Welcome to Xoos

This is the documentation for Xoos, a perl6 ORM. this document is incomplete.



a model describes a table. anything in your Model/ can contain methods to act upon that data, ie Model::Customer might contain a convenience method outstanding-invoice-balance that returns the monetary value of all unpaid invoices


describes a row of the table. anything in your Row/ can contain methods to act upon one data, ie 'Row::Invoicemight contain a methodmark-paid` that marks the invoice paid and updates your other accounting tables. the row class file is optional if you're not going to put anything into it then Xoos will create an anonymous row class that will act as the template object for conflating rows

order of operations



connect is overloaded as connect(Any:D: :$db, :%options) or connect(Str:D $dsn, :%options). More about DSN vs DB below.

This method is templated in DB::Xoos and implemented in the respective DB::Xoos::<Driver>, see those files for more in depth in what is happening in the one you're interested in.

When connect is called, models and rows loading is attempted with any problems warned to stdout.



This is the prefix to use when attempting to load Models. ie :prefix<X> attempts to load models and rows from X/Model|Row/\*


Use this option to load models and rows from YAML files



you can use either a DSN or use an existing DB connection to start Xoos.

DSN format is <driver>://(<user>:<pass>@)?<host>(:<port>)?/(<database>)?. the database name is optional for drivers like sqlite


Xoos ships with MySQL|Oracle|Pg|SQLite and they all use DBIish, if you need to use DB::Pg then please consider contributing either to the ecosystem or this repo and use DB::Xoos::Pg\(::\*\) as a template

You can pass .connect an existing connection


models should inherit from DB::Xoos::Model[Str:D $table-name, Str:D $row-class?] where $table-name is mandatory and $row-class will attempt to auto load the Row class based on the model's name

referencing the model

after Xoos is .connected you can obtain the loaded model via $xoos.model('model-name'). in the returned object you'll be able to call any of the following methods plus any defined in your model's class


returns the name of the table the model is using


returns the raw db connection


returns the driver the ORM is using


returns the raw row-class the model is using to conflate


creates and returns and unsaved new row for the model

.search(%filter?, %options?)

returns a reference to the model class with the filter cached and the sql (lazily) cached. in this way you can chain sub searches and inherit filters with the sub-search filter overriding the parent

my $search = ${ id => { '>' => 0 } });
my $sub-search = ${ name => { 'like' => 'a%' } });
my $destructive-sub = ${ id => { '<' => 5 } });

# search filter:           where id > 0;
# sub-search filter:       where id > 0 and name like 'a%';
# desctructive-sub filter: where id < 5 and name like 'a%';

my $customer-id-only = ${}, {
  fields => [qw<id>],
}).first; #only the .id field in the customer row is fetched/filled

search %filter

defines what you're looking for in you row search


returns the current filter for the search object


returns the current options for the search object


returns all of the rows with the search criteria (or all if no search criteria is given). also allows you to pass a new (inherited from the search object or model depending on the method of calling) for convenience

my @customers = $xoos.model('Customer').all; #all customers
my @a-customers = $xoos.model('Customer').all({ name => { 'like' => 'a%' } }); # all customers where name starts with a

.first(%filter?, :$next = False)

instantiates a cursor for first/next (you can use this method to get next by passing :next).


returns the next row for the cursor


returns a count(\*) query for the inherited filter

.update(%values, %filter?)

updates all rows with the given values for the inherited filter


deletes all rows matching the inherited filter, calling this on a .model(<>) will empty the table.


inserts the given field-data into the table and returns Nil

searching the model

and vs or

the default search method is and:

${ id => { '>' => 100 }, name => { 'like' => 'a%' } });

# where id > 100 and name like 'a%'

if you'd like to generate an or or use an and nested within an or you can do that by prefixing it with -

  '-or' => [
    ( id => { '>' => 100 }),
    ( id => { '<' => 999 }),
      ( name          => { 'like' => 'a%' }),
      ( sales_channel => 'web' ),

# where id > 100 or id < 999 or (name like 'a%' AND "sales_channel" = 'web');

yaml model files

yaml model files are optional and ultimately depend on how you want to look at the structure of your tables in code. the format of the yaml file is very similar to the perl6 format but here might be a typical layout (see model documentation for more info about what these options mean)

table: customer
name: Customer
    type: integer
    nullable: false
    is-primary-key: true
    auto-increment: true
    type: text
      has-many: true
      model: Invoice
        invoice_id: customer_id
      has-many: true
      model: Invoice
        invoice_id: customer_id
        +status: closed

DB::Xoos v0.1.1

An ORM, with support.


  • Tony O'Dell




Test Dependencies


  • DB::Xoos
  • DB::Xoos::DSN
  • DB::Xoos::Model
  • DB::Xoos::Result
  • DB::Xoos::Row
  • DB::Xoos::RowInflator
  • DB::Xoos::SQL

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