
=title class Zef::Repository::LocalCache
=subtitle A local caching implementation of the Repository interface


    use Zef::Fetch;
    use Zef::Repository::LocalCache;
    # Point cache at default zef cache so there are likely some distributions to see
    my $cache = $*HOME.child(".zef/store");
    my $repo  = Zef::Repository::LocalCache.new(:$cache);
    # Print out all available distributions from this repository
    say $_.dist.identity for $repo.available;


The Repository zef uses for its local cache. It is intended to keep track of contents of a directory full of raku distributions. It provides the optional Repository method store which allows it to save/copy any modules downloaded by other repositories.

Note: distributions installed from local file paths (i.e. zef install ./my-module) will not be cached since local development of modules often occurs without immediately bumping versions (and thus a stale version would soon get cached).

Note: THIS IS PROBABLY NOT ANY MORE EFFICIENT THAN ::Ecosystems BASED REPOSITORIES At one time json parsing/writing was slow enough that parts of this implementation were faster. Now it is mostly just useful for dynamically generating the MANIFEST.zef from the directory structure this repository expects instead of fetching a file like Zef::Repository::Ecosystems.


method search(Bool :$strict, *@identities ($, *@), *%fields --> Array[Candidate])

Resolves each identity in @identities to all of its matching Candidates. If $strict is False then it will consider partial matches on module short-names (i.e. 'zef search HTTP' will get results for e.g. HTTP::UserAgent).

method available

method available(*@plugins --> Array[Candidate])

Returns an Array of all Candidate provided by this repository instance (i.e. all distributions in the local cache).

method update

method update(--> Nil)

Attempts to update the local file / database using the first of @.mirrors that successfully fetches.

method store

method store(*@dists --> Nil)

Attempts to store/save/cache each @dist. Generally this is called when a module is fetched from e.g. cpan so that this module can cache it locally for next time. Note distributions fetched from local paths (i.e. `zef install .`) do not generally get passed to this method.

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.