
=title class Zef::Service::InstallRakuDistribution
=subtitle A raku CompUnit::Repository based implementation of the Installer interface


    use Zef;
    use Zef::Service::InstallRakuDistribution;
    my $installer =;
    # Add logging if we want to see output
    my $stdout =;
    my $stderr =;
    $stdout.Supply.tap: { say $_ };
    $stderr.Supply.tap: { note $_ };
    # Assuming our current directory is a raku distribution
    # with no dependencies or all dependencies already installed...
    my $dist-to-install =$*CWD);
    my $cur = CompUnit::RepositoryRegistry.repository-for-name("site"); # default install location
    my $passed = so $installer.install($dist-to-test, :$cur, :$stdout, :$stderr);
    say $passed ?? "PASS" !! "FAIL";


Installer class for handling raku Distribution installation (it installs raku modules).

You probably never want to use this unless its indirectly through Zef::Install.


method probe

method probe(--> Bool:D)

Returns True if this module believes all run time prerequisites are met. Since the only prerequisite is $*EXECUTABLE this always returns True.

method install-matcher

method install-matcher(Distribution $ --> Bool:D) { return True }

Returns True if this module knows how to install the given Distribution.

Note: This always returns True right now, but may not in the future if zef learns how to install packages from other languages (such as perl via a cpanm wrapper).

method install

method install(Distribution $dist, CompUnit::Repository :$cur, Bool :$force, Bool :$precompile, Supplier $stdout, Suppluer :$stderr --> Bool:D)

Install the distribution $dist to the CompUnit::Repository $cur. If $force is True then it will allow reinstalling an already installed distribution. If $precompile is False then it will not precompile during installation. A Supplier can be supplied as :$stdout and :$stderr to receive any output.

Returns True if the install succeeded.

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.