returns uint32

Create a new outline of a given size.

method FT_Outline_Done

method FT_Outline_Done(
    Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Outline $outline
) returns uint32

Destroy an outline created with FT_Outline_New.

method FT_Library_Version

method FT_Library_Version(
    int32 $major is rw,
    int32 $minor is rw,
    int32 $patch is rw
) returns uint32

Return the version of the FreeType library being used.

method FT_Done_FreeType

method FT_Done_FreeType() returns uint32

Destroy a given FreeType library object and all of its children, including resources, drivers, faces, sizes, etc.

sub FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap

sub FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap(
    NativeCall::Types::Pointer[Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Glyph] $the-glyph is rw,
    int32 $mode,
    Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Vector $origin,
    uint8 $destroy
) returns uint32

Convert a given glyph object to a bitmap glyph object.

sub FT_Init_FreeType

sub FT_Init_FreeType(
    NativeCall::Types::Pointer[Font::FreeType::Raw::FT_Library] $library is rw
) returns uint32

Initialize a new FreeType library object.

Font::FreeType v0.4.0

read font files and render glyphs from Raku using FreeType2


  • David Warring





Test Dependencies


  • Font::FreeType
  • Font::FreeType::BBox
  • Font::FreeType::BitMap
  • Font::FreeType::CharMap
  • Font::FreeType::Error
  • Font::FreeType::Face
  • Font::FreeType::Glyph
  • Font::FreeType::GlyphImage
  • Font::FreeType::NamedInfo
  • Font::FreeType::Native
  • Font::FreeType::Native::Defs
  • Font::FreeType::Outline
  • Font::FreeType::Raw
  • Font::FreeType::Raw::Defs
  • Font::FreeType::Raw::TT_Sfnt

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.