
[Raku CSS Project] / [CSS Module]

class CSS

CSS Stylesheet processing


use CSS;
use CSS::Properties;
use CSS::Units :px; # define 'px' postfix operator
use CSS::TagSet::XHTML;
use LibXML::Document;

my $string = q:to<\_(惄)_/>;
  <!DOCTYPE html>
        @page :first { margin:4pt; }
        body {background-color: powderblue; font-size: 12pt}
        @media screen { h1:first-child {color: blue !important;} }
        @media print { h2 {color: green;} }
        p    {color: red; font-family:'Para';}
        div {font-size: 10pt }
        @font-face {
      <h1>This is a heading</h1>
      <h2>This is a sub-heading</h2>
      <h1>This is another heading</h1>
      <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
      <div style="color:green">This is a div</div>

my LibXML::Document $doc .= parse: :$string, :html;

# define a selection media
my CSS::Media $media .= new: :type<screen>, :width(480px), :height(640px), :color;

# Create a tag-set for XHTML specific loading of style-sheets and styling
my CSS::TagSet::XHTML $tag-set .= new();

my CSS $css .= new: :$doc, :$tag-set, :$media, :inherit;

# -- show some computed styles, based on CSS Selectors, media, inline styles and xhtml tags
my CSS::Properties $body-props = $'/html/body');
say $body-props.font-size; # 12pt
say $body-props;           # background-color:powderblue; display:block; font-size:12pt; margin:8px; unicode-bidi:embed;
say $'/html/body/h1[1]');
# color:blue; display:block; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bolder; margin-bottom:0.67em; margin-top:0.67em; unicode-bidi:embed;
say $'/html/body/div');

# color:green; display:block; font-size:10pt; unicode-bidi:embed;
say $$doc.first('/html/body/div'));
# color:green; display:block; font-size:10pt; unicode-bidi:embed;

# -- query first page properties (from @page rules)
say $;     # margin:4pt;

# -- find a font using @font-face declarations
say .Str    # font-family:'Para'; src:url('/myfonts/para.otf')
    with $css.font-sources('12pt Para').head;


CSS is a module for parsing style-sheets and applying them to HTML or XML documents.

This module aims to be W3C compliant and complete, including: style-sheets, media specific and inline styling and the application of HTML specific styling (based on tags and attributes).


method new

method new(
    LibXML::Document :$doc!,       # document to be styled.
    CSS::Stylesheet :$stylesheet!, # stylesheet to apply
    CSS::TagSet :$tag-set,         # tag-specific styling
    CSS::Media :$media,            # target media
    Bool :$inherit = True,         # perform property inheritance
    :%include (                    # External stylesheet loading:
        Bool :$imports = False,    # - enable '@import' directives
        Bool :$links = False,      # - load <link../> tags (XHTML)
    URI() :$base-url = $doc.URI,   # base URL for imports and links
) returns CSS;

In particular, the CSS::TagSet :$tag-set options specifies a tag-specific styler; For example CSS::TagSet::XHTML.

method style

multi method style(LibXML::Element:D $elem) returns CSS::Properties;
multi method style(Str:D $xpath) returns CSS::Properties;

Computes a style for an individual element, or XPath to an element.

method page-properties

method page-properties(Bool :$first, Bool :$right, Bool :$left,
                       Str :$margin-box --> CSS::Properties)

Query and extract @page at rules.

The :first, :right and :left flags can be used to select rules applicable to a given logical page.

In addition, the :margin-box can be used to select a specific Page Margin Box. For example given the at-rule @page { margin:2cm; size:a4; @top-center { content: 'Page ' counter(page); } }, the top-center page box properties can be selected with $<top-center>).

method font-face

multi method font-face() returns Array[CSS::Font::Descriptor]
multi method font-face($family) returns CSS::Font::Descriptor
  • font-face() returns a list of all fonts declared with @font-face at-rules

  • font-face($family) returns font-properties for the given font-family;

method prune

method prune(LibXML::Element $node? --> LibXML::Element)

Removes all XML nodes with CSS property display:none;, giving an approximate representation of a CSS rendering tree.

For example, if an HTML document with an XHTML tag-set is pruned the head element will be removed because it has the property display:none;. Any other elements that have had `display:none;' applied to them via the tag-set, inline CSS, or CSS Selectors are also removed.

By default, this method acts on the root element of the associated $.doc XML document.

method font-sources

method font-sources(CSS::Font() $font) returns Array[CSS::Font::Resources::Source]

Returns a list of CSS::Font::Resources::Source objects for natching source fonts, based on @font-face rules and (as a fallback) the font's name and characterstics.

Utility Scripts

  • css-inliner.raku input.xml [output.xml] --style=file.css --prune --tags --type=html|pango|pdf --inherit

Apply internal or external style-sheets to per-element 'style' attributes

See Also


  • Other At-Rule variants @document

CSS v0.1.0

CSS Stylesheet processing


  • David Warring





Test Dependencies


  • CSS

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.