
=title class Zef::Service::Shell::Test
=subtitle A raku executable based implementation of the Tester interface


    use Zef;
    use Zef::Service::Shell::Test;
    my $test = Zef::Service::Shell::Test.new;
    # Add logging if we want to see output
    my $stdout = Supplier.new;
    my $stderr = Supplier.new;
    $stdout.Supply.tap: { say $_ };
    $stderr.Supply.tap: { note $_ };
    # Assuming our current directory is a raku distribution
    # with no dependencies or all dependencies already installed...
    my $dist-to-test = $*CWD;
    my Str @includes = $*CWD.absolute;
    my $passed = so $test.test($dist-to-test, :@includes, :$stdout, :$stderr);
    say $passed ?? "PASS" !! "FAIL";


Tester class for handling path based URIs ending in .rakutest / .t6 / .t using the raku command.

You probably never want to use this unless its indirectly through Zef::Test; handling files and spawning processes will generally be easier using core language functionality. This class exists to provide the means for fetching a file using the Tester interfaces that the e.g. Test/TAP adapters use.


method probe

method probe(--> Bool:D)

Returns True if this module can successfully launch the raku command (i.e. always returns True).

method test-matcher

method test-matcher(Str() :uri($) --> Bool:D)

Returns True if this module knows how to test $uri. This module always returns True right now since it just launches tests directly with the raku command.

method test

method test(IO() $path, Str :@includes, Supplier :$stdout, Supplier :$stderr --> Bool:D)

Test the files ending in .rakutest .t6 or .t in the t/ directory of the given $path using the provided @includes (e.g. /foo/bar or inst#/foo/bar) via the raku command. A Supplier can be supplied as :$stdout and :$stderr to receive any output.

Returns True if all test files exited with 0.

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.