Audio::Playlist::JSPF - JSON playlist description


    use Audio::Playlist::JSPF;

    my $playlist = Audio::Playlist::JSPF.new(title => "My New Playlist");
    $playlist.track.append: Audio::Playlist::JSPF::Track.new(title => "some track", location => ["http://example.com/mp3"]);

    # etc

    my $json = $playlist.to-json;

    # do something with the JSON


This is a JSON representation of XSPF which is a format for sharing media playlists.

Because this does the role JSON::Class the objects can be created directly from and serialised to JSON via the from-json and to-json methods that role provides.

method add-track

method add-track(*%track-data) returns Track

This is a convenience for adding a new track to the playlist, the named arguments should be the names of the attributes of Track described below, it returns the newly created track object.

attribute title

A human readable title for the playlist.

attribute creator

A human readable name of creator of the playlist.

attribute annotation

Free text annotation or description of the playlist. This should only contain plain text, not markup.

attribute info

The URI of a web page with further information about the playlist.

attribute location

The source URI of the playlist. (i.e. where it can be downloaded)

attribute identifier

The canonical identifier for the playlist, it should be formed as a valid URI but would typically be location independent.

attribute image

The URI of an image that may be displayed in place of a missing image attribute on a track.

attribute date

Creation date of the playlist as a DateTime (this will be parsed from and marshalled as IS08601 from/to JSON)

attribute license

The URI of a license under which the playlist was release.,

attribute attribution

This is a list of Attribution objects, indication the original location and identifier of a Playlist that this playlist may be based on, with the most recent antecedent first. Typically will be a maximum of ten items.

attribute track

This an Array of Track objects in the suggested order that they should be played. The Track object has the following attributes that describe the track:

attribute location

An Array of URIs for the resource (typically an audio file or stream,) each URI should refer to a different format or representation of the same source and a client should only use exactly one when playing the playlist.

attribute identifier

A unique and canonical identifier for the track in URI format.

attribute title

The human readable title (or track name.)

attribute creator

The human readable name of the creator of the resource.

attribute annotation

A human readable annotation or description of the resource.

attribute info

A URI of a location where more information about the track can be found.

attribute image

The URI of an image that may be displayed to represent this track. If it is not present the playlist image may be used instead.

attribute album

The human readable name of the "album" or collection from which the track comes from.

attribute track-number

This is the track number from an album or other collection that this track represents.

attribute duration

A Duration object, representing the length of the track, it is converted to/from milliseconds on conversion to/from JSON.

Audio::Playlist::JSPF v0.0.5

JSON representation of a 'playlist'


  • Jonathan Stowe





Test Dependencies


  • Audio::Playlist::JSPF


The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.