[Raku PDF Project] / [FDF Module] / FDF

class FDF

Entry point into an FDF document


The trailer of an FDF file enables a reader to find significant objects quickly within the body of the file. The only required key is Root, whose value is an indirect reference to the file’s catalogue dictionary (see Table 242). The trailer may optionally contain additional entries for objects that are referenced from within the catalogue.


This class inherits from PDF and has most its methods available, including: new, open, save-as, update, Str and Blob.

Note that encrypt is not applicable to FDF files.

class FDF::Catalog $.Root (catalog)

(Required; shall be an indirect reference) The Catalog object for this FDF file

method fields

method fields() returns Mu

Return a list of fields

    use FDF;
    use FDF::Field;
    my FDF $fdf .= open("MyDoc.pdf");
    my FDF::Field @fields = $fdf.fields;

method fields-hash

method fields-hash(
) returns Mu

Returns a Hash of fields

    my FDF::Field %fields = $fdf.fields-hash;

FDF v0.0.3

Classes for FDF (Forms Data Definition)


  • David Warring





Test Dependencies


  • FDF
  • FDF::Annot
  • FDF::Catalog
  • FDF::Dict
  • FDF::Field
  • FDF::Field::AdditionalActions
  • FDF::IconFit
  • FDF::JavaScript
  • FDF::NamedPageRef
  • FDF::Page
  • FDF::Template

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