
=title class Zef::Service::Shell::DistributionBuilder
=subtitle A META6-supplied raku module based implementation of the Builder interface


    use Zef;
    use Zef::Service::Shell::DistributionBuilder;
    my $builder = Zef::Service::Shell::DistributionBuilder.new;
    # Add logging if we want to see output
    my $stdout = Supplier.new;
    my $stderr = Supplier.new;
    $stdout.Supply.tap: { say $_ };
    $stderr.Supply.tap: { note $_ };
    # Assuming our current directory is a raku distribution with something like
    # `"builder" : "Distribution::Builder::MakeFromJSON"` in its META6.json
    #  and has no dependencies (or all dependencies already installed)...
    my $dist-to-build = Zef::Distribution::Local.new($*CWD);
    my Str @includes = $*CWD.absolute;
    my $built-ok = so $builder.build($dist-to-build, :@includes, :$stdout, :$stderr);
    say $built-ok ?? "OK" !! "Something went wrong";


Builder class for handling local distributions that include a "builder" : "..." in their META6.json. For example "builder" : "Distribution::Builder::MakeFromJSON" will spawn a process where it passes the module Distribution::Builder::MakeFromJSON the path of the distribution and the parsed meta data (from which it may use other instructions from non-standard fields in the META6.json).


method probe

method probe(--> Bool:D)

Returns True if this module can successfully launch the raku command (i.e. always returns True).

method build-matcher

method build-matcher(Zef::Distribution::Local $dist --> Bool:D)

Returns True if this module knows how to test $uri. This module always returns True right now since it just uses the raku command.

method build

method build(Zef::Distribution::Local $dist, Str :@includes, Supplier :$stdout, Supplier :$stderr --> Bool:D)

Launches a process to invoke whatever module is in the builder field of the $dist META6.json while passing that module the meta data of $dist it is to build (allowing non-spec keys to be used by such modules to allow consumers/authors to supply additional data). A Supplier can be supplied as :$stdout and :$stderr to receive any output.

See Distribution::Builder::MakeFromJSON in the ecosystem for an example of such a builder, and see Inline::Python for an example of a distribution built using such a builder.

Returns True if the raku process spawned to run the build module exits 0.

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.