

Audio::Libshout - binding to the libshout icecast source client


use v6;

use Audio::Libshout;

sub MAIN(IO(Str) $in-file) {
    my $shout = => 'hackme', mount => '/foo', format => Audio::Libshout::Format::MP3);
    my $fh = $;
    my $channel = $shout.send-channel;

    while not $fh.eof {
        my $buf = $;


See also the files in the examples directory


This provides a source client to stream to an icecast server. It can stream Ogg/Vorbis or MP3 data but doesn't provide any transcoding so the data will need to be provided from an appropriate source in the required encoding. This has been developed against version 2.2.2 of libshout, it is possible later versions may provide support for other encodings.

The API is somewhat simplified in comparison to libshout but provides an asynchronous mechanism whereby data can be fed as quickly as it is obtained to a worker thread via a channel so the client doesn't have to worry about the timing and synchronisation issues, though the lower level send and sync methods are available if your application requires a different scheme.

In testing this proved quite capable of streaming a 320kb/s MP3 read from a file to an icecast server on the local network, though of course network conditions may limit the rate that will work well to remote servers.

The "examples" directory in the distribution contains a simple streaming source client that will allow you to send an Ogg or MP3 file to an icecast server.

If you're curious the first thing that I streamed using this library was

Mike's a great DJ, great DJs and producers make making software worthwhile :)


method new

method new(*%params) returns Audio::Libshout

The object constructor can be passed any of the parameters described in [STREAM PARAMETERS](STREAM PARAMETERS). It may throw an X::ShoutError if there was a problem initialising the library or setting any of the parameters.

The Audio::Libshout object returned will be initialised but not connected to the server, the connection should be made before any data is sent to the server.

method open

method open()

If the stream is not already connected this will open the stream so that data can be sent. The host, port, user and password and other parameters that may be required by the protocol must be set before calling open. If a connection cannot be made to the server or the server refuses the connection (e.g. due to an authentication failure,) a X::ShoutError will be thrown.

It should be noted that the behaviour when there is a failure after the initial connection to the server has been made (such as an authentication problem,) may differ between versions of libshout: v2.2.2 will allow the connections parameters (e.g. the password,) to be changed and the open retried using the same instance, however later versions (I have tested with v2.4.3,) may fail again with "already connected" and you will need to create a new Audio::Libshout instance with the revised parameters to try again.

This will be called for you the first time that send is called or the first data is sent to the send-channel however you may wish to call it early in order to detect and rectify any problems.

method close

method close()

This will close the connection to the server. It will wait for the worker thread that is started by send-channel to complete, which will not happen until the Channel is closed so you should always call close on the channel to indicate that no more data will be sent.

method send

multi method send(Buf $buf)
multi method send(CArray[uint8], Int $bytes);
multi method send(RawEncode $raw);

This will send the Buf of unsigned chars (uint8,) to the server. The buffer must contain data encoded as per that set for format (i.e. either Ogg or MP3 ) If there is a problem sending the data to the server then a X::ShoutError will be thrown. If open has not already been called it will be called for you and this may also throw an exception. The data will be sent immediately so sync should be called between each attempt to send or an exception may be thrown indicating that the server is busy.

The second multi variant is intended to make interoperation with other libraries which may return encoded data in a CArray. The third is similar but accepts an Array of two elements the first being a CArray[uint8] and the second an Int which is the number of bytes in the array, this reflects the return value of the encode methods of Audio::Encode::LameMP3 with the :raw adverb. This is intended to reduce the marshalling required when there is no need to have the data in Raku space.

If you don't want to be concerned with the synchronisation issues then you should consider the asynchronous interface provided by send-channel.

method sync

method sync()

This will block the thread of execution until the server is ready to accept new data. It should be called between each call to send in order to maintain the rate of data transfer correctly. A send that is made without a preceding sync may throw an exception indicating that the server is busy.

If you don't want to be concerned with the synchronisation issues then you should consider the asynchronous interface provided by send-channel.

method send-channel

multi method send-channel() returns Channel
multi method send-channel(Channel $channel) returns Channel

This provides an asynchronous mechanism that allows a client to send data to a Channel as it becomes available, being processed by a helper thread that will take care of the synchronisation. This should be considered the preferred interface for most applications.

If open has not already been called then it will be done for you the first time that data is received on the Channel, as with open an exception will be thrown if a connection cannot be made or the server refuses the connection.

As with send the data sent to the Channel should be a Buf of unsigned chars (uint8). If data of another type is sent on the channel then an exception will be thrown in the worker thread. The data can also be Array of two elements: a CArray[uint8] and an Int that is the number of bytes in that CArray as described under send above.

This can be provided with an existing Channel that may be useful if the data originates from another asynchronous source for example.

The worker thread will be started immediately that this method is called and will remain active until the channel is closed, consequently a subsequent call to close will wait until the thread is finished to allow all the sent data to be transmitted to the server.

The "streamfile" program in the repository provides an example of the use of this interface.


multi method add-metadata(Str $key, Str $value)
multi method add-metadata(*%metas)

This provides a means to set the metadata on the stream, it only works for streams of format MP3. The exact meaning of any particular metadata item is specific to the client of the stream.

The metadata items are added to or updated in a private metadata structure, that can be applied to the stream with set-metadata, for convenience if the metadata is supplied in the second form (i.e like named arguments,) this will be done for you.

This may throw a X::ShoutError if the metadata structure is invalid.


method set-metadata()

This will send the metadata as added or updated by add-metadata to the connected stream. This will only work if the format of the stream is MP3.

It will throw a X::ShoutError if an error is encountered while setting the metadata.


method dispose()

This will free the resources allocated by libshout and de-initialise its internal global data. Once it has been called you should not attempt to send any further data to the stream and you should create a new instance if you need one.

You may want to call this if you have a long-lived program which makes many relatively short-lived connections to a server. However it may be simpler to open and close a single object as required.


This will return a Version object that represents the version of the libshout that is being used.


These can all be supplied to the constructor as named arguments or set as attributes on a new object, some provide sensible defaults which are noted and some are required and must be set before the stream is opened. Setting a parameter that doesn't make sense given the state of the stream or already set parameters will result in a X::ShoutError being thrown.


The hostname or IP address of the streaming server. The default is 'localhost'.


The port number on which the server is listening. The default is 8000


The username that is used to authenticate against the server, the default is 'source'. If the protocol is set to ICY then setting this makes no sense as 'source' is always used.


The password that is used to authenticate with the server. There is no default and this must be provided before connecting.


A value of the enum Audio::Libshout::Protocol indicating which protocol should be used to communicate with the server:

  • HTTP

This is the Icecast v2 protocol and the default, this should be used unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise.


The protocol used by version 1 of Icecast.

  • ICY

The Shoutcast protocol. If this is used then there are certain constraints on other parameters, it should only be used if you are using an actual Shoutcast server.


The encoding format that is to be sent as a value of the enum Audio::Libshout::Format - the default is Ogg. No transcoding is done so the data to be sent to the server must be in the configured format - the result of setting a different format to the actual format of the data is that you will get an unreadable stream. Later versions of libshout might provide for further formats.

  • MP3

  • Ogg


The "mount point" (i.e. the path part ) on the server that represents this stream. There is no default. The ICY protocol does not support setting this. On setting this will be "normalised" with a leading '/' (e.g. setting "stream" will return "/stream".)


This can be set to cause an archive of the stream to be made on the server with the provided name. The server may not support this (or may configured to allow it.) The resulting file will be at least as large as the streamed data and if the server runs out of disk space it may interrupt the stream, so think carefully before using this.


This is the UserAgent header that is sent for the HTTP protocol. The default is "libshout/$version".


This is a Bool that indicates whether the server should list the stream in any directory services that it has configured. The default is False.


The stream name that should be used in a directory listing. This may also be passed on to connected clients. There is no default.


The stream URL that should be used in a directory listing. This may also be passed on to connected clients. There is no default.


The genre of the stream that should be used in a directory listing. This may also be passed on to connected clients. There is no default.


A description of the stream that should be used in a directory listing. This may also be passed on to connected clients. There is no default.

Audio::Libshout v0.0.14

Binding for libshout - source streaming client library for icecast


  • Jonathan Stowe




Test Dependencies


  • Audio::Libshout

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.