Curry - a Raku module for currying functions.


Curry is a Raku module for currying functions plus partially applying them.


use Curry:auth<zef:CIAvash> :all;

# Curried subs
sub f ($a, $b) is curry {
    $a Ɨ $b;
my &pf = f 2;
say pf 3;
=output 6ā¤

sub f2 ($a, $b, :$c = 1) is curry {
    [Ɨ] $a, $b, $c;
my &pf2 = f 2, :c(4);
say pf 3;
=output 24ā¤

sub f3 (*@a) is curry {
    [Ɨ] @a;
my &pf3 = f 2, 3;
say pf;
=output 6ā¤
say pf(4)();
=output 24ā¤

# Curried method and attribute
my class C {
    has &.f is curry is rw;

    method m (Int $a, Int $b) is curry {
        $a Ɨ $b;
my C $c .= new;
# Method
say $c.m(2, 3)()
=output 6ā¤
my &pm = $c.m(2, 3);
say pm;
=output 6ā¤
say pm(4)();
=output 24ā¤
# Attribute
$c.f = * + *;
say $c.f.(1, 2);
=output 3ā¤
my &pa = $c.f.(1);
say pa 2;
=output 3ā¤

# Making Curry
my &f3 = Curry[* + *];
# Or
my &f4 = make_curry * + *;

my &cgrep = Curry[&grep];
# Or better
my &cgrep2 = new_curry &grep;

# Be careful with this
make_curry &grep;
# Or
make_curryable &grep; # This changes function's signature
# Original function (before being curried)
my &lost_grep = &grep.original_function;


You need to have Raku and zef, then run:

zef install --/test Curry:auth<zef:CIAvash>

or if you have cloned the repo:

zef install .


prove -ve 'raku -I.' --ext rakutest


role Curry [Code:D $function]

Curry role takes a function as parameter and does the Callable role

method CALL-ME

method CALL-ME(
) returns Mu

Calls the function if all parameters are provided or returns a partially applied function

method curry

method curry(
) returns Curry:D

Like assuming but returns a Curry. And tries to preserve the parameters of the partial function.

Unfortunately cannot do so for the default value of optional positional parameters.

method original_function

method original_function() returns Code:D

Returns the original function, the function that was curried

role Curry::CaptureAll

A role with a signature that captures all arguments


multi sub make_curry

multi sub make_curry(
    Code:D $f
) returns Curry:D is export(:all, :subs)

Takes a function, gives a cloned version of it to Curry, then adds the role to the function

multi sub make_curry

multi sub make_curry(
    *@f where { ... }
) returns Array[Curry:D] is export(:all, :subs)

Takes functions, gives a cloned version of each to Curry, then adds the role to each function

multi sub new_curry

multi sub new_curry(
    Code:D $f
) returns Curry:D is export(:all, :subs)

Takes a function, creates a copy of it with role Curry mixed in

multi sub new_curry

multi sub new_curry(
    *@f where { ... }
) returns Array[Curry:D] is export(:all, :subs)

Takes functions, creates a copy of each with role Curry mixed in

multi sub make_curryable

multi sub make_curryable(
    Code:D $f
) returns Curry:D is export(:all, :subs)

Takes a function and returns a curried function that does Curry::CaptureAll

multi sub make_curryable

multi sub make_curryable(
    *@f where { ... }
) returns Array[Curry:D] is export(:all, :subs)

Takes functions and returns an array of curried functions that does Curry::CaptureAll

multi sub trait_mod:

multi sub trait_mod:<is>(
    Sub:D $sub,
) returns Mu is export(:all, :traits)

is curry trait for Sub; Makes the function a curried function that does Curry::CaptureAll

multi sub trait_mod:

multi sub trait_mod:<is>(
    Method:D $method,
) returns Mu is export(:all, :traits)

is curry trait for Method; Makes the function a curried function that does Curry::CaptureAll

multi sub trait_mod:

multi sub trait_mod:<is>(
    Attribute:D $attribute,
) returns Mu is export(:all, :traits)

is curry trait for Attribute; Makes the function a curried function that does Curry::CaptureAll.

If you want to be able to set the function from outside of the class, you need to make the attribute writable with is rw. Setting the attribute with new doesn't work, only assignment works.




Siavash Askari Nasr -


Copyright Ā© 2021 Siavash Askari Nasr


This file is part of Curry.

Curry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Curry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Curry. If not, see

Curry v0.1.0

Library for making curried functions.


  • Siavash Askari Nasr




Test Dependencies


  • Curry
  • Curry::PreserveParams

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.