
=title class Zef::Service::Shell::git
=subtitle A git based implementation of the Fetcher and Extractor interfaces


    use Zef;
    use Zef::Service::Shell::git;
    my $git =;
    # Fetch the git repository
    my $tag-or-sha = "@v0.9.0";
    my $source     = "{$tag-or-sha}";
    my $save-to    = $*CWD.child("backup_dir{$tag-or-sha}"); # must include tag in save path currently :/
    my $saved-to   = $git.fetch($source, $save-to);
    say "Zef META6 from HEAD: ";
    say $saved-to.child("META6.json").slurp;
    # Extract the repository
    my $extract-to   = $*CWD.child("extracted_backup_dir");
    my $extracted-to = $git.extract($saved-to, $extract-to);
    say "Zef META6 from older $tag-or-sha: ";
    say $extracted-to.dir.first({ .basename eq "META6.json" }).slurp;


Fetcher and Extractor class for handling git URIs using the git command.

You probably never want to use this unless its indirectly through Zef::Fetch or Zef::Extractor; handling files and spawning processes will generally be easier using core language functionality. This class exists to provide the means for cloning git repos and checking out revisions using the Fetcher and Extractor interfaces that the e.g. http/tar fetching/extracting adapters use.


method probe

method probe(--> Bool:D)

Returns True if this module can successfully launch the git command.

method fetch-matcher

method fetch-matcher(Str() $uri --> Bool:D)

Returns True if this module knows how to fetch $uri, which it decides based on if a parsed $uri ends with .git (including local directories) and starts with any of http git ssh.

method extract-matcher

method extract-matcher(Str() $uri --> Bool:D) 

Returns True if this module knows how to extract $uri, which it decides based on if a parsed $uri looks like a directory and if git status can successfully be run from that directory.

method fetch

method fetch(Str() $uri, IO() $save-to, Supplier :$stdout, Supplier :$stderr --> IO::Path)

Fetches the given $uri via git clone $uri $save-to, or via git pull if $save-to is an existing git repo. A Supplier can be supplied as :$stdout and :$stderr to receive any output.

On success it returns the IO::Path where the data was actually saved to. On failure it returns Nil.

method extract

method extract(IO() $repo-path, IO() $extract-to, Supplier :$stdout, Supplier :$stderr)

Extracts the given $repo-path from the file system to $save-to via git checkout .... A Supplier can be supplied as :$stdout and :$stderr to receive any output.

On success it returns the IO::Path where the data was actually extracted to. On failure it returns Nil.

method ls-files

method ls-files(IO() $repo-path --> Array[Str])

On success it returns an Array of relative paths that are available to be extracted from $repo-path.

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