
Provides a list of Win32 drives and drive types.

Raku module - Provides a list of Win32 drives and drive types.

OS Supported:

Only Win32 by Native calls.

Installing the module

zef update
zef install Win32::DrivesAndTypes

Example Usage:

use v6;
use Win32::DrivesAndTypes;

say "Drive Type";

for Win32_Drives() {

	say $_ ~ "     " ~ Win32_DriveType($_)

Win32_Drives() function

Returns a @list of Strings with detected drives (A..Z).

Win32_DriveType(Str) function

Accepts one string parameter with a letter drive (A..Z) and returns a string with the drive type that can be:

  • DRIVE_UNKNOWN: The type cannot be determined.

  • DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR: Invalid drive.

  • DRIVE_REMOVABLE: USB sticks, external HD, etc.

  • DRIVE_FIXED: HardDisk.

  • DRIVE_REMOTE: Remote network drive like a shared folder.

  • DRIVE_CDROM: CD-ROM drive.


  • or ERROR.

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.