

Crypt::AnyPasswordHash - use best installed password encryption


use Crypt::AnyPasswordHash;

my $password = 'somepassword';

my Str $hash = hash-password($password);

if check-password($hash, $password ) {
    # password ok


This module exports two subroutines hash-password and check-password which encrypt password and check a provided password against an encrypted hash.

The implementation for the hash-password is provided by the first of:

which can be found. Crypt::Libcrypt will be installed as a dependency so it will nearly always work but is dependent on the mechanisms provided by the libcrypt: with a fairly recent libcrypt it will be able to determine and use the best available algorithm, falling back to attempt SHA-512, however if that isn't available it may fall back to DES which is not considered secure enough for production use. You can tell you are getting DES when the hash returned by hash-password is only 13 characters long, if this is the case then you should install one of the other providers.

The check-password will attempt to validate against all the available mechanisms until one validates the password or the mechanisms are exhausted. This is so that, if you are validating against stored hashes, if a new supported module is installed or this module is upgraded then you will still be able to verify against hashes made by a previous mechanism.

Crypt::AnyPasswordHash v0.1.3

Hash and verify a password using the best available means


  • Jonathan Stowe





Test Dependencies


  • Crypt::AnyPasswordHash


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