
Raku package for geographical data (like, country data, city data, etc.)

Provides the functions country-data and city-data.


From Zef ecosystem:

zef install Data::Geographics

From GitHub:

zef install

Using city-data Function

The city-data function is a powerful tool for retrieving and analyzing geographic data. Below is an example of how to use it.

First, we need to import the necessary modules:

use Data::Geographics;
use Data::TypeSystem;
use Data::Reshapers;
use Data::Summarizers;

Then, we can call the city-data function to get an array of city data:

my @dsCityData = city-data();

We can then use the records-summary function to get a summary of the city data:


We can group the city data by country and print the number of cities in each country in a pretty table:

group-by(@dsCityData, <Country>){ $_.key => $_.value.elems }).Hash
        ==> to-pretty-table()
        ==> say();

We can also get a nested hash of city data grouped by country, state, and city:

my %countryStateCity = city-data():nested;

We can then use the deduce-type function (from "Data::TypeSystem") to get the type of the nested hash:

say deduce-type(%countryStateCity<Bulgaria>);

We can get the first defined record for the city of Stara Zagora in Bulgaria:

say %countryStateCity{'Bulgaria';*;'Stara Zagora'}.grep(*.defined).head;

We can also get the latitude and longitude of Stara Zagora:

say %countryStateCity{'Bulgaria';*;'Stara Zagora';'Latitude'}.grep(*.defined).head;
say %countryStateCity{'Bulgaria';*;'Stara Zagora';'Longitude'}.grep(*.defined).head;

NER and data retrieval

In this section we show how to use Named Entity Recognition (NER) of Geo-locations provided by "DSL::Entity::Geographics", [AAp1], together with the Geo-data provided by this package, ("Data::Geographics").

In this code, $geoID is obtained by calling the ToGeographicEntityCode function with a string $s and the target "Raku-System".

use DSL::Entity::Geographics;

my $s = 'Fort Lauderdale, FL';
my $geoID = ToGeographicEntityCode($s, 'Raku-System');

The interpret-geographics-id function is then used to interpret $geoID into its constituent parts, which are stored in %geoIDParts.

my %geoIDParts = interpret-geographics-id($geoID):p;

Depending on whether the Type of %geoIDParts is "CITYNAME" or not, the code then fetches the corresponding geographic data from %countryStateCity and stores it in $res.

my $res = do if %geoIDParts<Type> // 'NONE' eq 'CITYNAME' {
    %countryStateCity{'United States';*;%geoIDParts<Name>}.grep(*.defined);
} else {
    %countryStateCity{'United States';%geoIDParts<State>;%geoIDParts<City>};

say $res;


[AAp1] Anton Antonov, DSL::Entity::Geographics Raku package, (2023-2024), GitHub/antononcube.

Data::Geographics v0.1.0

Country data and city data.


  • Anton Antonov




Test Dependencies


  • Data::Geographics

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.